
2. First day of my new life

I woke up the next day in the plane I boarded and found out we were landing in 15 minutes, so I arranged my things and got set to come down.

Soon the plane landed and I found myself in California; I ordered a taxi and went to a hotel to Lodge. When I got there, I went to have my bath then I changed into some clothes then I moved into the first challenge of the day: combing my hair, I wished my maids were here so that they would help me but I just put that into the back of my mind and just brushed my hair

I left the hotel and went for a stroll when Gina called me on video. "Hey big sis." Gina said.

"Hi Gina." I said while walking.

"How's California?." she asked.

"It's nice... I guess." I said.

"So what are you gonna do next ?."Gina asked

"I don't know but I think I'll rent an apartment then enroll for University." I said.

"Oh ... I guess you're gonna meet alot of people." she said.

"Hmmmm, yeah but I have this school in mind it's called the Cambridge Academy." I said.

"It sounds like an expensive school but it's nothing you can't handle right?. " Gina asked .

"Nope,... nothing your big sis can't handle." I said.

"Okay I'll call you later.... Some guards are coming to my room." she said.

"Okay; my regards to Ronald." I said.

" Okay bye, I love you."she said.

"Love you too." I said and hung up.

I went back to my hotel room and and sat on the bed then I started browsing about Cambridge University and filled an application form hoping for them to call me;

Later on, I started checking for malls nearby cause I needed to change by wardrobe since I was applying for a new boarding University.

At 2:30pm, I went to a shopping mall nearby and bought some clothes and boots; I was undercover here so I made up my mind not to dress like royalty so I just bought : crop-tops, hoodies, jeans, heels and some gowns, after shopping, I went back to my hotel room when I got a text from Cambridge University saying they would love to have me in their school and I should come and make payments. I was overjoyed;

The next day, I got a luggage and put my clothes there, then I packed my phone, earpiece and charger, and checked out of the hotel.


On getting there, I saw a girl who was holding her phone while chewing gum, with two girls behind her, then I walked up to her.

" Please excuse me, do you know wher--" I was cut off when she said:

" Hey, hey, hey, who are you?, Get away from me before I contact weirdness" She said .

"Excuse me, do you have to be so rude?, All I wanted was to ask you a question." I said angrily and walked away from her.

Luckily, I met a girl called Ella, she was kind enough to show me to the accountant's office;

When I got there, I met that rude girl from earlier today there; She looked at me with eyes of hatred but I just smirked and she almost exploded; I just ignored her and walked up to the accountant.

"Hi how may I help you girls? " The woman asked but before I could speak, that girl just pushed me and started talking.

" I'm Jennifer and I need to pay for a dorm" she said.

"Oh; so Jennifer was this idiots name. " I thought.

"Hi ma'am I'm Chloe and I want to pay for a dorm." I said.

And the woman smiled at me and said "Well girls there are different dorm levels; there's wood which is 10,000 dollars; Gold which is 20,000 dollars and Diamond which is 50,000 dollars" she said.

"I would like to purchase the wood category; not like you can afford it " Jennifer said while referring to me, and smiled wickedly.

OMG! this idiot was pushing my buttons buy I didn't want to show her the devil in me so I just smirked.

"Miss Chloe, which would you like to purchase?" The accountant asked.

"I would like to purchase the Diamond category please." I said and made sure I said 'DIAMOND' a bit louder so that she would hear;

After I paid, I walked up to her and said " What? Cat got your tongue? Why aren't you yapping?" I said and walked away from her.

I got to my dorm with the assistance of the accountant. When I entered I noticed this room looked almost like mine back home, with the walls painted color palette with some frames on the walls, I noticed a king sized bed, I guess that's what you get for purchasing the Diamond category; On one side of the large room, I saw some gray colored chairs and one sofa, with a coffee table at the center.

After observing, I went to the bathroom and freshened up , then I got on the bed and covered myself with the duvet cover , cause the AC was set to the lowest temperature; and I was cold so I just slept off.


The next day *******


I woke up early the next day and called Ronald on video.

" Hola." I said

" Hey sis. " he said

"Good morning, where's Gina?" I asked

" She's here and she's not in a good mood, she thinks she can beat me with her sword." Ronald said.

" I don't think I can beat you, I know I can beat you " Gina said angrily.

" Oh yeah but you can't even strike me, despite me using just one hand " Ronald said and turned to face me. He was off guard, then Gina took his sword and cleared him on the ground.

" See, I just beat you, and it wasn't that hard." Gina said with one of her legs on his stomach.

" You didn't beat me. " Ronald said

" Oh yeah?. " Gina said and stepped on him harder.

" Fine, fine you beat me." Ronald said.

"HELLO." I said.

"Oh my." Gina said and took the phone from Ronald.

"Good morning big sis." Gina said .

"Good morning, today's my first day of school." I said excitedly .

"Better get ready." Gina said.

"Yeah bye, love you both." I said and hung up .

I got ready for the day and by the grace of God, I managed to pack my hair.

I left my room and walked down the hallway and went to my locker to keep some books ; when I was done, I turned to leave when I slipped on the wet floor, but someone caught me, I closed my eyes so when I opened them I saw a guy that looked super cute.

"Thanks " I said still looking at him , he looked familiar.

"You're welcome." he said.

"You look familiar, have we met? " I asked.

"I don't know but you also look familiar." he said.

"Anyway, thanks again." I said and left cause I was gonna be late for class.

The rubber band I used to tie my hair was loosing so I walked carefully so that it wouldn't cut but as soon as I opened my class door the stupid rubber band ditched me and cut off, and there was no tuning back cause the teacher called me.

"Oh a new student, please what's your name" he said .

"Hi I'm Chloe Daniels" I said.

"Oh, miss Daniels it's nice to meet you, you can go and sit next to Ella." he said .

As I was going to sit I heard some students say "Wow so Rapunzel is real".

I just ignored them and went to sit with Ella.

"OMG, I love your hair." she said.

" Really thanks" I said. Then that boy I met earlier today came in and introduced himself as Leon , then he went to his seat and sat down.

Next chapter