
Unearth The Lost Memory

David Liciente, a young man, found a new world where he could recover his memory. A new realm that alters his life, a world where he discovers the other reality.

sstfar · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The People of Black Heaven Manor

"stop" the guy shouted as he stopped the horse

"Stop speaking Chinese, did you all forget what I've said? If we have a new visitor who speaks English, let's welcome the person in the English Language" the Man stood up and faced the old man with a white long beard.

"Young Master! We no speak English good, spare us!" the Head Black Manor said as he tried his best to speak.

"Wen Liyao, the more we speak English, the more we get better, all of you" The guy turned around to David "Let's welcome— what's your name?" The guy asked David who was now staring at the surroundings "What's your name?" The Guy asked him again. "Oh, I-I don't know, I don't know my name, I don't have one" David said as he lowered his head because of embarrassment.

"Hao! Let's forget his name, and uncle Wen Liyao don't do this again" the guy said while pointing the troops around "It's not that I came back after so many years gone"

"Yes! Master" the Head Black Heaven Manor, Wen Liyao bowed and he left along with the troops and now they're alone, The guy faced him "You!" David was startled after pointing him a finger "w-what?"

"I'm Xihuan, Wen Xihuan the Young Master of Black Heaven Manor" David looked at him "Why are you looking at me like that?" Wen Xihuan found him annoying, the way he looked at him felt like he disrespect him.

"You're high than me?" David asked him in a 'not interested' voice "Yes, I'm higher than you, you didn't even know that?" he sighed, David raised his brows "Should I bow myself to you? Like shiwa~ shiwa~ shiwa~" David sarcastically said as he mocked the actions like the Troops did to him a while ago.

"Y-you! How dare you!" Wen Xihuan pointed him with an annoyed face "You're disrespecting me! get out" Wen Xihuan changed his mind about inviting the young boy to his Manor. "Eh Eh sorry" David sighed "It's hard to pronounce it, I'll call you ToGai" David said and he was about to go down when the guy held his shoulder "It's a sacred name, why don't you use it? It is not hard to pronounce, What is Togai?"

"Tough" David said "is Strong, and Guy is you" David said while he pointed to him with his index finger "You mean Tough Guy?" Xinhuan asked and David nodded a yes "What a shame! Don't call me that, call me Samwell instead" Samwell smirked with a proud action.

*This guy is so arrogant* David thinks as he watched Samwell doing some proud pose in front of him. He stood up and released a heavy breath, "Samwell? Okay, I got it" David said and he was about to go down when Samwell grabbed his hand "What about yours? What should I call you?"

"I don't know, I don't have a name" David said with an awkward tone as he shrugged "Then, shall I call you William" David was amazed after he got a new name with eyes sparkling with joy, he finally have a name.

"William, It is cool, it's really!! Thank you Samwell!" David said and he's about to go down on the horse when suddenly Samwell jumped off first. "Let me lend you a hand" Samwell said as he offered his hand "No, it's okay I can jump too" David jumped "See?" Samwell only stared at him.

*This place is so cool, this is really cool and beautiful at the same time*

The sun went down and the dark is all ready to begin, David and Samwell went to a small room and Samwell changed his clothes while David is only looking at him. "You have to stay here, this is not my room this is Ren's room if you have anything to ask, you can ask the Ren Maids here, Ren is a people who are the servant of the Black Heaven Manor" Samwell said as he changed his clothes with a white blouse jacket, a strip of white fabric wrapped around his waist added a thin red robe and thick black robe, thick fabric black belt around on his waist, black trouser, and long shoes up to his knees.

"Samwell I don't want to stay here" David said while sitting on the ground, he is afraid that something might happen to him. He glanced at him with a worried look "That's why I bring you here for you to stay, don't tell anybody what sect you are or else they'll get you on the Manor" Samwell said while he was holding a sword "I don't know what your intention here, just stay silent and don't make a move"

"No, I don't want to stay here, I told you, I'll do everything what will you say or what will you do to me" David stood up "You don't know where we going, it's dangerous more than you think" Samwell said

"Please, let me go with you" David started crying that makes Samwell panic as he don't know what to do and wrong he did "W-wait, okay you don't have to cry, I'll go back tomorrow, all you have to do is wait here okay?" Samwell said in a careful voice as David nodded and said, "Okay, I'll stay here"

"Okay I'll go now" He started to walk as he whispered "shit why did I act like that" David looked at Samwell left in the room, and David sighed"Does he really have to leave me here? Damn" David went to the small bed to sit and suddenly he felt something on his stomach "What the hell, I'm hungry again?!" I have to find some food.

David stepped out in the dark, and the only light came from the other side, so he decided to go there so that someone may assist him and offer him some food. When he arrived, he found no one. "Why is nobody here? Where can I find food in this area? I honestly have no idea where I am." David murmured and was ready to walk back outside when he was suddenly surrounded by light.

"Surprise!!!" the people surprised him, the people of Black Heaven Manor. "WHAT THE HELL?!" David screamed out "Who are you, people?"

"We are the people of Black Heaven Manor, we are welcoming you here because you are the first person who was brought by our Young Master" the other person said while holding a piece of food "You, eat this, you must be special why he brought you here" David smiled and he accepted the food that people gave him.

