
Under The Alpha

The young woman Solance with a strange past is kidnapped and abused and nearly killed by a group of madmen. But she is saved by a pack of wolves, now she is forced to stay with them. It gets even more complicated as the Alpha’s son imprints on Solance, who is still fragile. What will happen to Solance now? can a relationship even begin under such conditions? and what secrets does the mark on her chest hold?

MielaNao · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Sarah felt a wave of relief wash over her, the girl was conscious. Though the girl's eyes didn't show it, the rest of the girl's body reveals that she was still very weak and from the slight wench and muscle tighten, in a lot of pain. Even though the pain the girl's eyes toured into Sarah's own, Sarah had a feeling that she was exposed in front of the girl, that there was nothing the girl hadn't seen. Sarah took a deep breath, the girl's scent would tell her what the girl didn't.

To Sarah's confusion, she could only just detect the pain, but somehow the girl released another scent camouflaging the other. The scent was inviting and happy, but maybe that was for the best. If her hypotheses hold stick about the young male, may the goddess forbid, that he caught the scent of the girl's distress and pain. Sarah knew that nothing would hold him back, no matter what, he would have gone through that door.

That's right she had to somehow conceal the girl's scent. It would be too dangerous for the girl to be tackled by a larger dominant male, especially if Sarah was correct.

The girl's scent had awoken the male's innermost instinct. The male had reacted like a... That doesn't matter, Sarah scrolled herself. What matters is that he is a potential danger with such a behavior, it's not that Sarah didn't trust the young male. It was just from his reaction it was clear that it was his first and that he had no knowledge of what was happening inside him. That made him dangerous, that he is in a position to be the next alpha and is terribly strong, much more dangerous. Combining those variables with the girl's current stat, he is a dominant threat.

"Who are you?!,, a stained voice sounded. With a whiplash Sarah returned to the real world, that's right the girl had already asked that. The girl's eyes seemed tens and her jaw seemed to tighten. " yes sorry I was in my own world there. My name is Sarah Rider and I am a doctor,, Sarah said friendly and with her most reassuring smile. At the sight of the girl's body relaxing, the doctor made her way towards the girl, blue orbs following her all the time. Sarah casually started to check the girl's vitals. " Do you remember anything? Anything at all?,, she asked as she worked, hopefully, it would help the girl calm down. the girl's heart was running a marathon in her chest, like a dog that is stressed.

The girl's sight seemed to fade, the sky-blue color getting dull. Sarah sat down on the edge of the bed, studying its resident. Sarah figured that the girl wouldn't mind, since she seemed lost in thoughts anyway. The girl seemed like the average girl next door, not anything special but Sarah knew better. The girl herself may not even know but if that birthmark on her chest was real, then she knew why the goddess had appeared to help the girl. Sarah had to investigate it further, it would make a huge difference in the elder's opinion of the whole situation.

"I remember that I was kidnapped,, the girl Murmured tiredly, a hand moved up to rub her eye. "Do you recall who kidnapped you?,, Sarah pried gently. " no.... I..I can't remember....I am sorry,,

"No no dear, there is no reason for you to apologize. Do you remember anything else, anything at all?,, Once more the girl's eyes grew distant, then a soft look took its turn on her soft features. " I remember wolves, two red once both with white socks. A larger grey spotted one with a soft and warm fur, a little black one, a big fluffy brown one, it could easily have been mistaken for a bear.,, the girl laughed softly " and then there was this big golden one .... That one is the last thing I remember.... They saved me,, the last words became slurred and meek sounding as the girl's eyes drifted shut. Sarah gently stroked the girl's hair, the poor creature was still very exhausted. Now that the girl was out cold again, it was time to mask her scent, flowers weren't an option not with this season. Sandalwood! That should do it, and it's cheap.

