
Ben and Mila

After considering everything, Rachael agreed. "Okay but you don't have to get it. I'll—" 

"No—" Elsa interrupted her. "If you go, Andrew will find out." 

"But he has already seen it." 

"That doesn't matter, the main part is to make sure he doesn't know you are taking it with you," Elsa stated. 

"Yes, this way he will be very surprised when he sees you in it," Tina added. 

"What is my girl gang talking about?" Emma walked into the room. 

"Oh look who decided to finally show up," Tina Looked at Emma and smiled, "It's good to see that you are still alive." 

"Of course I am alive," Emma exclaimed. "Did you think I was dead?" 

"Where were you?" Rachael curiously inquired. She hadn't seen Emma for the past two days and she did not even receive any message from her which was quite unlikely. 

"I was a little busy." To avoid any further questions, Emma quickly changed the topic. "So, what discussion was going on?" 

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