
Chapter 90

"I don't know who to be angrier at — you, or the fools who didn't stop you from leaving. What in God's name were you thinking, rushing into that monster-infested place? Do you not recall me saying not to put yourself in danger?"

"B-But I couldn't be… th-the only one in the castle doing no—"

"You should have stayed in the castle!"

Riftan's chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.

"Why do you think I work like a dog day and night? Why do you think I'm fortifying the village and this cas—"

He cut himself off, his jaw clenching when he saw Maxi's ashen face. His shoulders shook as he tried to restrain his anger.

"Don't even think about leaving these chambers today," he spat out in a strangled voice.

He then spun around, picked up a robe on the floor, and marched out of the room.

Maxi stared at the door swinging shut behind him, her mind addled. Although Riftan had always been quick-tempered and gruff, she had never seen him so emotional.

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