Downstairs in the large living room, the new generation of males and the alpha couple were happily chipping away about all that had happened to each of them in the last few months. Well nearly everyone, the young blond male was distracted and kept massaging his chest as he couldn't forget about that divine scent. An electric impulse kept charging through his body, what was happening to him, he didn't know. The male couldn't help but feel bad about his desire for the seemingly endless chitchatting to be over, so his parents would release them all. He wanted to go back upstairs and find out who or what that heavenly belonged to. What did Sarah keep in there? Is it because of that that the elders were so on edge?

"What about here auntie? When I ran into Zoe earlier and she told me that you guys only got home from a mission a few hours ago... I haven't heard of a mission listed as simple to take that account of time,, the young brown-haired male asked. The two alphas looked at each other, talking through their link. "Well there were some unexpected complications, our targets changed their pattern and there was the human,, Clyde said in a casual manner.

"Wait a human? Weren't they all, I mean weren't the targets humans as well, or wait are we at war with one of the other packs,, the young male with the bronze hair was working himself up, his hair began to stand up readying his body to turn. "Now now Zetrich calm down, it's true they were all humans, what we meant was that she was their victim, an innocent,, Lavenda spoke calmly, making the young male get back down to earth.

"It's that group that hunted females in the forest isn't it?,, another male asked his slick black hair resting on his shoulders. "That's correct, but they aren't a problem anymore. They have been eliminated so to speak,, Clyde said as a smirk formed on his face. "And the girl?,, Zetrich asked when he had calmed down enough to join the conversation once again.

Silence spread through the room, literally coating it in a thick layer of awaiting silence, the silence before the storm. Dimitry kept his face and outer demeanor calm and uninteresting, but the conversation finally interested him. A girl, is that where the scent comes from? Is that what Sarah is hiding?

"She is....ehh,, Lavenda scratched her chin as she stumbled for words. "Kind of under our protection so to say,, Clyde, her mate tried to aid her, but to found the words eluding him. " Yes, you see she ehh saw us and..,, he adds some more, only making the youngsters share a look, none of them understanding their alphas lack of words. " my apologies alpha but I don't quite catch your drift,, Another male chimed in, the prankster Cole. "What Clyde is trying to say is that the girl lives and that she will probably have to live here so that we can have an eye on her at all times, probably for the rest of her life so she doesn't tell others about us,, Lavenda said seriously her hands fluttered into her lap, having finally said the words.

" why not just kill her, wouldn't that be more humane than making her a prisoner?,, the black-haired male responded in the conversation. It was common knowledge that either of the alphas was willing to take an innocent life but to take away an innocent's freedom... That seems far worse than killing her.

Both alphas shared a look and a quick smile. "Well she saved your alpha's life,, the adolescents froze, a human saved one of them. Well, that kind of explains it. "But you were trying to save her first right, wouldn't that, I don't know have even it out?,, Zetrich was back again, asking the question that lingered with all the adolescents.

"Well, it can be looked at like that, but you see... The great mother told us to bring her home with us...,, once silence took its turn on the room, it was indeed something. If the very mother of their species acted, normally the great forefathers only act in times of great distress and not at a so calm and peaceful time as these.

"Now you must all be tired from the journey, we won't occupy you any longer,, with that they all when their separate ways. Dimitry left as the last one, hoping to sneak back upstairs to the infirmary. He knew that none of the other young would be up there, just like he wanted. Though it was a tradition for the young males that had the right age to meet the other females of the pack, adolescents just like himself normally returned from their training smarter and wise about themselves. It made it easier to find one potential mate faster, though he even with the long separation from the females still had no desire for any of them. In fact, he couldn't stand most of them, one more reason why he shouldn't be alpha. He wasn't very tolerable, with anyone at all.

