
Unchanged Samurai In Another World

This is the tale of a samurai who, with no special abilities or cheats, is suddenly transported to a world of swords and magic. Despite being unfamiliar with this new world, the samurai refuses to compromise his bushido code and seeks out worthy opponents to fight. However, finding someone who can match his full strength proves to be difficult, and the samurai prays to the gods for a challenging enemy. As the samurai navigates this new world, he encounters various creatures and people, including goblins, guild masters, and nobles. Despite his initial skepticism, the samurai learns about the existence of magic, dungeons, and different races that inhabit the world. Along the way, he finds himself questioning his principles and values, and whether they can remain unchanged in this fantastical world. Will he be able to maintain his strict adherence to his bushido code? Or will the temptations of this foreign world lead him astray? Follow the samurai’s journey and discover the answer for yourself, as he encounters new allies and enemies, learns about the magical aspects of this world, and ultimately discovers what it truly means to be a warrior.

CORVANA · Action
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4 Chs

The Samurai Lands in Another World

"Where am I?"

In the midst of a vast forest, a man murmurs to himself without anyone around to hear.

Suddenly, he realizes he's in an unfamiliar place.

While walking along a mountain pass, there weren't many people around, but he could still hear the lively voices of young women from the nearby town just a few moments ago. Now, all he can hear are the rustling of the trees and the chirping of birds.

He was sure he could see a post town in the distance just a while ago, but…

Looking around, all he can see are old trees that are probably over a hundred years old. The road he had been walking on for half a day has completely disappeared.


After standing there motionless for a brief moment, the man starts walking aimlessly.

Well, it doesn't matter.

He doesn't know where he is or where the path ahead leads. But that's nothing new.

The man continues walking through the unfamiliar forest without hesitation. At his waist, he has two swords, a large one and a small one, both of Japanese make.


Kuros Motochika is a frail 27-year-old born as the third son of a samurai family. Since childhood, he has been swinging wooden swords with the single-minded goal of becoming the greatest samurai in the land. He was taught the way of the samurai, which emphasizes the importance of becoming strong and unyielding in the face of death. His training in swordsmanship extended to other weapons such as spears, bows, staffs, sickles, and ropes, as well as various martial arts such as ninjutsu, grappling, swimming, and horsemanship.

The training was grueling and relentless, and his younger siblings often teetered on the brink of death. His mother begged his father to stop the training that caused her children to come home bloodied every day, but the request was ignored. The children had already accepted this way of life as their daily routine.

As he grew older, Kuros surpassed his brothers in martial ability, and by the age of fifteen, he had defeated all of his peers in the neighborhood. Feeling stagnated with his own swordsmanship, Kuros stationed himself on a mountain path that led to another territory, challenging any passing samurai to a fight with his two wooden swords. Kuros was the most ambitious of the Kuros siblings, and the family's small fiefdom was not enough to satisfy him.

"It is said that a fearsome tengu resides in those mountains. Any swordsman who enters will be attacked without exception."

By the time the rumors reached other territories, the brawler who spent his days fighting was summoned by his father.

The maidservant led him not to the living room where the family usually spent time, but to the audience chamber.

Understanding that this was not just a scolding from his father, but a rebuke as the head of the family, Motochika approached the cushion placed in the center of the room and bowed his head.

As his son delivered a polite speech, his father watched from above and quickly cut in.

"Why do you rage so much, Motochika? The current trend of the world is towards peace. Surely you've noticed that your brothers are spending more time with a pen than with a sword."

"With all due respect, Father, peace is a fleeting dream. It is like a sandcastle that can easily crumble with the change of heart of a single warlord. If it is the duty of a samurai to protect their family, then regardless of the trend of the world, I know that I cannot stop my training."

His father frowned unhappily at Motochika's statement, which could be taken as arrogance.

"Do you think your brothers are wrong?"

"No, Father. A samurai is someone who lives according to their own belief in the way of the samurai. Although our paths may be different, we will all end up in the same place."

"I wanted you all to walk the same path."

"I understand your words, Father. I am living according to your guidance. If someone obstructs my path of the samurai, I will not compromise my beliefs. I would rather choose death than to bend my beliefs. If it is your desire… I am willing to risk my life and engage in a parent-child quarrel."

…In an instant.

The gazes of the parent and child crossed, sparking.

The rapidly escalating tension between them became so intense that the space between them seemed distorted, and the shoji screens in the hall began to tremble.


After a momentary stare-down, it was the father who broke the silence.

"Sigh…who on earth did you inherit that thick skull from?"

As the father looked up at the sky and let out a big sigh, the men who had been hiding their presence until then spoke up.

"Heh heh, undoubtedly it's our father."

"Indeed. Among the three brothers, we inherited the most strongly from Motochika. Although his thorny and cruel personality is a flaw."

The man with long hair hanging down and a loose kimono laughed, while the serious-looking man with a neatly tied topknot nodded in agreement.

The hands of the brothers who had been quietly standing behind them were poised to cut the hilt of their swords, in case Motochika drew his sword and they needed to quickly dispose of their younger brother.

"Don't you all care? About leaving the essence of our school to the youngest brother."

"As the eldest son, it is my duty to be merciful, but I have no natural talent for the sword. That is why I chose the path of swallowing my tears and taking up the brush instead. As someone who has inherited the family headship, I understand that protecting our land and people is not just about the sword."

"I have no objections either. I have not abandoned the way of the sword, but I am aware of my own limitations. Although the saying goes that everything is impermanent, the Blackbeard sword must be inherited. If we are to choose a successor to the school that has been passed down from generation to generation, there is no one else but Motochika."

The swordsmanship of the Kurosu family was not inherited by the next successor, but by the best practitioner of the current generation.

As the third son who often left the mansion, Motochika had no idea that the reason the siblings were summoned this time was to decide on the succession.

The eldest brother showed humility, but the skills of all three were not inferior to their father's.

Compared to the fierce warriors who served the family, there was an overwhelming difference in strength, but even among them, Motochika's talent was head and shoulders above the rest.

The eldest and second brother, who were praised as Kirinji, could not help but acknowledge this fact.

Father stared at the eyes of the two to discern their true intentions, then turned to Motochika with a serious expression.

"Motochika, do you have the determination to walk the path of Shura?"

"Without question. My path has always led to the way of Shura."

"Good. I will teach you the secret technique, and then you must go on a journey of warrior training to receive full authorization."

"As you wish."

"Listen well, the Kurosu sword is entrusted to you. From now on, dying without purpose is not allowed! Until you become a prominent samurai, do not cross the threshold of this house! Make the name of Kurosu resound throughout the world!!"


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