
Under The Cherry Blosssom

Everything changed when you appeared in my life. Since last spring, we bump into each other and that the moments when my life started to changed slowly. We never talked to each other and who thought you who was a stranger to me is my destiny partner? They say that you're a bad guy so I need to stay away from you but who cares? Thanks to you I get to fix my life. From high school to the world of work we manage to stay as a lover. Under this cherry blossom which was the first place we met, I will cherish our until I so please stop telling me that you have no memories with me "What if one day I die?" - Mio Adachi "In the next life, I will make sure that you will be my wife." - Haruki Honda "Even if our nationalities are not the same?" -Mio Adachi "No matter what happens, I will find you my love." -Haruki Honda

aloneyuui · Teen
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11 Chs

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Slowly she walked even though the sky is slowly getting dark. Mio hopes her mother is going out with someone this night. She doesn't want to come back home at all. If she had a friend, of course, she will be asked to stay at her house for a few days.

Can you imagine, every night you need to hear someone moan nonstop? Sometimes, she needs to stay at the playground until 3 o'clock. After she makes sure that the 'couple' has fallen asleep, she will return to her room.

Please, she needs a break.

The worst part is when her mother's customer started to break in into her room. They even try to rape Mio. When Mio telling his mother about her customer attitude, her mother will scold her and telling Mio that she is being dramatic. Her mother more trusts his boyfriend than her daughter. She even called her daughter a whore.

She wants to escape from that house. If her father single, she will move into his father's house but her father already has his own family. Who is she suddenly try to come into someone else family?

After a few minutes of walking, Mio starts to take a break. She looked around and she realized something. She never sees this park and the house around this area also don't look the same as her area.

Mio sighs hard. "Where I'm actually? Since when I reached this area? Do I need to sleep here until tomorrow?" Mio mumbling to herself.

She gets up from the bench. She wanna find a place that is more comfortable for her to sleep. For now, she wanna sleep, she just tired of what happened today.

"Tomorrow I will figure out how to get out from this area. For now, let's find the best port to sleep." Mio keeps searching while touching her stomach. The sound of her stomach she ignored. She wanna buy some dinner but she can't find any convenience store here.

Mio know for a girl to being outside at this time is not good but she doesn't have any choice. She didn't have any close friend to stay at their house. She also doesn't know about her relative. She sighs again. Seriously, she doesn't know how many times she sighs today.

"Hey, you there!"

Mio looks at the owner's voice. There was a Tall man with a tattoo covering her left arm. She doesn't feel good with her man look.

"Don't tell me he is drunk." Mio gets ready to run. She doesn't care what happens anymore. She needs to save herself first but that man quicker than Mio. He pulls Mio's hand hard so she doesn't get away.

"Where do you wanna go? Did you know this place is dangerous for a high school girl like you? Where are your parents?" That man asked.

Mio getting more panic. She scared to think about what happened to her. The man seems nice to her because she asked where is her house BUT THAT DOESN'T PROVE HIM BAD OR GOOD! "Yeah, I knew about that. I will come back home so please let me go. I will never come here again. I SWEAR TO THE GOD SO PLEASEEEEE!"

"Shut up."

That one word enough make Mio shivering to the bone. Mio wanna cry so hard when he sees the man take her to a quiet place. There is no single light in that place and that man suddenly pulled a door and Mio closed her eyes.

After a few minutes of waiting, nothing happens and that man places Mio on the chair. Mio look around and she is in a ramen shop. Why the path to the ramen shop so dark and isolated?

"Well because it's 2 o'clock now. Hereafter midnight, all the street light will be turned off. Only the playground area the street light is on."

"Did I say out loud?" Mio asked. She wondered how the guy at the counter know what she says in his mind.

That guy shook his head. "Your face tells me everything.

Mio just smiled. She tries to not acting panic and be calmer. He sure both of them is a good guy. If they are not a good guy, why they save her? She tries to make herself calm.

"My name is Kenta Atsushi and the guy who brings you here is Sugawara Atsushi. Fun fact, we're siblings and we're a yakuza but we already retire from being yakuza. As you can see, now we open the ramen shop ." Kenta said calmly. This is because he doesn't want that girl to be scared of both of them.

When he saw his younger brother bring back that girl, she noticed the girl shivering and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry if my younger brother makes you afraid. He is not good in word but he has a kind heart."

Mio nodded. At first, she did want to look into Kenta eyes but she forced herself to not make an assumption too quick. Well, there's also a good yakuza. While she wandering with her thought, she realized both of them have to tattoo on their right arm while Kenta has a tattoo on his neck.

"I'm Mio Adachi. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I thought you guys are bad guys. So I tried to escape but my impression of you guys are wrong. Both of you are just nice guys."

Kenta and Sugawara smile to the ear. They never get a compliment for such a long time.

"They sure get touched easily." Said Mio slowly.

"Here you go. You must feel hungry right?" Kenta handed a bowl of ramen to Mio.

Mio nodded and accept the ramen bowl. After she eats the ramen, suddenly she shouts. "SO DELICIOUS! Why I don't know about this shop at all? Kenta-san, your cooking skill is on another level! After this, I will eat at your shop every day."

Kenta and Sugawara laugh together when they hear Mio's compliment. Their smile can't hide anymore.

"Are sure you feel delicious? Or maybe it is because you feel hungry. I heard your stomach growl just now." Sugawara pointed at the ramen bowl and he takes tissue to give to Mio.

Mio takes the tissue and wipes her face. "No, I'm sure your ramen is the best! No, I will come here again even if you already closed this place."

"Thanks for the compliment. Come here every day and Sugawara and I will be served, you princess."

Mio chuckled when she heard Kenta word especially the 'princess' part.

All of a sudden, the shop door opened and a voice appeared behind the door, "Kenta-san why you don't- EH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!"