
Isekai, What kind of shit is this

The room was a wide, and high room. Even packing several hundred people inside would not make the room feel crowded. The high ceiling and the surrounding walls were a predominantly white color, with golden decorations as highlights. The numerous chandeliers which hung from the ceiling were made of precious stones of all colors of the rainbow, Numerous flags emblazoned with different symbols hung from flagpoles sunk into the walls. A total of forty-three of these flags swayed gently in the wind, from the ceiling to the floor.

In the center of this room that was tinted gold and silver, there was a flight of stairs about ten steps high. Atop these stairs was a gigantic throne, carved out of a single piece of crystal, whose back was high enough to touch the ceiling above it. A huge red banner hung down behind it, proudly displaying the symbol of the guild. This place was located in the deepest reaches of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. It was also its most important place

The Throne Room.

Momonga and Artorias felt that it was easily the second most impressive location in YGGDRASIL, if not the first. This was the most suitable place for them to welcome the final moments of the game. Artorias eye fell on the female NPC that stood by the side of the throne. When he looked at he remembered something and soon was lost in thought. He thought about the AI in the game and how to improve them

She was a beautiful woman who wore a pure white dress, and the faint smile on her face was that of a goddess. In stark contrast to her dress, her hair was a flowing, jet-black that reached down to her waist. Although her golden irises and vertically-slitted pupils were somewhat odd, apart from those she could easily be considered a world-class beauty. However, a pair of curved horns sprouted from the sides of her head. In addition, a pair of black-feathered wings emerged from her waist. She wore a golden necklace that patterned after a spiderweb. It extended from her shoulders down to the tops of her breasts. Her slender wrists were covered in a pair of lustrous silk gloves, and in her hand, she held a strange weapon that looked like a wand of some sort. It was roughly forty-five centimeters long, and a black orb hovered at its end, floating lightly in the air but holding its position at the end of the wand.

She was the Overseer of the Floor Guardians of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Albedo. She was in charge of the seven NPC Floor Guardians. In other words, she was the highest-ranked character in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Because of that, she was permitted to await orders within the Throne Room, in the deepest reaches of the Tomb.

both began climbing the stairs but stopped when he heard footsteps behind him. Momonga could not help but laugh, although his skeletal face could not show any expressions. The NPCs were merely inflexible AI routines. If he did not give a specifically-worded command, they would not recognize it as an order. Momonga had forgotten this and thus he had not properly commanded the NPCs. Artorias notice this and made a mental note.

After Momonga guild members left, Momonga had begun solo hunting by himself to a nearly ridiculous degree in order to earn the gold needed to maintain Nazarick. Then, he would deposit his earnings in the Treasury before logging out. This had been his routine for almost every day. As such, he did not have much contact with the NPCs.

Momonga: Stand by.

The sound of the footsteps stopped. After Momonga gave the correct command, he ascended the final steps and arrived at the throne. With a Lost in thought Artorias following behind him. Soon Momonga began looking through Albedo's backstory and saw something "She is also a slut."

Momonga: Eh

He looked at Artorias who was still lost in his thoughts. He looked the words over several more times, eyes filled with suspicion, but in the end, he could not find any other meaning to them. After several rounds of thought, he could only come to the conclusion he had started with.

Momonga: A slut... it must be an insult of some sort.

Each of the forty-three guild members had designed their own NPCs, so he could not understand why anyone would want to treat the NPCs they had designed themselves in this manner. Perhaps he would understand why after reading that long essay of flavor text. However, there were guild members who would come up with these unconventional designs. Albedo's designer, Tabula Smaragdina, was one of those people.

Momonga: Ah, is this what they call gap moe? Tabula-san... even so...

Isn't a backstory like this far too much? Momonga could not help but think that.

Momonga: Should I change it?

Currently, with the guild weapon in his possession, Momonga could be said to be the master of the guild. It should be all right to exercise the guildmaster's authority he had never used before. Momonga's doubts vanished like mist, as he steeled himself to right the wrongs of his guildmate. He extended the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown that he was holding. Normally, one would need developer tools to change a character's backstory, but through his power as guild master, he could directly access her settings and edit them. After some action on his console, the "slut" line vanished.

