
Prologue: Dwindling Population

"Your majesty we simply cannot keep going like this" a thin man wearing a suit with wide circular glasses exclaims pointing at a graph clearly showing a decrease. "Very well. Initiate plan mix and match" A burly man who curiously seems to have a mane of bright red hair and ears on top of his head, sitting on a throne replies in a tired voice.

The other man seems shocked "But your majesty... the backlash would be immense!" he exclaims as though attempting to convince the man in front of him. The man on the throne stands up and shouts "Do you think I don't know that André? But what else can I do? We have tried everything yet interspecies marriages are still rare and our population keeps lowering. Now with the threat of a war on the horizon in a few years we need to bolster our ranks!" he stops and takes a deep breath before saying "Pardon me for that shameful display André but I'm really on my last leg here. There is no other option..."

The man who seems shocked at the emperor's outburst schools his features and says "Very well sir... What about that..." The emperor frowns and says "Leave it. In the end nobody could do anything even if they wanted to..."

In another part of the gigantic kingdom in a small pub. A short woman with bright red hair can be seen gulping down a barrel of beer. *Bang* *Burp* After slamming down the barrel and burping she shouts in a slightly slurred voice "Anotherrrr...". Behind the bar an old man with antlers coming out of his forehead frowns slightly "No. You've had 3 already and you're scaring away all my customers... Again!" The girl frowns and seems to be about to reply when she decides otherwise and throws a handful of silver coins at the bar owner before getting up and leaving.

The bar owner is left stunned as he mutters "She needs to stop drinking so much and find herself a good man. She ain't that young any more"...

In yet another part of the kingdom. Inside a large mansions on a fancy bed lays a black haired youth. His features can only be described as delicate. He trembles in his sleep whimpering "no... father... please no... NOOOOOO!" He wakes up with a start and clutches his head in pain "Ughhh again with the same dream. I don't understand how it's been almost a month... Why do I have a headache every time... Geez..." He gets off the bed showing off his frankly imposing height as he walks through the winding halls of the mansion.

In a land far away from the empire a man stands wearing a robe stands looking down into a black pit. He appears to be speaking to himself. He turns around and tosses something into the pit which slightly glows for a moment before he leaves.

Little did anyone know, the wheels of fate had started turning... and they were turning fast...

Yo! Spider here! I know... I know... not a great prologue but like its my first story okay? cut me some slack. Anyways daily fantasy fact of the day: Did you know in many fantasy setting female dwarves are portrayed as having beards similar to their male counter parts? Partly to explore different unconventional social conventions and to show that in a fantasy world beauty may be even more subjective than it is in ours. Anyways nobody probably bothered reading that but hey. I tried. Hopefully ya'll will like the next chapter

Tristan_SALcreators' thoughts