

They turned their head to the side. "Not what you expected?" Their tone almost suggesting they were insulted. They leant forward and swung their leg over the back of their steed and landed on the ground with a rather rattled thud. Boralious gazed at the figure he swore he could see their eyes glowing from the darkness of their helm, it was a gentle purple.

"Remove your helmet warrior." The advisor demanded. They did as they were told, they unbuckled the chin strap and slid their helmet off to reveal a young rosie cheeked elf, their hair long and white, it had been all braided and tied into a high ponytail, her eyes a lilac purple, her pupils in the shape of a waxing crescent of the moon. Her lips small and petite but pale, her armour hugged her and her long white cloak with fur on the inside dragged on the floor.

"Do forgive me my lady, I didn't realise you had such beauty." The king said dropping to his knees taking her hand and kissed it.

"I am no lady, I'm  just an elf and a servant to you." she said and pulled her hand out of his grip. "what did you call me here for?" She asked.

"Well Quelastia I wanted you to train my men in your ancient ways of combat." He t Li her.

"I only taught the mounted division." She said taking off her gloves and walking into the hall and headed to the fire. The king and his advisor followed.

"And so you shall be assigned to the cavalry." The advisor told her.

"You have enough horses?" She asked looking over her shoulder slightly, her eyes rolling back in her skull, as she looked at the two men.

"No, we don't, we lost half of the horses we had in our last battle." The advisor replied. The king and Quelastia stood in front of the hearth, it looked like the gaping jaw of a dragon ready to disintegrate them with its flames.

"Please sit," the king said offering her one of the mahogany chairs in front of the fire. Quelastia collapsed into the chair on the left and the king sat on her right. "Wine?" He offered.

"I don't like wine I find it dulls the senses." She rolled her silver ring around her finger so the amethyst now faced away from them.

"How many of you are there left?" The advisor asked rather ignorantly.

"I am the last of my kind, the others were hunted down like dogs, their unicorns killed for their horns, if a unicorn dies so does their rider. We are bound." She said, her eyes locked with the kings it seemed he had tears glittering in them.

"We shall protect your beast, he will be locked up with all the other horses, we have the finest security." The advisor said.

"He's not a beast his name is Babylont, named after where he was born in the south, and where our bond began." She said.

Next chapter