


       Nella's pov

Dylan has always treated me like his daughter rather than his wife.Well, at least since the day I opened my eyes to a new life in a hospital with Dylan being the only family I had.

"God has given us a second chance n… Nelly. I'm so grateful for this, I promise to always keep you safe. This will never happen again I promise." He had said with teary eyes and shaky hands.  He took me to a three bedroom duplex and called it our home where we made lots of memories together.

I didn't remember any of it though.

The doctor said I had a serious case of amnesia due to the head injury I obtained in the car accident I was involved in. I had been in a car race with Dylan and his friend Anthony which caused my unfortunate accident, Dylan explained.

Dylan and I met at Fordham university in NYC, both studying journalism. Though my passion had always been modelling, my late parents didn't want that for me. Two years after their passing and Dylan and I graduated, we got married and moved to Torrance city in California and had the time of our lives there. 

Dylan told me stories about our life before the accident and the many adventures we had ventured into. Dylan in his stories was a carefree risk taking and happy man but the present Dylan is nothing like that. I tried to create new memories with him but he didn't make it easy.  The horrid accident had left him re-evaluating his life, how privileged we are to be alive and in good health. He spent his days working at the office and occupied with church activities. The only time we spent together where we actually talked is during his story telling or when we watch a film together.  

Dylan became so protective of me he avoided anything he thought would be a danger to my life including childbirth. I spent my days writing fictional stories about the new memories we could make together, which I find really entertaining. Or talking to our dog Gregory while I cook. 

Though that isn't the case anymore, Dylan surprised me one day when he told me he found a modelling agency for me to work with. His friend Layton was the head and would be delighted to have me. 

Dylan always made sure I was in perfect shape, 5'7, tan skin, healthy dark hair that fell to my shoulders, Dylan preferred it long so he got me extensions, thin waist and curves Dylan praised every time we made love.

I did a few walks on the runway and photo shoots but that was all for a pay way too much compared to what I do. Not that I'm complaining.

Knowing it was probably Dylan's doings. He wanted me to feel like I was contributing even though we had enough and more, it made me feel useful.

I didn't do so much work compared to the other models, I usually just sit and talk with Suzzy when I'm not doing anything and made sure to always get home at 2 on Dylan's demands, Layton made sure of that too.  

Tomorrow though I'm  getting home late. Layton needed me for the walk and the organisers made it clear that the event would begin at 5. When Dylan surprised me yet again by letting me go, on the condition that Layton would take good care of me, I was so happy I literally danced and I had no Idea where I got such good moves but Dylan was shocked as well. 

 He said he taught me the dance step when we were in college and was surprised I remembered it. I was shocked as well cause Dylan dancing is the last thing I'll imagine. Dylan became emotional about my little dance. He ended up cooking dinner and danced with Gregory and I, which was so much fun. 

Though I was more excited about my plans for tomorrow night.

 "Are you ready to go to bed?"Dylan asked from the Kitchen where he was doing tge dishes we used to eat some minutes ago

" Yeah tomorrow's gonna be a busy day for me, goodnight babe" 

I say going to give him a little peck on the cheek and heading to my room. I brush my teeth and head to bed anticipating tomorrow night.   

  "Omg! Can someone please call the cops?" 

I didn't have to turn to know it's Suzzy that's speaking. Knowing she deserves to be given an award for best in exaggerating. I don't know why the other models and people working in the building don't know her by now, most people have their heads turned to my 5'9 dark skinned goddess of a friend with confused expressions waiting for the reason to call the cops. I chuckle silently to myself in front of the mirror. 

She's so dramatic.

"Cause that beauty just freaking stole my heart. I mean that much glam should be illegal right?!" She finishes. Looking in my direction with a big smile she walks over. 

"You're so pretty Nells, wow! Like a freaking princess"

she beams with admiration


" I know right! Overwhelming is so overwhelming"

my plans for tonight are more overwhelming. I obviously can't tell Suzzy that she adores Dylan and will be happy to destroy my plans by informing him in seconds. She made that clear when I tried going out for some drinks with the other models. 

She called Dylan and told him before I could get to my destination with the girls. Layton called Jeremy, the guy who was driving us to the bar and asked him to wait somewhere before he got there and took me home. I'm pretty sure the other models made fun of me that day. I felt like a child. "You're so lucky Nella, this event is huge! So many celebrities are gonna be here and entertainment channels too. I mean you're wearing Cary freaking white's design and you don't even seem that happy to me, if I were you right now I'd be freaking elated! What's going on with you girl?" Suzzy said  giving me the are serious look


"I'm excited Suzzy, I really am. I .." I'm not excited for the walk though I'll give it my best. Suzzy is giving me the she doesn't believe me look so I stop speaking and just give her a smile assuring her I am truly grateful for this.  "Ok! We're starting in five so everyone get ready now!" A guy suddenly announces saving me from Suzzy's questioning eyes. I stand quickly giving her a quick hug before leaving the dressing room. 

