I took my bath and went downstairs. "I cant believe you guys are eating without me" I said with a fake frown as I sat. "I was too hungry to wait" Dave said. We were just four at the table. Mum, Dave, James and I. "Where's dad?" i asked. "He's filling in for David at the office" mum replied. "I took today off too" I said. "Why?" James asked. "You just got back, wont I spend time with you" I replied. "What? Are you being serious?" David asked. "Yeah. You took the day off because of me?" James asked. I understand what they are driving at. I never miss a day at work. "Maybe I should just go" I said. "Noooo" Dave and James said together. "Since you wont be going to work today. Lets go out. Just you and me" James said. "No problem" I said smiling.

After breakfast, I went to change into a more suitable cloth. I wore a short flare gown. I went downstairs to meet James. "Let's go" I said. "Wow. You look beautiful." I blushed. "Thanks" I said.

"Where are we going?" I asked. James chuckled. "Always curious. Wait and see. It's meant to be a surprise" he said. I rolled my eyes but gave no reply.

We went to different places. We went to the park, the mall, the cinema and ended the day in a high class restaurant.

"When did you realize that you love me?" James asked me over dinner. I looked at him. "I've always loved you. I just never realized it. Then, I wanted you to come back as soon as possible. Then I realized that I love you more than just a best friend." I replied and he smiled. "What about you? When did you realize that you love me?" I asked. "That will be the time we became best friends" he said and I gasped. "That long?" I asked shocked. "Yeah" he replied.

We talked about the things we've missed in each other's lives. "Christie, I've loved you for a while now, and I still do. I know you love me too. I want us to be together. Will you be my girlfriend?" James asked.
