

Inspector Davis placed a brown envelope on the table in front of Roxanne Gibson, the detective assigned to her first mission. The atmosphere between them was eerily silent as they held their secret meeting in the underground chamber of the Police Department. Roxanne took a deep breath as she reached for the envelope, tore open the sealed flap, and slowly extracted the white paper from within.

Inspector Davis leaned back in his chair, watching Roxanne intently. Roxanne carefully read the contents and furrowed her brow. "Isn't this a mistake? It seems like this mission is meant for the wrong target."

"Complaining is no different from defying orders from superiors. The mission was given to you because you meet the qualifications. I have never doubted your abilities. The contract also ensures various guarantees for you," Inspector Davis explained with a serious expression.

Inspector Davis was known for his cold demeanor and sharp eyes. He wouldn't hesitate to take down any criminals, including high-level ones like the Black Lotus Syndicate, and assign his subordinates to go undercover. The police had tried various methods, including open operations, to capture the masterminds behind the Black Lotus Syndicate, but they had always failed. They couldn't penetrate the organization deeply. Currently, Inspector Davis and the police higher-ups were planning a new program, and Roxanne was a crucial part of it.

Roxanne remained silent, her eyes scanning the guarantees mentioned in the contract. Immunity from police arrests, exemption from taxes during operations, a higher salary beyond operational expenses, and a new place to live. It was all in exchange for the risk of her career ending if she failed in her mission, or even her life. Roxanne sighed and signed the document, placing it back into the envelope.

"You need to start your operation tomorrow. During this period, you can only visit the police department when we call you."

"I understand. Goodnight," Roxanne left the envelope in front of Inspector Davis and headed back to her apartment.

Roxanne brewed a cup of coffee and waited for it to be ready, glancing at color reference materials for her new identity. She already had a book with names and suggested backgrounds she would use. Her originally messy dirty blonde hair represented the chaos of her current situation in redesigning her new identity. She felt anxious about the risky operation ahead.

Finally, the coffee machine dinged, indicating that her drink was ready. Roxanne sipped it slowly, contemplating the name "Lilliane Duncan" written on the book and thinking about the kind of life she would have to portray. Her dirty blonde hair would soon be transformed into a radiant red, her blue eyes concealed with green contact lenses to avoid being tracked in case she shopped in physical stores. She couldn't write much in her book regarding her new identity to prevent any potential leaks of her true self.

The next day, Roxanne stared at the packages that had arrived. She didn't expect to have checked out so many items. She began opening the boxes one by one and unpacking her new belongings. She grabbed the hair dye and proceeded to color her hair in the bathroom. After a while, she looked at herself in the mirror; her hair now a shining red, her green eyes captivating, and her outfit significantly different. She packed all her new clothes into a suitcase and prepared to leave for the dark city where the syndicate operated.

Upon arriving in the city, Roxanne headed straight to her luxurious apartment, her temporary residence during the mission. The facilities were lavish and elegant, with a combination of white marble and soft gold accents. Roxanne inspected all the amenities and supplies she would need in the coming days. She then unpacked her belongings in her room and prepared to visit the city's renowned gambling establishment.

That night, she wore a black mini dress that accentuated her curves and matching heels. Her long red hair cascaded in loose waves. Her makeup was bold, with striking red lipstick and eye makeup that enhanced her seductive appearance. Roxanne drove her black Audi to the famous gambling venue.

The place didn't have the extravagant neon lights often seen in Texas; it resembled an exclusive club, not accessible to everyone. Inside, Victoria Crimson hosted high-ranking officials, celebrities, and prominent business figures playing poker. Roxanne, operating under her new identity, Liliane Duncan, showed her new ID to the bodyguard at the entrance. He scrutinized her from head to toe and allowed her entry.

Victoria Crimson had a modern interior with warm brown tones and elegant lighting. Crystal chandeliers added an air of luxury, and patterned carpets completed the décor. Roxanne could already spot some familiar faces in the room, high-ranking officials, celebrities, and renowned business people. A server approached her, offering various games. She started with blackjack, and within moments, she attracted the attention of the players, including a handsome man with sharp, grayish eyes.

The initial rounds went smoothly for Roxanne, leading to a sense of tension and intrigue among the players. The man with the striking eyes found himself increasingly drawn to her. As the game progressed, he realized that Roxanne had an uncanny streak of luck. She seemed to win consistently, defying the expectations of the other players.

The tension grew, and Roxanne's competitive spirit came to the fore. She kept winning, and soon the atmosphere in the room became charged with a sense of challenge and curiosity. Eventually, Roxanne decided to call it quits, and the other players reluctantly agreed.

"It's been a bit boring. I'm done for now," Roxanne declared, pushing her chips away.

The response was a mix of laughter and a challenge from one of the players, a silver-haired old man who was intrigued by her performance, "That sly fox gets bored very quickly. I challenge you to another game."

Roxanne quickly adjusted to the new challenge, showing confidence in her ability to play the game. After several rounds, the man conceded, acknowledging her skill.

Roxanne, however, found herself drawn to another player at the table—a handsome, enigmatic man with dark hair and sharp, gray eyes. He had been watching her with intense curiosity throughout the game. As she decided to leave the table, he engaged her in conversation, remarking on her unusual mood for a player who had just won consistently.

Unknowingly, Roxanne had let her guard down, and the man's enigmatic gaze left her feeling flustered. He inquired about her previous gaming experiences, and Roxanne briefly revealed she had played in Texas. The man seemed to know that it was her first time in this city, something that she hadn't intended to disclose. Roxanne realized her slip and quickly changed the subject.

"What if we play again? Just the two of us," Roxanne suggested.

The man agreed, and they moved to another table. Over several rounds, they played against each other. The man won the initial rounds, and Roxanne's competitive spirit pushed her to keep playing until the man finally advised her to stop.

"I've taken quite a bit of your money today. If you continue, you'll go broke, miss."

The man's deep baritone voice resonated with Roxanne, especially when he referred to her as "miss." Roxanne was frustrated and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Are you saying you pretended to lose in the previous game with those older men? You underestimated me," Roxanne said, her frustration showing.

The man laughed, his charming laughter catching the attention of everyone around. Roxanne hadn't expected him to react like that. His laughter felt mocking, as if he was ridiculing her losses in the previous rounds.

"Why would I bother doing that? You were just very lucky," he replied, smiling playfully.

Roxanne's frustration intensified, but she was determined to prove herself. She challenged him to another round.


They began another round, and as the cards were dealt, Roxanne held a King as her first card. Her heart raced as she watched the dealer hand out the second card. Finally, blackjack favored her, with an Ace appearing and besting the man's hand.

"Yes!" Roxanne exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. The man laughed and returned all the chips that Roxanne had given him when she lost.

"You're entitled to it all. Thank you for making this club more interesting," he said.

Roxanne gave him a thin smile, but her gaze was locked onto him like a magnet. The man, too, wasn't willing to look away. They engaged in a silent, intense gaze, creating a palpable tension between them. Roxanne quickly thought of an excuse and checked her rose gold wristwatch.

"I have to work in the morning, and it's already 2 AM. It's too late."

"Very well. I'm Ares. It wouldn't be right if we didn't get to know each other," he said, his voice hinting that they might meet again.

"I'm Lily. It's really nice to know you, sir. I should go now. Have a nice night."

Roxanne left and quickly drove her car back to her apartment, making sure no one was tailing her.

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