
Step 7

For two weeks now I have been trying to get observation and stealth, unfortunately to no avail.

It's not that nothing at all, there were very useful acquisitions, and not so much, but what I need, I did not get. To be honest, I can't understand what I'm doing wrong, I seem to be doing everything like everyone else, but there is no result, or not the one I would like to get.

For example, observation, how does everybody usually get it, sit and stare at some object or person, and boom, the skill of observation is created by the action.

I honestly did as written, sat and poked at the scroll that lay in front of me for hours at a time, and never got anything done. Even the system was silent about it, not responding to requests.

Then, after thinking hard about the reasons for such a set-up, and came to the conclusion that about the scroll and other things on which I was trying to get this skill, I already know everything, so we need an unfamiliar thing, but with this there were serious problems.

To get such things was not from where, and therefore I spit on it, why bother to search for such things, because there are crowds of strangers walking around the village, on which you can get this skill. And to combine this, with getting another extremely useful skill, and just necessary, for my ingenious and insidious plan, stealth.

I was a little disappointed when I studied the auction and the forum in more detail, even after buying the skills they still need to be activated by skill points, some simple abilities needed a little - one or two skill points, but for something cooler it's much more. For example, Cero from the Bleach world, in addition to his 700,000 SC cost, required fifty skill points to activate. The only way to activate it, however, is if you're lucky enough to get an item that's not a level one. Unless you're very lucky to get it as a reward for quests.

With the soul crystals, too, everything is not so simple. I took the crystal out of the inventory, and examined it, and was even glad at first thought I got an observation, above the crystal was the inscription "Soul Crystal" Lvl. 11. My joy was short-lived, before I tried to identify something else, and failed. But the very fact that the crystal has a level, I was interested.

After a long search for an answer on the forum, it turned out that crystals have gradations. Crystals from the first to the tenth level are small crystals of souls, from the eleventh to the twentieth level are considered standard, but above the twentieth, the situation changes radically. For example, a twenty-fifth level crystal was equal to five of any eleventh through twentieth level crystals.

In general, there was a very complex and intricate system of evaluation, after the fiftieth, and the hundredth level, the difference only increased, and there were also named soul crystals, with them a separate story.

But such a system seems quite logical to me, now you killed some peasant and got a crystal, or managed to kill Madara and got the same, it' not the right one. And the higher the level of the enemy, the higher the level of the obtained crystal, the more you can get for it.

I couldn't find an answer as to why crystals from levels eleven through twenty were taken as the standard unit of payment. But that's when I came up with my ingenious plan.

Well going back to my not very successful attempts to get these skills, not having found a description of how to do it on the forum, I continued to use my own knowledge, gleaned from fanfiction, and books on such topics.

But there was a problem here, too. I watched people from the shadows of houses or dark alleys, trying to unlock my observation by peering diligently at passersby, sitting in the darkest corners.

But the skill did not want to be created, despite all my efforts. Not that it was entirely fruitless, but I did get something. On the third day of my torture, the system rewarded me with another useless skill.

*Param pampam.


*Skill created by action: "Annoying Look" level MAX.

"Annoying Look":

*Causes the victim to feel a sense of mild anxiety, severe irritation, and the desire to punch you in the face.

The effectiveness of this skill has been proven in practice, a broken nose, and a black eye under my left eye, which I got in a fight with the kids I was staring at, trying to unlock observation.

But I was too hasty in concluding that the skill was useless. The ability to piss off anyone just by looking at them is worth a lot. I used it on the vendors in the stores that refused to sell to me or overpriced them.

I stood a hundred meters away from the store, so that I could see the victim, and staring at him, after about five minutes, the victim's nerves gave up, and spitting on everything, he rushed to clean my face. Naturally I did not stand, as soon as I saw that the victim had come to his condition immediately began to run away, a head start in a hundred meters and the obstacles in the form of the counter, made it possible to escape, but not always.

Hello again!

If you find any errors, show them for correction, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Agnostoscreators' thoughts
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