         "Perfect you're ready" the guy says urging me forward. I'm nervous, I've been thinking about my plans so much, I totally forgot about how nervous I get when it comes to the runway. 

I look down at my outfit waiting for the signal to start my walk. I'm wearing a hot pink satin spaghetti strap cowl neck crop top paired with a maxi white high slit silk skirt with little pooled on the floor around me, my black hair is beautifully packed in a low ponytail decorated with rhinestones. I really looked like a princess. 

I had promised Layton that I'd talk to Dylan. He won't be happy about my exposed thigh due to the really high slit that stopped just at the hem of my underwear. Looking forward I finally see the signal and stand upright ready to start. You can do this Nella 

The faded music finally comes into ear shot. The place is packed and I feel like I'm going to fall any second.I can feel all eyes on me, taking in my whole look. Some with admiration, some taking in my exposed thigh and some weren't even looking. While others whispered to one another. I look directly at the camera in front, walking straight ahead.

My eyes divert attention for a second and I get trapped in a stare contest with the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen. For some reason I felt the sudden urge to give the walk my best to impress this man. 

 He looks at me with a stare so intense he looks almost confused. Maybe he is impressed with me. Probably wants to get this outfit for his wife. I had no idea why he didn't look away or even flinch; he seemed like a statue. The only thing giving him away were his eyes that didn't leave mine for a second as I kept on moving. Tearing my eyes away from his stare battle I turn and start my walk out still feeling his intense gaze on me as I leave the runway. What was that all about? 

 The music faded again as I stepped into the dressing area and all fluttered. I look up seeing Suzzy's big welcoming smile as I go in for a hug. 

  "You did amazing Nells!" She screams in my ear 

 "so, tell me, who did you recognize?" She asks, taking my hands in hers "Joseph Smith and Andrew Rivera" I didn't notice them in the crowd but I knew they were at the event tonight. I had to give Suzzy something or I wouldn't hear the end of it. 

 "Though" I say remembering the green eyed man. I needed to tell someone I couldn't keep it in "there was someone in the crowd that kept looking at me strangely it was so weird I couldn't take my eyes away from he's he looked kind of confused too" I tell my friend. 

 "I'm sure he was just thinking of something else Nella" she says no believing my words "No this was different Suzzy, he kept his gaze on me till I left the freaking runway" 

"I mean who else was he supposed to look at Nella? You were modelling everyone is going to look at you obviously" she says 


 "It's normal though, I'm sure it's just one of those assholes that tries to distract you from your walk and make you make a mistake or fall just for their sick entertainment" she explains cutting me off "i had an experience with someone like that once, the dude literally.." 

"You did good tonight Nella '' Layton's deep voice interrupts Suzzy's story.  

"Yeah it felt good too, you know, doing something different " I say smiling. I blame him for not being a cool friend to me and letting me do things the way I want at work without ratting me out to Dylan. 

He chuckles nodding his head in understanding, I move closer to him invading his space hoping he doesn't understand what i'm doing.

"Did you talk to Dylan about the outfit? I don't want him seeing it on t.v. without a warning" He asks as I move away from him 

"I umm.. I will.. When I'm home I'll tell him" I wasn't planning on telling Dylan anything. I'd like to see Layton face Dylan's anger.

"Ok, that's good then. let me hail a cab to get the princess home on time" he says 

  I smile " Yeah I'll catch up, let me change" . He leaves and I check noticing Suzzy is gone too. Thank God I quickly send a text to Dylan 


     Hey man! It turns out the show is gonna 

    be late. I will get Nelly home at 9 sharp

    safe and sound sorry about the delay.

I look at the time and it's just a few minutes past 6. I have time. Maybe I should have said 10 instead, before I can change my mind Dylan replies with an ok. I smile and delete the messages before blocking Dylan's number to make sure these two don't interact tonight. One of my plan is successful. 

I quickly change my clothes, take my bag and head outside to meet Layton slipping his phone in his jacket pocket as I hug him. "Ok?"

He says surprised with the hug. I shrug and enter the cab 

"I'll text you when I'm  home" I say waving. 

He waves back and heads inside the building and I smile to myself.

 " Umm can you take me to Grooves instead? I need to meet a friend there before heading home" I say to the driver. Thank God Layton decided to hail a cab and not ask Jeremy to drop me instead. I don't know why I explained myself to the driver, he probably made up a story about me in his head. I had googled Grooves earlier on, It's a bar that's popular around here. Bar first , beach later. 

"Thank you," I say to the driver. He drove off quickly, I assume Layton probably gave him cash and it was obviously more than the pay to Grooves. I take my phone out carrying out step two of my plans. 