Dimitry walked back upstairs only to see his parents enter the infirmary, his desire to find the carrier of the scent would have to wait. Instead, he walked into the empty room beside the infirmary, no one had yet to claim it as theirs, so he had no reason to worry about anyone walking in. The walls in this part of the house were thin, making it easy to hear everything that was being said or even what was happening in the other rooms. In the room he first found himself restless, his parents and Sarah's conversation weren't of anything interesting, it was about how his friends and he had returned and what they had been up to. A few jokes and such. Upset and annoyed at nothing really seemed to go his way he sat up against the wall that separated him from the infirmary, finally, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. He felt relaxed, his head leaned back also resting against the wall. He could feel small vibrations coming from the other side of the wall, Dimitry concluded that someone must be very close to the wall on the other side, it was small vibrations. They stopped and resumed in a relaxed and stable manner, someone was breathing close to the wall. Sleeping which would mean it was the girl.

"Anything new Sarah?,, sounds of heels clicking and paper ruffling announced that Sarah was working well briefing her alphas. "Why yes, the girl was awake just a little over an hour ago, only for a short account of time though,,

" did you get the chance to ask her anything?,, His father asked softly. "Yes I asked her what she could remember, she could recall that she'd had been kidnapped though not by who... And then she remembered you,, Dimitry could see in his mind, Sarah pointing at his father, she always was a very animated talker, using her hands and expressions excessively. "Me,, Dimitry heard his father, his voice shocked. His father had never been one to see himself as anything special, even though he had been an outsider, before he entered this pack, he had fought for the alpha position, claimed his mate, and changed the name of the pack. all of which was no small deal, but his father was a humble male. "Well not only you some of the others as well, but it was also just her expression when she described you,, Sarah's voice sounded closer to the wall, he held his breath, and still his heart, stealth was one of his specialties. "Described me?,,

" yes she could describe all of you, for whatever reason you have made a great impact on her. Well, you lot did save her life,, Sarah's words became a mumble at the end, an annoying habit of Sarah's. "Anything else... Her name?,, His mother asked closer to the wall, she must be right beside the bed. " she fell back asleep before I could get the chance,, the copper blond answered with a shrug of her shoulders. "So we still have no idea of who she is,, His father said.

"It's strange actually, course I even checked for missing persons... But no one has filed a report that matches her description.... Is nobody missing this girl?,, Sarah said her voice had a hint of sadness. Dimitry couldn't believe his ears, no one was missed the girl? Maybe that was a good thing, after all, she wouldn't be leaving this place anytime soon. " so we still have no clue, she could be a runaway or an illegal immigrant,, Clyde said tiredly.

"That's not right and we do have a clue,, Dimitry frowned the new voice or voices belonged to the twins he knew that, but he couldn't for the life of him tell them apart. "We followed the target's trail back to their hideout and recovered this,, a rustled sound of something being thrown and then caught, what did the twins find? "A backpack?,, Sarah said. "It belongs to the girl,, one twin said "smells just like her,, the other said, the sound of a zipper filled his ears. "Her name is-,, His mother started.

"That's my backpack isn't it?,, a velvet soft voice spoke close to Dimitry, he had been so focused on the others in the room that he had failed to hear the change in the girl's breathing pattern. "Hello child, yes it's you're bag. We were just ehh...,, his mother seemed to have a hard time finding the right words, how could she explain. A soft giggle sound, though the voice was slightly stained Dimitry's heart skipped a beat. "You were just trying to figure out who I am, that's okay. My name is Solance Hopkins,,

"We are-,, Lavenda dropped the back bag and gestured to the others, when did the girl wake up? why didn't they sense it? " The wolves, aren't you? You're the grey spotted one,, Solance pointed at Lavenda whose body was rigid and stiff in disbelief. Then she moved on to the twins -"and you two are the red ones with the white socks!,, then she pointed her finger at the only male in the room -" and you...you're the golden one aren't you?,, the girl's voice bright and joyful.

Again, the room fell silent, the human had been able to identify them. She had only seen them once and then she was in a daze and barely alive. How was its possible? "What makes to think that child?,, Lavenda's curiosity got the better of her. " well you're all quite similar. Like the twins have the same hair color as the two wolves had fur, and then their freckles... It gives them away. Each of the twins has a pattern of their own but when to put them together and collect the dots you get the zodiac sign of the twins. It is a very rare phenomenon really,, Solance said, her eyes bright in excitement.

