
Little Fae

Pingping... what the hell are you doing?!

Yan Ping scolded herself as she went on and on into the forest after the little sparkling flying fairy in the air above her.

"Fuck!" she cursed loudly as she trip on a root of a tree and feel on her side helplessly. Huffing, she turn to lay on her back on the leafy ground and glare at the fairy right above her, who seems to be laughing at her.

"Go!" Ping yells in annoyance, "Go before I decide to catch you, you naughty little thing!"

"Tired little human?"

Ping's eyes widen and she stand back up on her feet and jump up to finally catch the troublemaker.

"So, you talk." Ping smirks as she stares at the fairy squirming in her fist, "And I was starting to think that you might be a mute." she smiled mischievously at the creature.

"Keep talking human, one day you might say something useful." the fairy snaps and Ping glare downs at him.

Yup, its a he and he seems to be a hundreds years old.

"Do tell me why you lead me here, or I'll take you to my home and create potions of you."

Ping threatens the fairy and clenched her fist tighter, knowing the creature won't die easily like this.

"My Queen, she requested of me to bring you here into the forest!" the fairy quickly says and Ping let him go.

"Prove it or I'm catching you again." Ping says as she cross her arms while looking at the fairy.

The fairy did something resembling a hand signal then the forest light up with other fairies coming out if their hiding place and crowded above Ping in the air.

Meeting the fairy Queen living in the middle of the forest was a bright affair.

The Queen in question was fucking bright that Ping had to charm her eyes to be able to look clearly.

"You are a very strong one, the strongest I've ever seen in my living years." the Queen says to Ping, "but I'm afraid your curiosity might bring harm to those around you and yourself. This is the reason I call you here. Be careful and choose wisely. Think carefully before you use your strength and avoid doing anything that might cause harm to others in any way."

what the hell... Ping stares at the women

"Please, do things with care dear."

Dear her ass... Ping scoffs as she teleport back right into her room in the new house, in the new town.

The next day Ping woke up late to her mother calling her out into the backyard to help her gardening. After lunch, Ping went to the towns shop to check it out. The young ones like her seems be be around cafés and parks and to her, technology is kinda boring.

Then she went to check out the towns local library.

The place was decent and there were a lot of old novels and tales form the Western World.

She was in the anonymous section, where the thorn and worn out books are kept, browsing through the books when she found it. The book was worn out but still intact. She took it out of the shelf and opens it to look inside.

Just like she had predicted, it was someone's Book of Shadows. It was written in old traditional Chinese which she recognised since she learn Chinese for two years in middle school.

Curiosity filled her and she flips the pages looking for a name of the person who write it, or just anything that gives clue on who wrote it.

L Y P, it was written in English letter in the corner of the very last page of the book.

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