   "Hey, I think I'm gonna be late tonight the event is taking longer than expected" I say to Dylan 

        " Yeah Layton informed me earlier, you're ok over there right?" He says I smile fist bumping the air "yeah I'm ok just a little nervous for the walk" I say trying to sound uncertain 

      " You will do fine, baby, don't fret." He assures me and I roll my eyes 

I already did fine "Thank you Dylan.love you"i say sweetly but anxiously. He's taking out of my time " is that music I hear" an alarm goes off in my head and eyes widen at the realisation of where I truly am. Goosebumps spread on my covered arms "I.. I umm.. Yes! It's normal for music to be played while we prepare, it umm helps with the nerves?" I say way too quickly for my liking . Oh God, should I just abort the mission "ok that's cool. See you tonight, love you"

 "Love you too " nice Save Nella. I quickly text Layton telling him I'm home finally taking a deep breath. I can't believe I'm actually doing this..

I look at the at building, it looks larger in real life than the pictures 

it shouldn't be classified as a bar. Looks more like an expensive club. 

I went inside and could only think of how the pictures didn't do the place justice. The lighting is purple and the place is really huge, and not too crowded thank God. A group of girls leave as I come in, going to the bar I take an empty seat. 

I feel underdressed in my spaghetti strapped polka dot long dress and a crop denim jacket. Almost every lady in here is dressed in a cocktail dress. It didn't matter though I came here to unwind, I asked for two shots as I planned on doing. Taking the two immediately I go to the dance floor getting lost in the music. It would be nice to have Dylan here with me. His loss. I sway my body to fire by G-eazy loving the lyrics and how loud the music is as I sing to it feeling the alcohol kick in. I told myself I'd take just two shots. I don't think I can abstain from taking more, I take one more.

Going back to the dance floor enjoying the sudden attention I was getting from people. Someone comes behind me just standing,  ready to turn and show my wedding ring or say no to a dance. 

  I turn, meeting green eyes.

  The same ones.

  with the same intense stare.

   But his eyes aren't on mine this time, 

They're on my lips.

 He dips his head down closing his eyes he smells my hair 

  "Nuella," he whispers, his voice deep. 

I stand there stuck in a trance, he smells so good I can't help but inhale his scent as he goes in for a hug, he holds me so tight and possessive like if he releases me I'll run away from him.

He releases me slowly and his gaze land on my lips again and I close my eyes

His lips land on mine 

He kisses me and It feels good 

Pulling away from me for a second and coming in again when I don't protest.

     I don't protest.  

     I don't protest!

  He kissed me! And he's still kissing me!

I push the green eyed man away with so much force he stumbles backward. I stare at him and slap him hard coming back to my senses 

I'm married, douchebag. You handsome douchebag.

"Nuella" he says looking confused, tears already pooling in his eyes. ummm "I'm not Nuella. I'm Nella you asshole!" I say raising my voice over the loud music 

"What?" He says again, almost like a whisper

His eyes searching my face for answers. Is he confused or something? Most people start staring at us and I leave the dance floor quickly. 

  He follows me.

 I quickly exit grooves just as one of my favourite songs starts to play.

Way to ruin my well planned night green eyes! I start walking faster hearing him yelling Nuella! Who the hell is Nuella?

 Did he get my name wrong? Does he know who I am?

 If he does, he should also know I'm married to Dylan freaking Monroe.

"Wait! Nuella! Why are you running away? I…" he starts to talk holding my arm I yank my arm away from his grasp cutting him off

"I'm not Nuella! Ok? I'm Nella! And you should apologise for kissing me without my consent! I am married!" I seethe immediately regretting my tone when I see tears fill his eyes again with a pained look on his face. I soften my countenance

    "I …I'm sorry I thought you were someone else, you just.. You remind me of her a lot. You look like her"

he explains putting his hands in his coat's pocket. 

"It's fine I understand" I say seeing a tear drop from his eyes 

I hear him whisper something incoherent, taking a handkerchief from his pocket and wipe his tears trying to hide them from me.

 "I'm sorry I guess I ruined your night. I probably scared you" he chuckles softly trying to hide the pain in his eyes. He seems like a sad person. I suddenly feel bad. 

    "Well I can't lie, you actually did" I say with a smile and he smiles too.

  "But! You can make it up to me" I say tapping my foot on the concrete floor. I want to make him smile more. I want to see him happy.

  "Sure anything you want, I umm.. I'll pay for your cab" he says jumping at the offer 

   "What if I brought my car? " I say to him and he chuckles looking down. I take the time to take a good look at him, he has a stumble and short jet black hair falling to his face a little.

He looks at me again "No you didn't, i actually followed you here" he retorts. Ah he got me

  " I want you to come with me to the beach" I say without thinking twice. What the hell am I doing? where is this confidence coming from?

