
A chance to escape

How long had it been now? Weeks, months, years? I can only count time by when the lights go on or off, or by how much my body grows. I've been here for a while, I know that much, and all I wanted was to escape, and see the stars again. Judging from my body, I was in my twenties, and i was fairly strong. I was born with av rare body condition called Osteopetrosis, which causes my bones to harden and condense, but instead of becoming brittle, like in most cases, my bones were exeedingly strong, and not brittle at all. I've fallen meters without even fractures.

I thought back on my life before this prison. At the age of thirteen, my body gained a strange ability to heal from any wound, even those that would be instantly fatal. I hid it from my patents for a while, then they found out when I got injured in a car crash. less than a week later, I was sent here, and for the first few weeks experimented on. My screams echoed throughout the halls of this prison. They cut me, burned me, drowned me, any form of murder known to man, they inflicted on me, but my body showed no proof. It hurt like a motherfucker too. They still continued my education here, though. I have a degree in bio engineering. They also did physical education, and even workouts to increase my strength. There was something peculiar, though. Whenever I exercised vigorously, my strength grew rapidly as my muscles tore and repaired, over and over again. I could now lift a few tons easily.

I glanced over at the steel door containing me in this place. I was easy to break, but they always used elephant tranquilizers to get me back to my cell. I only wished to see the stars again. I've heard guards talk among themselves often. SCPs, they called us. I was probably the most "Human" in the prison. Most normal humans that gain powers resort to crime, and get away with it, or get detained here. Others hide their powers in fear. But from what I've heard, some people are becoming super-heroes in the outside world.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the opening of the steel door. I glanced over from the corner of the square confines of the room to see who came in. There was an awkward looking blonde lady escorted by two guards. She looked at me, and her face turned red. I glanced down and realized I wasn't wearing a shirt, and my muscles and abs were showing. Because I've been left alone here for the most part, I never really grew up, so I was also embarrassed. I gave a hoarse "Sorry" in a deep voice. It's been quite a while since I spoke, so I wasn't expecting a deep voice like that. She coughed and waved her hand in apology, she must've thought it offended me. There was a person behind the guards who I remembered as the leader of this place. We called him the Warden. He cleared his throat, and spoke"Jack, this is Angela Grace, your new psychologist, as we've discovered worrying thins about your mental health"

"Like you care about my health" I growled back. I was tempted to attack, but knew the consequences, and decided against it. "Hello" Angela said in a small, seemingly scared voice. The Warden got irritated with me and then left, the guards following him, leaving only me and Angela. I stood up, and she flinched back. I stretched and yawned" Sorry for scaring you, i just really don't like that guy". I held my hand out for her to shake it. "Nice to meet you" . She still looked shocked, but shook my hand. She sat dawn next to me, and we talked for a few hours, before she had to leave.

A few hours after she left, I went to sleep. I was drifting off when the alarms sounded. A group of prisoners were escaping. I could hear them outside the door. I pried the door off the wall and joined the large group of escapees, and they just ignored me. From what I can guess, we're in the middle of a large deserted area about fifty miles from the nearest city, based on info i overheard from the guards. The group was going through the halls, until we arrived at a staircase that led to the first floor. The group stampeded down, and I rushed to the front of the group.

We reached the door to escape out of, and we burst open tough the reinforced concrete wall, as most of us were extremely strong. We were greeted by a large group of guards, guns pointed straight at us. The Warden was at the head of the group and stared right at me. My muscles tensed, and adrenaline pumped through my veins. He raised his hand, about to give the order to fire, when I jumped right towards him, going about ten meters in a few seconds. I tackled him to the ground and showed the guards I had a hostage. i gestured for the other escapees to go, and get as far away as possible. They took the guard vehicles and drove away as fast as possible. I was left alone, an island among a sea of guards and guns, with this hostage my only refuge. I hit the Warden on the temple, effectively knocking him out and threw him into the sea of guards. I then sprinted the direction the other prisoners went at my max running speed, fifty miles per hour.