
Undercover Maid

"Can I trust you?" He asked, his breath fanning her back as he drop wet kisses up to her neck. Micah turned towards him, she could see the love and admiration for her in his eyes. She nibbled on her bottom lip in nervousness. "Can I really trust you with my darkest secret Micah?" He questioned. "Yes" ~~~ He is the infamous Italian-Mexican Mafia King of the underworld. She's a pretty Assassin and a Skilled Hacker. Xavier Costello Lucas, the Mafia King and a successful CEO of Lucas Group. He is arrogant, ruthless, cruel, heartless and to top it all, a sexy Greek God. He doesn't care about those he kills. Living two lives at a time, one in hiding and the other in public. His family is the Number one Mafia Family in Italy. The Italian-Mexican organized crime syndicate is known widely across the country but then, no one knows who the Mafia King is or what he looks like. She's Micah Davon, fierce, fearless, excitingly sexy and a straight-out badass. She joined the Mafia at the age of ten and has been trained into a skilled harker and an assassin. She is from the third most famous Mafia Family in Italy. When her underboss found out about Xavier Costello Lucas, she is sent into his house in disguise of a maid to gain his trust, get some useful informations about him then kill him afterwards. What happens when the Italian-Mexican Mafia King gets involved with the Assassin who is a threat to him and his entire Mafia Family?

DaoistO2KNWi · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Xavier grabbed his suit together with his briefcase while stealing glances at the lady standing in front of her.

"I will make a roll of the foods you are to prepare everyday for me, for breakfast, lunch if need be and dinner" he instructed and stumped off without waiting to hear her reply.

She might say something that will annoy him and spoil his mood. He entered into his car and drove off.

At his arrival in the company lobby, his secretary was already waiting for him.

"Good morning Sir" he greeted taking the briefcase from him. He wore his suit, nodded his head and began working towards his elevator.

Just like always, he ignored the greetings from the employees or wave dismissively at them.

He keep ignoring them yet, they won't stop greeting him. He's their boss, it's only normal for him to do that.

"Do I have any schedule before the meeting?" Xavier asked, sitting down on his swivel chair.

"Aside the files that requires your signatures, there is nothing else to do before that Sir" Mr Ahn said as he read from his notepad.


"I will bring your coffee" he offered wandering off but Xavier called him back.

"That should be after the meeting, I had tea for breakfast" he explained. Mr Ahn stared surprisingly at him, he knows that his boss isn't a fan of tea.

And he haven't taken tea in the morning since he began working for him because he takes coffee immediately he gets to the office. So what changed?

Xavier gave him a questioning look, Mr Ahn hastily brought his gaze down and composed himself.

"Yes Sir, I will go and prepare for the meeting. The presentation is all done, I just need to go over it a little" he said.

"Okay, just direct everyone to my office. We will have the meeting here" Xavier commanded.

"Yes Sir" Mr Ahn bowed, soon, he disappeared just like he came in.

Xavier brought out the files that needed his signature, signing on them as quick as he can.

He doesn't want to run out of time, it's just about thirty minutes to his meeting with the board members.

As he was busy with his work, a call came into his phone. Xavier checked the caller ID to see that it was one of his numerous underworld investigators.

He pressed the green button and placed the phone in his ear.

"Good morning Don" the person on the other side greeted.

"Did you find any clue?" He asked straightforwardly, he can't be beating around the bush when he has other things to do.

"I am not sure Sir but I have got something" he heard the man say from the other side.

"I will come after I am done with my major schedules for today" Xavier replied sharply.

"Yes Don" the person on the other end hung up immediately.

Xavier dropped his phone on the table, his hand balling into a fist. He was getting angry, angry at the person he has been searching for, for the past five years.

The person who killed his Dad, he will make sure he wipes out the entire family of that person, he will painfully cut them into pieces, they will die a painful death just like a part of their family did to his Dad.

He couldn't get the scene of his Dad in his own pull of blood out of his head. Xavier knows that his father has been careful, he did everything he could to protect himself and his family.

Those who plotted his death must have planned really well for it, for being able to murder a tough man like his Dad.

Xavier shook his head, those memories will only get him more infuriated which is not something he wants at this moment.

He has an important meeting in a few minutes. As much as he tried to stop himself from getting flared up, his eyes were getting red.

He couldn't help it. He planned on leaving the minute he is done with the morning meeting if his schedule is free of things that might draw him back.

He was almost done when a knock came on his door, Xavier closed the files and asked them to come in.

He got up from his chair to the other side of his office which was designed for meetings.

His gaze met with his secretary who was about sitting down.

"First, take the signed files to the information department, they should do the distribution"

"Yes Sir" he bowed, grabbed the files and left.

"Good morning everyone, we discovered some ideas for our new project, Lucas group will love to construct a new building for tourism, it is known that about five million people visits Italy for the purpose of tourism every year,

It won't be a bad idea if we construct a building mainly for that purpose, my secretary will give a presentation on that but before then, we can discuss other things since he is not here yet" he explained to them.

How much Xavier hates talking or giving a long explanation, he has to do it everyday for the sake of his company.

"Ah Sir, I have a question" one of them said, Xavier nodded at him to ask anything.

"I heard you dropped the contract we got from Japan, I am just curious to know why. Partnering with K Group in Japan will help strengthen our company, isn't your rejection a little bit rational?" The man asked almost peeing in his shorts.

