
This room isn't for a regular employee

In a flashback, we see again Eul's witnessing of her father's accident, and how the driver just left him lying there dying in the street. Eul never saw the driver's face, only that it was a woman, but we know that it was assemblyman's daughter Yoon Jung-eun.

The scenes intercut between Jung-eun and Eul, highlighting the chasm between their lives in the aftermath of the hit-and-run. Jung-eun had enjoyed her carefree life, taking a "healing" vacation to Hawaii where she could erase her "dirty memories," and getting cozy with her future in-laws. Meanwhile, Eul worked tirelessly to find her father's killer, to no avail.

Now Joon-young knows Jung-eun's part in the accident, and tracks her life through her social media account. He'd been doing that while watching Jung-eun drink, taking in all the pictures of Jung-eun living it up on the beach, knowing that Eul spent those years miserably fighting for justice.

He'd followed Jung-eun to the pool area, going over the details in his mind — the CCTV cameras had been broken in the area where she hit Eul's father, and the witnesses changed their statements. And that's why he was there to save Jung-eun when she fell into the pool.

Now, Joon-young's team stares when he changes his mind about making the movie, because Jung-eun is the new team manager: "I heard she was really pretty." They don't buy it since Jung-eun is supposedly engaged, but Joon-young sticks to his story, even willing to take the part from the rookie actor who already accepted.

He does pause for a moment when Gook-young tells him that Jung-eun isn't marrying just anyone… she's marrying Ji-tae, and will soon be Assemblyman Choi's daughter-in-law. But he has a plan he's determined to carry out, and it involves being in this movie to gain regular access to her.

Upon arriving at the hotel where he'll be filming, Joon-young spots Jung-eun talking with the movie's other star, Seo Yoon-hoo, and reminds himself that he's on borrowed time — there are 46 days remaining before the hit-and-run's statute of limitations runs out, and he has between thirty and sixty days left to live. He approaches the pair confidently, taking pleasure in Yoon-hoo's dismay that he's going to be in the movie with him.

Eul is staying at the hotel where the movie is filming, since she's filming the behind-the-scenes footage for rival star Yoon-hoo. Ji-tae finds her there and insists on bandaging her blistered heel, tightly reminding her that they're supposed to be dating. He piggybacks her through the lobby, where they run into Joon-young and Jung-eun, only now meeting each other formally.

Ji-tae puts Eul down, and she walks straight up to Joon-young. She takes out her phone and dials his number, and when it rings, she calls him out on ignoring all her calls and texts. Good for her — and to Joon-young's credit, he looks abashed.

Eul asks why he's been ignoring her, and Joon-young can't give a better answer than "Just because." Eul is ready to light him up, but Joon-young says that he's in no mood to hear her out, and quickly leaves before she can say anything else. Eul also leaves to find her room, leaving Ji-tae to deal with Jung-eun.

She just glares at him accusingly, and he says a simple "I'm sorry." But he's not sorry for standing her up at their engagement ceremony — he's sorry for not making his decision sooner and confusing her. It's all he has to say, and he goes to catch up to Joon-young and invite him for a drink.

Eul also stops to pick up some soju, but she thinks better of it, knowing her tendency to get drunk and get in trouble. Instead she calls her work sunbae and invites them to go out, and they end up at a noraebang. Ha, Eul is partying her heart out, while he looks frankly terrified. He eventually gets into it, and they dance and sing the night away.

Ji-tae and Joon-young are having a much more sedate evening, drinking together like gentlemen. Joon-young cheerfully denies being here for Eul, claiming that he's here to film the movie and for Jung-eun. He reaches for his drink but Ji-tae down it instead, pointedly mentioning that Joon-young is too sick to be drinking.

Joon-young denies that too, but Ji-tae knows better, and he even knows the name of the cancer Joon-young is dying from. He carefully says this in English so that nobody nearby will understand, and Joon-young gulps to realize that Ji-tae knows his secret.

Ji-tae tells Joon-young to look after himself, and to let Ji-tae look after Eul. It would sound nice except that he follows it up by saying that Joon-young can't take responsibility for Eul since he's dying soon, and to stop confusing her. Joon-young can't even think of anything to say in response.

Eul sees Joon-young's stylist Man-ok at the noraebang being harassed by a group of men, and though she tries to ignore them, she can't help but get involved when Man-ok starts to sound genuinely frightened. Eul runs at them, screaming and brandishing her shoe like a mighty battle sword.

Joon-young calls Gook-young and HA, all you can hear in the background is Eul's screeching. It's an all-out brawl over at the noraebang, with Eul and Man-ok holding the upper hand and Gook-young backing them up. Joon-young shows up and yells HEY!! , and they all leave off fighting.

It's a struggle, but Joon-young ignores Eul, and just calls Gook-young and Man-ok outside. Eul follows him out anyway and explains that the men started it, and Gook-young was only helping. Joon-young acts like he doesn't care, but when Eul says she got hurt and shows him her battle wounds, his eyelids flicker just a bit.She sees him caving and really plays up her injuries, though she can't decide which rib she thinks is broken, hee. But Joon-young can't help but remember Ji-tae's angry words that he has no right to her, so he just asks an employee of the building to take her to the hospital.

Ji-tae wakes the next morning in his hotel room with a wicked hangover, and realizes that Jung-eun is in the room with him. He's furious, but she's there on behalf of his mother, and she calls Mom to report that he's awake and hands him the phone.

His mom tells Ji-tae that she's replaced him as investment team leader and director with Jung-eun, and asks him to stay on the team to support her. He easily agrees, which seems to displease his mother, so she tells him to get out of the hotel room — it's not for regular employees. Damn.

That doesn't get the response she wants either, so she starts to fuss at him for his drinking. Ji-tae interrupts, dropping the cheerfully polite tone, and tells her that she can do whatever she wants with him so long as she doesn't touch Eul or anyone around her. He says this staring straight at Jung-eun, the message clearly for her as well, and he promises that he won't let it go if anything happens to Eul. He leaves her with the reminder of which "card" he's holding — a veiled threat to out her manipulations to his father.

Ji-tae hangs up on his mother and hands the phone back to Jung-eun, congratulating her sarcastically on her promotion. Jung-eun just says that she'll wait until he comes back to her, promising to resign when he does, but Ji-tae swears that will never happen.