Momonga: Well, it should be like that.

Momonga thought a bit more and glanced at Artorias. Remembering his past relationships and feeling bad for one of his best friends and so he wrote "She is deeply in love with Artorias" and laughed to himself and started to talk to Artorias one last time

Momonga: Hey Artorias

"Hm yea"

Momonga: You wanna met IRL somewhere

Artorias was going to say no, but then he thought about it. He had known this person for almost 10 years but never even met him in real life.

"Yea, That would be fun"

Momonga: If you're in the 'BloodHaven' city. there is a small cafe on Gotham street

"Yea I live near there, I'll come to visit sometime, At 5:00 P.M"

Momonga: Sure that would be fun








Albedo: Something wrong my lord

Artorias "eyes" widened. He heard a females voice and he only glances over the direction of it and sees Albedo an NPC is moving and ask Momonga and him something but Momonga ignores it

"Please be quiet"

Albedo's eyes widen as if she just royal messed up. She quickly drops to her knees and bows her head and profusely begs for forgiveness. Artorias sweatdrops at this and glance at Momonga who just shrugs his shoulders

"Albedo, You were only worried about us, I just need to think. You are forgiven"

Albedo who was still bowing response with

Albedo: Thank you, my lord

Artorias takes in everything that just happened. For one everything that came out of his mouth was like second nature taking and didn't even react to her an NPC talking or moving. Another thing was his voice, It was deeper than his voice but it also had another voice echoing it. Another thing was that he can feel the coldness of his armor however it didn't bother him. Artorias looked at Momonga who was silently panicking.

"Momonga, It appears something is wrong"

Momonga looked at Artorias and glanced around the room. Momonga then knew what Artoias was doing. So he decided to go along with it

Momonga: Yes, it does seem that way.

"Sebas! Maids!"

Those in question: Yes!

Momonga: Sebas exit the Tomb and investigate the surrounding region. If you encounter intelligent creatures, interact peacefully with them, and invite them to the Tomb. Attempt to accommodate the other party as much as possible during negotiations. Do not walk more than one kilometer from the tomb and avoid unnecessary combat. Also, take one of the Pleiades to accompany you. If battle begins, retreat immediately and tell me everything you have learned.

"The rest of the Pleiades, the rest of you will head to the Ninth Floor and repel any invaders from the Eighth Floor. Do not kill the invader, Do your best to capture them. If you cannot capture them then you are allowed to kill them"

Sebas/Pleiades: Understood, Momonga-sama, Artorias-sama

Sebas and the maids bowed once more to their lord who sat upon the throne, then stood and left simultaneously. The giant doors opened and then closed again. Sebas and the maids vanished beyond the doors. Momonga felt a weight off his shoulders, The NPC's were loyal because that's how the AI was programmed but now they were REAL. Now they have their own emotions, wants, and needs. They can judge both Artorias and Momomga. Both Momonga and Artorias are only human or they were human, Momonga nor Artorias could be the "Supreme Beings" that the NPC's want or were created for. Many thoughts just like this passed through Artorias and Momonga

Albedo: Is there anything that you need me to do Master

*Dink* (Those who get it get cookies)

Before Momonga could say anything, Artorias wanted to confirm something.

"Yes Albedo, Would you come here for a minute

Albedo walked to Artorias and smiling. She when she was ner Artorias he notices how short she was compared to him and his character. Another thing he notices was that she smelled good. Like rose.


Smell. that not possible, But Arotias could feel his armor, He could feel his 'Air/Body' moving around, Then again dream seem real. As of now Artoiras nor Momonga know what to believe

Albedo: Is there something you need my lord

"Yes, Can I see your hand"

Albedo complied and gave Artoiras her hand. Artorias placed his hand on her wrist, He felt her pulse. Albedo fletched slightly from the cold metal of Artorias's armor. While this happened Artorias became lost in his thoughts, Thinking of way this could have happened. But Albedo's adorable yelp knocked Artorias out of his thoughts and soon he saw that his hand was on Albedo's chest.