Knowing the kind of person, Xavier is, they don't talk just anyhow to him but his curiosity got to the best of him.

"I mean...I am sorry Sir, I..."

"It's okay, and to answer your question, I do not want a contract with the K Group because I recently found out that their main aim is to use us to gain popularity here in Italy, we've sent the email to them so refrain from talking about it" he yelled a little too loudly which made them flinch.

"I am sorry Sir"

At that moment, his secretary came back and began the presentation. Xavier's attention was divided, half of his mind is with them and the other thinking about other unrelated things he needs to take care of.

The meeting ended after half an hour, they all left his office except his secretary.

"There is no any important schedule today again right?" He asked. His secretary quickly skimmed through his book and nodded.

"Yes Sir" he replied.

"Cancel the rest of my schedule for today, I am taking the rest of the day off"


Micah cleaned the mansion, she was looking tired after she was done with it. She keep hissing every now and then for having to do all this works she haven't done in forever.

It annoys her more that the person she is doing this for won't be appreciative because he doesn't see it as a big deal.

The mansion is freaking big, they had cleaners back in Mateo's. How is she going to get used to this? It will be a little hard for her.

She sat down on the couch with sweat dripping down from her body. She thought she was going to pass out from working too hard but she is glad she didn't.

After resting for a while, she took herself upstairs then into her room to take a very cold shower. She doesn't mind staying in the bathtub for as long as she wants.

It's just her around, her demanding boss is out of sight for the time being which is a relief to her.

She stood in front of the mirror and took off her clothes, there was a deep scar on her stomach. It looked old and healed but the pain it brought her was as fresh as tomatoes.

Micah's hand slightly rubbed on it as she her mind wandered to how she got it, it isn't something she loves talking about.

She tied her towel and dashed into the bathroom, just like she wanted, she soaked herself in the cold water for complete thirty minutes.

It always feels good when one takes a long shower, not just the body but it also frees the mind. To her, a long bath is a good medicine for peace of mind.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, she dragged herself from it wrapping the towel around her body and got out.

Since she washed her hair this morning, she didn't bother going through that stress again.

All she wants to do now is to prepare lunch and take a long nap and do the search thereafter.

Since Xavier haven't given her the list of foods he will like to eat everyday, she is free to prepare whatever she wants.

But what will she do if he adds a meal that she doesn't eat? He won't stop her from preparing her own personal food right?

Micah's mind went to what Xavier told her earlier, he will be having a visitor over.

She wondered who it could be and why it seem important to her boss. Could it be one of his Mafia members?

If that's it, she will be glad to see him. Maybe, the person might be easy to convince so he can give out informations to her but then, most members are loyal.

They all hardly betray their own group unless they have a deep rooted hatred for their leader.

Micah walked downstairs into the kitchen, she is not sure if Xavier will come by but she plan on preparing lunch for at least two and not just herself.

Omelette will be okay, stressing herself is the last thing she will do. Her phone beeped as she entered into the kitchen.

It was a message from Mateo, she sighed while opening it.

★Micah, I have an assignment for you. I only promised not to give you any work that requires you assassinating but not hacking, I sent the details your email, you should take a look. It's a huge deal★

Micah rolled her eyes dropping her phone on the table, Mateo will never change. She thought she will be a little bit free from doing all the assignments, what's the difference now?

But since it's hacking, she doesn't have to go through a lot of hardship doing that and she won't be caught either because it will be done only in her room, on her laptop.

Doing the task in the evening when she is settled will be better. It will help her concentrate on it but right now, Xavier might come home at any given point in time especially since someone is paying him a visit.

She brought out about seven eggs and whisk them together, added a little oil to the pot which was already hot.

She added a little pepper, chopped a small amount of onion and added small salt to it. She prefers it simple.

After she was done, she added a little jelly on top. She served herself, sat down on the table and began eating while scrolling through her photos.

She laughed at some crazy memories she made with the members, especially Finn.

She will have to call him later maybe, Finn is the closest to her. They both understand each other, maybe it's because they kind of went through similar things while they were young.

While Micah was thrown out of the orphanage home, Finn was bullied and hated in the orphanage home until he ran away into the street.

Being somehow brought up in the orphanage brought them together.

She saw the pictures of the girls, even in it, they were distancing themselves from her, Rosie stood far away from the picture with an irritated look on her face.

Sincerely, Micah had wanted to get along with them. Out of almost fifty, they are only three girls, her, Rosie and Kate.

The two people she is supposed to be more close to despise her for no reason.

Micah doesn't care about that, she doesn't care if they like her or not. Love is something she will never expect from anyone.

Even her mother abandoned her and the people she trusted sent her away to die from hunger as a child.

With such a past, it's hard for Micah to expect anything from anyone. She has been thought that numerous times.

"You are yourself's biggest fan, you only have you, so do things that you wish for others to do for you yourself" Mateo had told her that frequently.

And today, loving herself despite the kind of life she is living is her utmost priority.

Just on cue, she heard the door bell ring. Micah has a clue on who it could be, Xavier's visitor.

All she have to do is welcome him in and sweet-talk him, that's her plan but she was disappointed the seconds the door was opened.

There stood a beautiful, elegant expensively dressed and a sophisticated young lady standing in front of her.

Micah frowned in confusion. Who is she? Is she is girlfriend?