
Chapter 1 - Where it Started

3pm - Hapoziku Company

The standard office a company can offer, wage that doesn't seem to go any higher, and life that isn't getting any better, yet it's not that terrible.

Zikito finishes his work on his desk, a financial report of his company. His coworker approaches him.

"I've never seen you on overtime, Zikito senpai." Shogo looked at Zikito exhausted.

"It's only normal to finish these before I head home." Sighed Zikito.

Zikito picks his papers and cleans his desk. The other 10 coworkers aren't even done, some are even tired and sleeping.

"I'll be heading to our office chief." Zikito nonchalantly spoke.

The other coworkers stared at Zikito, then returned back to their work. Shogo smiled as he returned back to his desk. Zikito walked towards the office chief to pass his paper.

"You never cease to surprise me, Zikito." Mr. Haruto spoke with a subtle smile.

"I'm sure you know I can't release you now, but you may take a break." Mr. Haruto added, looking at Zikito.

"Thanks for your hard work to our company, Zikito." Mr. Haruto smiled with his last regard.

"Yes, Haruto-san." Zikito spoke with a faint smile, face ever so casual.

Zikito walked towards the elevator to head down and buy some snacks. Loud police sirens could be heard from afar, Zikito ignored it and proceeded to Mishu Convenience store. He picked up a cream puff and fresh milk.

"That'll be 260 yen." The cashier said.

Zikito opened his wallet to take a thousand yen note and handed it to the cashier. The cashier gave him change and greeted,

"Have a nice day sir."

"You too." Zikito replied.

Zikito then went out to eat the cream puff he bought, breathing the fresh Japanese air. He sat beside a bench near a tree and ate them in peace. The environment is especially calm, his state of mind in peace. An old man approached and sat beside him.

"It's not everyday we get to see this type of peace." The old man stated with a modest grin.

"It's only normal for us to enjoy this." Zikito commented while eating his cream puff.

The old man chuckled.

"Surely not the same as the old days." The old man remarked.

Zikito looked at the old man, about 90 or maybe a hundred years old.

"I assume you're a tough man, and thank you for your service." Zikito expressed with a modest curve.

Zikito looked at his watch, it's 4:27pm.

"It's almost five, I have to get going." ZIkito voiced.

"Thank you, and take care." The old man mentioned with a soft expression.

Zikito threw his garbage and headed back towards the building.He took the elevator to go to his desk. The air seems to be a little bit tense...

"Hey! Zikito! We're in a tight situation here.. You see....." Takumi greeted with a concerned tone.

Zikito looked over the room to see everyone rushing to do something, all wide awake and serious. Mr. Haruto approached Zikito.

"I thought it'd be nice for me to at least give these to you." Mr. Haruto chuckled faintly while carrying enormous work.

Zikito stared at the paperwork Mr. Haruto decided to personally deliver.

"Thank you, Haruto-san, I'll finish these as soon as possible." Zikito replied with a faint smile.

Zikito took the pile of papers as he clenched his grip with a boiled brain, indeed angry.

"I might be going home a little late.." Zikito snapped back, as he walked to his desk.

Zikito saw Renzo, Haruki, and Kazuki already laying down on their desks, a short surrender to the overwhelming pressure. Zikito walked over to their desks and took the papers then brought them to his own desk.

"They should at least go home first, someone is waiting for them." Zikito lamented.

Zikito proceeded to finish the papers without further due. It was almost 6pm- it was 5:32pm. Yet without doubt, he finished them all. Mr. Haruto saw Zikito's desk all emptied and with outputs ready to be submitted. Mr. Haruto smiled.

"You're truly a great asset to this company, Zikito." Mr. Haruto smiled subtly.

"Additionally, you may leave at 6." Mr. Haruto added.

"Thank you, Haruto-san." Zikito nodded as Mr. Haruto left.

Renzo woke up to see that his desk was empty. Renzo woke in a panic, searching for the papers in his table,

"OH NO, WHERE DID I-. Holy cra-"

Before Renzo could finish, Zikito stared at him and spoke.

"Go home early, and stand strong, your kids are waiting." Zikito replied with a stern look.

"But I-." Renzo argued, but before he could continue,

"Go!" Zikito insisted, leaving no room for negotiation.

Haruki and Kazuki woke up, they panicked for a while, but they saw and knew that Zikito did it. They approached Zikito. Amidst this, Renzo was speechless.

"Thank you Zikito, you're a lifesaver!" Kazuki expressed with slowly vanishing exhaustion.

"We're going to have a drink, you should come, Zikito senpai!" Haruki conveyed with eagerness, trying to recover from exhaustion.

Zikito fixed his suit and corrected his glasses.

"I'm heading home, but I hope you'll invite me next time." Zikito declined modestly, refusing their offer.

"We will, and take care Zikito senpai!" Kazuki expressed.

Zikito took the elevator down to the front desk to log out and call it a day.

"Thank you for your hard work." Miss Takumi greeted as Zikito logged out.

Zikito smiled faintly and nodded, then headed towards his apartment. With relatively low traffic, he went home without trouble. He took the stairs then opened his apartment door, nothing unusual. Before he could go inside, his neighbor noticed him.

'Oh it's you Zikito-san! Come on in, we're having dinner." Mrs. Riku invited Zikito.

This has become normal to Zikito, Mrs. Riku and Mr. Kenta's hospitality towards Zikito is always as warm. Mr. Kento is a teacher in Ryokai HighSchool.

"Thank you, Mrs. Riku." Zikito replied with a modest smile.

Mr. Kento approached the door.

"We're both home early, aren't we, Zikito-san!" Mr. Kenta greeted cheerfully even when exhausted from work.

Ryoma went out the door to greet his father, Mr. Kenta.

"Papa!" Ryoma happily welcomed his father, hugging him tightly.

"Konbanwa papa and Zikito-san! Mommy made dinner!" Ryoma radiantly smiled, putting a smile to their face. Ryoma grabbed his father's hand as he led them inside. It was a really warm atmosphere. Everyone then sat beside the table, Zikito and Mr. Kento took off their coats. They then all said,


All of them proceeded to eat happily.

"Oishiiii!!!!!!" Mr. Kento exclaimed.

Zikito stared at their happy family, it's warm, and he's happy that he saw this happy family.

"Thank you for the food, Mr. Kento and Mrs. Ryoma, oyasumi." Zikito smiled then said his goodbyes.

"Bye Zikito-san!!!!!!!" Ryoma called out happily, waving his hands.

"See you tomorrow, Zikito-san." Mr. Kento said with a nod.

Zikito went inside his apartment, then took a warm shower to relieve his pain. It took several minutes until he suddenly slipped and blacked out.

"This is bad..." Zikito muttered as he struggled to stand up.

Zikito gathered his strength to even just lift his head. Fortunately, he won and stood back up. He coughed up a little bit of blood, then punched the wall.

"Fucking hell, that was close." Zikito uttered, recovering.

Zikito wiped his face, still the same 30 year old man he is. However, when he opened the door, was it even his house? It was the sound of carriages and the crowd. Zikito quickly closed the door.

"Crap, I hit my head real bad." Zikito groaned, trying to process what had just happened.

He opened the door again, and the same thing happened.

"God, am I dead?" Zikito wondered amidst his confusion.

The place was the brimming road of the capital Joales, the medieval home to many. The place was set back in time, people were talking to each other, the crowd was quite loud, but not deafening. Zikito closed the door in anger.

"I'll just sleep here... fucking hell..." Zikito muttered.

Zikito then grabbed a towel to cover himself with and go to sleep. He really did sleep. What might happen in the next chapter....?


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