Albedo on the other hand loved just being touched by Artorias and when his hand went to her chest, Her mind and *Cough* body *cough* were filled with excitement so many things went through her head. What she would name the baby, What gender the baby would be, Does her lord want to 'penetrate' her here in the throne room or somewhere.

Albedo: M-m Lord do you plan to take m-

"*Ahm* Uh No not yet Albedo. But I just had to check something, Now that's, that's done please go gather the Guardians of each Floor, with the exception of the Fourth and the Eighth Floors, and meet at the Colosseum on the Sixth Floor in an hour's time. I and Momonga will contact Aura and Mare myself, so there is no need to inform them. In addition, Get the horsemen and The Knights"

Albedo: Yes, my lord it will be done

Albedo swiftly departed the Throne Room. As Arotias watched the retreating Albedo, he let himself sigh, in a way that suggested he was thoroughly exhausted. Once she left the Throne Room, Momonga groaned painfully

Momonga: …Oh, what have I done? It was supposed to be a silly joke… If I'd known I wouldn't have done it. I've… I've soiled the NPC Tabula Smaragdina-san created…

"You. Did. What"

Momonga: Well...I change her setting from a slut to deeply in love with you

"Oh no"

Momonga: Can we deal with this later

"Fine but only because we have subjects that we need to meet"

As Artorias and Momonga unleashed the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown's power the world before them instantly turned black. Right after that, the scenery in front of him changed, and his surroundings were now a dark tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, Artorias could see what looked like a giant lowered portcullis. Within the tunnel were artificial lights.

The colosseum was an oval in shape, one hundred eighty meters on its long axis and one hundred fifty meters on the short axis. It was forty meters tall and modeled after the arenas of the Roman Empire. There were {Continual Light} spells cast everywhere, illuminating the grounds in white light, so one could observe the entire Colosseum like it was the day. The audience was composed of many clay dolls golems, in other words, which showed no sign of activity. In this Colosseum, the intruders would be the stars of the show, while the ones watching from the VIP box would be members of Ainz Ooal Gown. The main event, of course, would be a brutal melee. Apart from the fifteen-hundred-man invasion, every single invader had met their end here.

They walked into the center of the arena and looked into the heavens. Before Artorias stretched the night sky. Perhaps he might have been able to see the stars if there were no light around him. However, this place was the Sixth Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, so the sky here was merely a virtual imitation. He looked around but nobody was there. The twins should have been taking care of this place… He noticed something.

????: Toooooooh!

After the shout, a figure leaped from the VIP box. The figure jumped down from a height of about six stories, somersaulted in mid-air, and landed as though it were a butterfly descending on a flower. There was no magic involved, only pure physical prowess. it smiled broadly and with a "V" sign for victory.

A child of about eleven had descended from above. Her face bore a smile that was as bright as the sun. She was adorable, with the androgynous appeal of both a boy and a girl. Her hair resembled threads of spun gold, and it grazed her shoulders. Her mismatched eyes, one blue, one red, seemed as eager and sparkly as a puppy's. Her ears were long, and his skin was dark. She was a Dark Elf, a species related to Forest Elves.

She wore a shirt of light leather armor, reinforced with red dragon's scales. The emblem of Ainz Ooal Gown was proudly displayed on her vest, stitched in gold onto a white background. Below that, she wore a pair of white pants, matching her vest. A necklace with a glittering golden acorn pendant hung from her neck, and she wore a pair of gloves reinforced with plates of enchanted metal. A whip coiled across her waist and right shoulder, and there was a longbow on her back. The bowstave and grip seemed to be covered in strange decorations.

"Ah Aura"

Artorias knew of her and a lot about her because her creator BukuBukuChagama had a crush on Artorias and would always show off her creation to him when she finished. Artorias thought back to those times and he regretted not taking the chance with her.