"And with you, it was your eyes first of all. They look as calm as the sea but when one looks closely one can see the fire in there, then putting that together with the small scar on your collarbone well it seemed authentic. And there is you, once more the hair gives you away, but above that, there is the dominant aura that takes up most of the space in the room and the fact that as soon as I made my conscious known you took a step towards me making you stand in front of your... Do you call it family or pack... Sorry, subject change. So well I kind of just put it all together.,, Solance finished her hands coming to rest in her lap, as she just looked at the strangers in the room.

No one spoke as the shock of the girl's comfortable demeanor and awareness, they all took a minute to comprehend the situation and the girl's boldness. The girl wasn't scared or tense at all. Her scent remains this happy, fruit basket smell making nothing stand out.

"I must say you are very observant Solance, now I hope you don't mind but you will have to stay here for a while...and emhh when you feel better we will start discussing some important matter about your future,, Sarah said being the first to gather her bearings, understanding the other's silence. "I see... When will I get better?,, Solance's blue eyes rested on Sarah. "It's not really to say child, you obtained some severe damage on your feet..... But I am guessing a few months,, Solance nodded, she was worried.

" then could it be possible to contact my guardian? it's just... Well, I wouldn't want her to think I am dead or anything,, a forced laugh came out after her last words, her unconscious action didn't pass either of the adults in the room. Lavenda noted to herself to figure out what made the girl on edge when it came to her guardian, the female's maternal instincts already kicking in. "Sure child I will do that, that way your school will be notified too,, Lavenda said slowly shooing the others out, and then nodding to Sarah and closing the door.

"Now Solance you need to rest some more, you have a lung infection, and until Rodney returns with the right medicine you need to sleep, you're already on way too much morphing for my liking so sleep, and in an hour or so I will bring you something to eat okay?,, Sarah said, her voice gentle but commanding at the same time, she was a doctor after all.

"Sure but I am not tired...,, Solance said as Sarah helped her lay down again. " please child just a little more and Rodney will be back and it won't be that important,, The elder woman said with a soft smile on her face. Solance nodded and laid back down, thanking Sarah in her head for being doped, her feet must be painful.

Sarah closed the infirmary door and locked it, Dimitry's scent was lingering in the air, it was fresh. Better safe than sorry. She turned to meet Aywa and Adele standing right in front of her. "Can we be the ones to bring her dinner?,, Aywa asked her hands fidgeting in front of her. "Why would you waste your time with that?,, Sarah asked with a raised eyebrow, the two omegas normally avoided attention, they stuck to themselves, she couldn't help but wonder at their interest.

"She is the first to tell us apart and we..., we want to be friends,, the twin's words took Sarah by surprise, these two normally never mingled with others. After all, they were omegas and the other females didn't want to converse with them, not even her own daughter Zoe.... That girl had lost her way in the last year. Sarah sighed, the two girls before her waited, she saw signs of nervousness in their body language. they only had each other here, no one had really extended a hand to them. "Sure but you must be careful and follow my instructions,, Sara said in a serious tone, building a friendship between the twins and the human couldn't be bad.

Both twins nodded and for a moment the light in the hall played a trick on Sarah's eyes, the castellation that Solance spoke of appeared on the girl's faces as they smiled. Sarah smiled back and together they walked downstairs. A blond male entered the hall shortly after, with a quick glance down the hall he deemed himself safe and walked to the infirmary door. It was locked that damn Sarah! Could she blame him for being curious?!

With an annoyed click of the tongue, he turned on his heel and walked back downstairs and out, hoping to locate his friends Zetrich, Cole, Mattew, and Alexx. Maybe they could help? Mattew probably can, after all, he is a keen locksmith...