
Chapter 2: Sel

So I thought I should turn this broadcaster on when I go exploring. Well, if you're wondering why, well, I don't know. It's not like I find anything interesting. Just some rocks and bones. One time I found a Dark Dollar. But really the only valuable thing I have is this Broadcaster. Don't know how it got down here. Well, Suppose I should tell you about me. I'm Sel, Sel the skeleton. I used to run a shop before I came down here.

But, now I'm here.

I would tell you why, but I don't want to take a risk. He might hear it. I've been down here for six months now. That may seem like a long time, but trust me, in the maze, even though there's nothing to do, time flys by.

So that's it I guess.


What was that?!

There's a light over there!


Oh, this thing glitched for a second. Well I'm hiding behind a rock right now. I can't see much, but there's a figure near the site where the boom happened. It looks to be a skeleton like me. But there's something different. I cant tell what it is, but I know it's something. I should probably whisper. They could have heard me.

Oh shoot!

They're walking over here!

Well screw it!

I better run!


Um, I'm being dragged back to the site. Oh wait. Shoot!


"Shut up, dummy"

What did I just hear?

They're talking. Well it couldn't hurt to communicate.

"You talking to yourself back there"

"Oh sorry. I'm using a broadcaster."

"Wait what! Turn that off!"

"Wait stop!"


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