
Book of Necromancy

Amidst the garden's tranquility, Aldric's shock was palpable as his trembling hands clutched the edge of the table. The realization of Malachi's extraordinary talent had shifted the balance of power in a way he had not anticipated. The implications of an A grade talent's accelerated rate of comprehension loomed ominously over him.

"I... I never realized the extent of an A grade talent's capabilities," Aldric stammered, his words faltering with anxiety. 

Professor Thaddeus observed Aldric with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Father Aldric, is something the matter?"

Aldric took a deep breath, attempting to regain his composure. "No, it's just... the news about Malachi's talent has taken me by surprise. I never imagined the depth of his potential."

Professor Thaddeus chuckled, seemingly oblivious to the underlying tension. "Ah, I can understand your astonishment. A rare gem like Malachi could indeed alter the course of the empire's future. It's a testament to the gods' favor upon this land."

Aldric nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of urgency. He had to act swiftly if he wanted to eliminate the threat that Malachi posed.

'Today, I have to kill him today! Even if my position could be in jeopardy, I have to kill him!'

"Professor Thaddeus, why don't you return to your inn and have a rest. I apologize but I suddenly have an urgent matter to attend."

"Oh, so suddenly? And forgive my rudeness to ask, but can I stay at your mansion? I want to observe Malachi as much as I possibly can." He was also worried about the Arcane Prism. Thaddeus could lose his neck if that orb was lost.

"I am sorry, but I don't think that is possible."

"Oh," Thaddeus responded with a slight surprise and disappointment. After all, the chance of meeting an A grade talent was abysmal, a chance of a lifetime.

Aldric tried to relax to prevent sweat from forming on his forehead. If Professor Thaddeus came with him to the mansion, his plan to kill Malachi would fail. Matter of fact, Thaddeus would kill him on the spot if he knew that Aldric wanted to kill Malachi.

"I am sorry that I cannot escort you back to your inn."

"That is fine," he replied with a sigh, cannot holding his discontent. "I will enjoy my time here. You can go about do your business, Father Aldric."

Aldric nodded before he began to walk away. His steps were at a normal pace at first, but as soon as he passed a turn, he ran immediately.

"Father Aldric, is there something wrong?" A guard asked and follow him from behind.

"We have to get back to the mansion, now!"

"This restaurant is located on a mountainous region. It will take us some time to arrive to the mansion. The sky will be dark before we arrive. Besides, a lot of people come to this region for vacation."

"Then tell them to move. We have no time to waste!"

The sun was blazing fire above the clear sky. It was the afternoon as Malachi looked through the window. "Seraphina still hasn't returned yet. There is time before midnight, but I can't help but feeling uneasy."

Malachi frowned. Years of experience honed his survival instinct to the limit. He had survived and thrive in his villainy ways because he always trusted this instinct. "Should I leave now? No, let's wait a bit more."

Hours passed and the blue sky gradually turned into warm yellow. Every second, every minute, heart grew more and more worried. It was as if there was a thorn stuck in his heart.

"It's taking too long. I must leave right now!"

The uneasiness in his heart kept growing, screaming for him to run away.

Suddenly, a dot of light zipped from the forest and entered Malachi's room. 

"Master!" Seraphina called. "I've found the book."

"Just about time! Lead me to it."

When Seraphina nodded, she was quite startled when Malachi suddenly jumped out of the window. This was the second floor, and Malachi was mere mortal at this time.

When Seraphina looked through the window, she saw Malachi rolled on the grass and quickly ran to the hedge maze. 

She slightly smiled after seeing this. 'This should be fun.'

Malachi arrived by the garden. Silently, hiding from bushes to bushes to avoid detection from the guards. He then made his way to the hedge maze.

The maze was quite a distance away. After all the mansion was quite vast. It could be said that this was the biggest private mansion in town. His mother build this big mansion so Malachi could feel comfortable. In reality, it just made him a lot lonelier in the past.

As he made his way through the garden, he saw guards began running here and there as if looking for someone. More and more guards appeared.

After what seemed like forever, he finally found the hidden entrance. 

Just as he was about to enter it, however, Seraphina called.


Malachi stopped his action before looking at her. She pointed forward where a guard was standing, right in front of him.

The guard tilted his head down, gazing at him.

"Did you find him?" another guard asked from another section of the hedge maze.

The man was silent.

"Why does Father Aldric suddenly asked us to find and lock that boy in his room? He already treated him bad enough. I am so surprised by the letter he sent through that eagle though. The writings seems so hurried as if he was in a panic."

'Letter? Lock me up?' Malachi frowned. 'So Aldric really has decided to kill me right now. What should I do? I am in a body of an 8 years old. Overpowering an adult guard with years of training will be difficult. Not to mention he has backup.'

"Anyway, do you find any sign of him?" the other guard asked once again.

"No. I don't think he's in this hedge maze."

Malachi raised an eyebrow.

"We should look somewhere else," the guard in front of Malachi said before he walked away as if he did not saw him at all.

Malachi took that chance to enter the hidden entrance immediately and then ran to the direction of the forest. "Seraphina, show me the way."

He did not have time to think why the guard let him go. Right now, he had a more urgent matter to do.

In the dense cover of the forest, Malachi and Seraphina moved swiftly, the urgency of their situation spurring them forward. The tall trees cast long shadows as the sun began its descent towards the horizon, signaling the approach of nightfall. 

"Keep going east!" Seraphina shouted. 

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Seraphina's guidance led them through winding paths. After a few minutes, Malachi finally recalled something.

"I remember this place. I know where it is!" He approached a nearby tree and knelt down by the buttress roots. Below it was a thin old book, slightly tattered on the edges of the blank cover.

"I found you!" Malachi took the book.

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