"This" The old man brought a glass and a wine to him "This is our wine here in Black Heaven Manor. This is called, Fú" The old man said as he pour a drink into the white glass "Happiness, blessings, good luck. By drinking this, there will be luck that will come to your life, and blessings in the future"

"Our grandfather.... good English, he fly away.... other Manor" the young girl said. David understood what she was trying to say "Ahhhh! you mean your grandfather went to the other manor?" David asked "Yes! Yes"

The elderly guy interrupted them, "That's enough, we are excited you to drink our wine signature, please drink this" David hesitates to drink it, but the excitement fills in his head, he immediately drinks the wine and he was surprised by the taste of it "Wow! this is good, I want more!" David continued drinking the wine and eat all the food he received. The worries he felt was fade away, he did not expect that the people from the Black Heaven Manor are generous and kind.

David was sound asleep inside Ren's cabin as dawn began to break, but he was startled out of slumber when he felt a gentle breath touch his right arm.

"Agh! My head! Agh! I shouldn't drink a lot" David got up and he was surprised that someone is close to him "What the hell?!" David pushed the person away "Why are you facing me like that get away Samwell!" David pushed him away again and he swiftly stood up.

"Do you know how many jars you broke last night?" Samwell asked as he stood up "Uh— I don't remember anything—" Samwell did not let him finish his word "Five hundred collections of fú wines, it's a wine of people you broke" Samwell said in a serious tone. He disliked the behaviour of David as he did not expect that David would do that thing. "I really can't remember anything, I apologize" David lowered his head *I really can't remember it*


"Milk! Why do you have to go early in heaven huh— you killed nefuheffudkdm" David shouted while holding the wine and walk around, the people around him were surprised by his actions.

"Calm down young man" the other person said as they tried to sit him down "How can I? She killed--she killed herself.... she left me, someone killed her, as far as I know, someone was there, where is she?! Where is she?!" David shouted as he throw the wine where the stock of wines was located.

"Young man, why d-did you?!" The owner of the wine said, the frustration circling around his face "She killed MILK!!!!! She deserves to die!" David said and he was knocked out after. The people gathered together to get him up "Young man! He passed out! bring him back to his room" The other person said

"What is happening here?!" Samwell appeared

"Young Master, He is already drunk, He broke the wines we made" the old man said wearing disappointment on his face. The wine is sacred and the win is their signature drink "Take him back inside!" Samwell ordered them, he can't blame his people, welcoming visitor is part of a culture, he just did not expect David turns out like a crying monster "Yes, master!" the people said


"I think I remember it now, but I don't know who's Milk!" David said "Never mind, I already paid for the wines, better get ready" Samwell said, "W-where are we going?" David asked him "You want to be with me right, wear this, I'll wait for you outside" Samwell said in a strict voice as he gave the clothes for him to wear.

*Is he angry at me? He's so strict!*

David finished changing his clothes, it is a white thin robe inside and a white thick robe outside and a white fabric leash on his forehead. He went outside and he saw Samwell riding the horse. Samwell took a glance at him, he almost can't believe he was with someone stupid. The leash on his forehead should place at the waist part, he let it aside because it does not look bad.

"Are we going to ride the horse?" David asked "You're wrong, you're going to walk and I'll ride this horse," Samwell said and it's not even looking at him. David can't believe what he has heard "Wait?! Are you serious" David said, "Yes, and let's go!"

They started walking outside from the Manor— only David was walking, David was still amazed by the look of the place. In the middle of their walking, Samwell opened a conversation "Why do you put the white fabric on your forehead, it is a leash to wrap around your waist" Samwell slight laugh at him, David did not find it funny, he was already exhausted from walking straight two hours.

"It's not your business" David said in a rude tone *how can he do this to me?! He let me walk so far, I better not talk to him!* "Why addressing me like that?!, Did you already forget I'm the young master of Black Heaven Major" David rolled his eyes he hated him for being an arrogant young master

"So what?!, how can you do this to me? I'm so tired already!" David complained and he let go of the leash as he stopped.

"I am tired, I'm thirsty, I'm hungry--" Samwell cut him "Go. and. continue" Samwell said with an emphasis on his speech. "It's not right to address me like that you want to follow me, then, follow and obey my order"

David stared at him badly "Don't stare at me like that" Samwell raised his voice "Hold the leash and continued!" David frowned and he continued walking.

"Young Master! Young Master!" The Black Heaven Soldiers appeared riding a horse "Young Master! There's a conflict happened in Yen Heaven Manor and Flower Heaven Manor, The Flower Heaven Manor lost twenty houses and the Yen Heaven Manor lost nineteen houses, and the wanted girl was there at Yen Heaven Manor" Samwell's mood suddenly change as he did not hesitate and think, he immediately orders the soldier. "Send one-third of our soldiers to Yen Heaven Manor and find the girl NOW!" Samwell shouted making David startled and confused by what happened.

"Yes Young Master!" the soldiers said and they left

"William!, get here and sit at the back, we're going to Yen Heaven Manor" Samwell lend his hand to support David to sit "W-what happened?!" David panicked, he really did not know what is really happening "No explanations for you, you want to follow me right? Enjoy" Samwell smirked and they went to Yen Heaven Manor.


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