
Joon young Saved him

Jik grabs the chains of the swing she's sitting on and yanks her close to his face, flustering her, and asks if she got rid of the kitten. Haru hotly denies it, then his close proximity has her blurting out, "Do you know you're really handsome?" Jik just lets go and dumps her on her ass, HA.

Joon-young prepares to take Eul on a trip for a whole month, just the two of them, when she gets out of the hospital. He takes care of everything, even going shopping for pretty lingerie for Eul, though he's adorably embarrassed and has to give himself a pep-talk just to go inside the store. And awww cute, he gets them a set of couple pajamas.

Eul is nervous as well, and even shyly asks the nurses of she can borrow their makeup. Joon-young gets a scare when she's not in bed when he arrives, but he finds her in the bathroom, having been startled into smearing her lipstick.

She gets dressed in the clothes he brought, and he zips her into her new coat himself, declaring it perfect. He softly says she looks pretty, and Eul says in return, "Let's not make it a month. Let's go for a year. Let's go for ten years." Joon-young stares at her intently at the mention of all that time that he doesn't have, but gets his emotions under wraps and then grins, saying it's a deal.

Eul throws his words back at him: "If I ask for a kiss, will you hit me?" Joon-young shoots back her answer, "I'll kill you," then says this occasion calls for more than a mere peck. He leans down and plants another toe-curling kiss on her, one that goes on for quite a while.

The couple heads down to the parking garage together, where Joon-young leaves Eul to get the car, first pausing to give her his big fluffy scarf. As he reaches his car, he stumbles, and his vision goes blurry. Oh no. He turns pale and slumps to the ground, fighting the darkness, and losing.

While Joon-young is fighting his illness for control, Eul is approached by the police, and she's arrested for the attempted murder of Assemblyman Choi. She calls out for Joon-young as she's taken to their car, but he can't stand or see, and can only lie there, helpless.

By the time Joon-young staggers to his feet, Eul is being driven away. He tries to run after the car but can barely walk, and the last thing Eul sees is Joon-young collapsing to the ground.

He makes his way home, still unsteady on his feet, but determined to do something to help Eul. He calls Gook-young and asks him to find out where Eul's been taken, and makes his way to his bathroom to take his medicine. By now he looks like he's hanging onto consciousness by sheer force of will.

He comes out of the bathroom a while later, a little steadier, but only to find that Gook-young has locked him in his bedroom on President Namgoong's orders, and even set up a couple of guards. They have his phone and are afraid that he'll go and do something truly irreparable, and refuse to let him out. WHAT . Seriously, you can't just lock up someone like that.

Joon-young is understandably furious, but he's too weak to fight back much. He screams, and then cries, desperate to go to Eul, begging and pleading to be let out. Eul is left alone to face interrogation, but she keeps silent and refuses to say a word.

Jung-eun has been taking cooking classes, and she prepares a lavish meal for her father, Assemblyman Yoon. He jokes that she's so talented that it's a waste to marry her off to Ji-tae, and she promises to visit Dad every day once she's married.

Something makes Jung-eun think of the man she hit with her car years ago, and she asks her father what happened to him. Apparently she dreamed about him last night, and her father casually says that he died, like it's no big deal. Jung-eun responds that it's good that he died, because he'd only be a burden to his poor family if he'd continued in his vegetative state, then father and daughter cheerfully chat about wine. Wow. No words.

As it turns out, it's Assemblyman Choi's wife who pressed charges against Eul, and when Ji-tae finds out, he confronts his mother with fury in his eyes. He asked why she did it, and she tries to blow off his questions, but he follows her into her room to demand answers.

He reminds her that a few years ago, Eul had investigated some illegal funding activity within their company, and Mom had made it her mission to crush Eul in court, even though everything she discovered was true. The reason Eul's been borrowing money from loan sharks was to pay the court fines when she lost the case, and three years later she's still suffering when she did nothing wrong.

Ji-tae lashes out, asking his mother if she's even human, if she doesn't feel the slightest bit guilty for ruining Eul's life along with his father, unaware that his father is outside the bedroom door and heard every angry word. Assemblyman Choi puts the pieces together, and he remembers who Eul is now.

Eul sits in prison, still wrapped up in the coat and scarf from Joon-young. Meanwhile Joon-young stares down from his bedroom balcony at the guards swarming his home, still looking pale and ill and worried sick.

He can hear someone ringing his doorbell and calling his name, and he sees on the monitor that it's Jik. The boy cries as he begs Joon-young to help his sister, but Joon-young is trapped and there's nothing he can do.

Another wave of dizziness and pain hits Joon-young, and he drops to the floor, unable to stand. He struggles to answer the phone when it rings, and when it's his lawyer, he just asks where Eul is. He tells his lawyer to get her out of jail, but President Namgoong already told him not to get involved with Eul's case. What the HELL.

Ajusshi is holding a hilarious protest at Joon-young's mom's restaurant, refusing to take off his tuxedo in retaliation for her not showing up to the ceremony. He gets a call from Joon-young and launches into a long-winded explanation of why they didn't go, but he stops when he hears Joon-young's voice.

He puts Mom on the phone, and it only takes a weak, "Mom, help me," to have her and Ajusshi racing to his side. Ajusshi rants during the drive over, ready to kill President Namgoong with his bare hands. Mom stays calm, but when she finds her son unconscious on his bedroom floor, she's stunned.

Eul hands over her coat and Joon-young's scarf to a sick cellmate. She goes to sleep and hears a voice sarcastically commending her on being so caring, and she opens her eyes to see her father next to her. He fusses at her for giving away her coat and warns her not to cry, but it's too late.

Dad says she'll never survive if she's weak, and he'll never be able to rest in peace. Eul sobs that she took the money from Assemblyman Choi, and tried to forget about her father. "I settled, Dad. I thought I would die if I didn't. Who would care for Jik if I died, too?"

Dad hugs her tight, and says that she did the right thing. He apologizes for leaving her alone, crying with her now, and she begs him to take her with him.

In his bedroom, Joon-young's mom reaches out to him, and he wakes at the touch of her hand on his face. He slowly looks up, and the instant he sees that it's his mother, his face crumples. She helps him sit up, ready to take him to the hospital.

In a broken voice and with tears streaming down his face, Joon-young says, "Mom. I have to see Eul. Help me. I need to go to her. Please help me, Mom."

In her cell, Eul cries, alone.

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