Aura: Hey Lord Artorias and Lord Momonga. What brings you both to the 6th floor

"Well, we are gathering all of the Guardians, Horsemen, and Knights"

Aura: awww does that mean Shalltear is coming too,

"Yes even her"

Aura: OH my dragon buddies is coming too?!

(Guess who)

"Yes, he is coming too"

Momonga: Aura, Where is your brother

Upon hearing Momonga's question, Aura blinked in surprise, as though she had realized some great truth and turned around, shouting loudly upward:

Aura: Artorias-sama and Momonga-sama have graced us with their presence! How rude are you going to be by not showing your face to them?

There was a movement in the shadows of the VIP box and an almost inaudible reply came from the VIP box. Judging by the distance between there and here, it was a miracle the other party could even hear Aura. However, that miracle was the result of the magic on Aura's necklace.

Mare: I, I can't, Onee-chan…

Aura took a deep breath and grabbed her head.

Aura: He… he… Artorias-sama, Momonga-sama, he's just scared, he's definitely not trying to insult you."

"Of course, Aura. We would never doubt your loyalty."

Aura sighed in relief, and then she became serious again before shouting angrily at the VIP box. Even if Artorias was lying. As the NPC's have known Momonga and Artorias for years this is the 'first' time meeting them for Artorias and Momonga

Aura: The Supreme Beings Artorias-sama and Momonga-sama have come to visit us, but you as a Floor Guardian aren't even here to meet them! You should know how disrespectful that is! If you're too scared to jump down, maybe a quick kick will substitute for courage!

Mare: Uuu… I'll take the stairs down…

Aura: How long do you want them to wait!? Get over here now!

Mare: I, I got it… e-eiii!

Mare had gathered up his courage, but his voice still seemed unsteady. After that, a figure jumped out of the VIP box.

As expected, it was a Dark Elf. This Dark Elf was particularly wobbly on his feet, completely different from how Aura had handled her landing. However, he did not seem to be hurt. He must have skillfully dissipated the force of landing with some athletic trick. After that, he immediately began running over as quickly as he could. However, his top speed was still much slower than Aura. She must have thought so too because she frowned and shouted:

Aura: Hurry up!

Mare: Y-Yes!

The child who finally arrived in front of Ainz looked almost identical to Aura. They had to be twins, given the way they shared the same hair, the same eyes, and the same features. However, if Aura was the sun, then Mare was the moon.

He looked nervous, as though he was afraid of being scolded. Momonga was surprised by the stark difference between the two. However, from what Momonga knew, Mare should not have been like this. Even if one wrote a long character description for their NPCs, it would not be reflected in their personalities. Yet, these two Dark Elf children were displaying animated emotions in front of Momonga.

Mare: I, I'm sorry I kept you waiting, My Lords

He wore a vest of blue dragon scales and a small cape that was as green as jungle leaves. His clothes had the same basic white color as Aura, but a short section of flesh peeked out below his short skirt. It was short because the rest of his legs were covered in white silk stockings. He had an acorn-shaped pendant on a necklace like Aura, but his was made of silver. Mare was much more lightly armed than Aura, with a pair of lustrous white gloves on his dainty little hands, and a gnarled black staff in his hands.

Mare Bello Fiore.

"I'm glad to see that the two of you are in good spirits."

Aura: I'm positively overflowing with energy… although it's been a bit boring recently. It would be nice if we had an intruder or two.

"Oh, I do want to test something"

Aura: oooooo can I help my lord

"Yes, You will be fighting some Abyss beings"

As Artorias Abyss rolled off his arm and soon Six beings came out and were ready to fight. Aura got the idea and got into a stance as Mare tried to leave but was pulled back by Aura

"Well, let the dance beings"


DONE. Ok so, I'm sorry for taking so long I just kept putting it off again, again, and finally, I did. But keep in mind I am still in school so there's that But this is Thanksgiving break so I will have more time. Also, I have a Patreon now


And The book will be a Harem sorry if you don't like it but it will NOT be like some books and have "Oh new girl, you're in my harem already and don't know it" or have like 500 wives.

Words: 3372

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