    "The beach ?" He says with a questioning look. Bad idea bad idea bad idea "umm yeah I love the beach at night " I continue

   "Ok... cool" He says taking his phone out of his pocket typing 

      "What are you doing?" 

"Describing you to a friend so they know who to suspect in case anything happens to me" he says casually still typing on his phone .Is he being serious? 

  He notices my expression and chuckles 

   " I'm kidding! Just calling my driver" he says and I laugh. 


    " Do you do this often" green eyes ask me as I sit on the sand, both bare feet "nope" I say leaving it at that. I can't tell him it's actually my first time in five years and I'm not supposed to be out by now.

   "Then why choose the beach for us"

      " cause it's quiet " I say immediately regretting my choice of words 

  "perfect place to muder me huh?" he says smiling 

     " noo " i say laughing and nudging him a little

 "I just really wanted to come here tonight and swim and it won't be bad to have someone tag along and keep me company" I say while playing with the sand I look at him and he's already staring at me the same way he did on the runway and before he kissed me earlier. I turn knowing he won't 

 "Can I ask you something " I ask 

   " No" he says and I look at him. He's serious. " Why?" I ask 

  "That's a question," he says, still staring at me. Sorry buddy but you met the wrong person if you don't want to be asked questions 

    "Why were you staring at me at the event" I ask 

   And he keeps watching me it becomes almost eerie 

I immediately know the answer to my question when he keeps watching me, I turn away from him.

 "Cause I look like Nuella" i answer my question 

 He doesn't say anything.

 " Can you stop staring at me " I say without looking at him 

 "No" he says I turn to him with a smile 

 "Thought you weren't answering questions" I say and he smiles looking away.

     I look forward and remember why I really came here

 I came here to swim. I stand removing my jacket  and the band holding my hair in the low ponytail I posed with for the walk. " What are you doing? " he asks still sitting in the sand 

 "Going for a swim" I say heading to the water

   "Wait" he says joining me 

 I see a group of friends playing in the water and I dive in head first.The water is cold but I don't mind, I don't know when I'll be able to do this again. Going under, I come back up seeing green eyes take his coat and shirt off diving in, swims towards me very close to me with a tight smile making me smile too.

"This is weirdly fun. I've been through many adventures but going to the beach at night with a total stranger was definitely not one of them" he says still smiling

"Same here  " I say

 He palms his hair backward going under again he swims away and I swim in the other direction. Dylan had made me go through swimming lessons in our pool at home which i really enjoyed. We spent quality time together those first few months. I wish he would be more open with me. I feel a presence behind me. I turned swiftly, seeing green eyes again. With a satisfied smile, he's taller than Dylan I take in his ripped body, the lights at the beach illuminating him he looks almost surreal. I look at his lips remembering our kiss and I lick my lips seeing his gaze flicker to to them then my eyes again.


Self control self control self control….

    I want him to kiss me again.

 I'm Married. 

I love Dylan.

   He must have been thinking about the same thing "Do you have Children?" he asks

  " No" I say 

" I wish I did though," I say more to myself than green eyes.  I thought about it many times. My life wouldn't be so boring 

  " Was it your choice not to have? Probably because of work?" He asks 

I'd give up being a model so quickly just to be a mother but that was not this case. I can't tell him that though.

  "I'm not answering questions " I say looking at him. He reminds me of Dylan in Dylan's stories.

   "You came here to swim right?" He asks suddenly changing the subject


     "Then why didn't you bring a bikini" he asks "I did" i say then I remember . Why didn't I wear it?

 My bikini is in my bag 

My bag!

"My bag!" I say suddenly I left my bag at grooves shit. 

"My bag is at grooves" I tell green eyes suddenly realising I don't know his name  "is there anything important in it apart from your bikini?" He asks 

  " Yes! My journal it's really important" I say swimming out of the water but I'm pulled back suddenly. "Thank you for tonight Nella. I really needed this" he says 

 My name sounding so good coming from him, 

I want him to say it again. 

  Forgetting about My bag I want him to kiss me again 

     I don't want to want this but I do.

      He leans in and I don't make a move. I close my eyes feeling nervous 

  He gives me a peck on my cheek and whispers 

" Your husband is really lucky to have you " he leaves my space still holding my gaze.

 I suddenly feel stupid. Was I really going to let him kiss me, I wonder what he thinks of me now. He swims out and I follow him out, unable to shake the feeling away.

I betrayed Dylan tonight. 

   " No I didn't see it sir." The bartender says to Green eyes.

 "Ok thank you" green eyes says 

 "Is it really important? The Journal" he asks

" yeah but, it's not containing any personal information" I say checking the time on my phone  "I should leave now thank you for the ride" I say seeing it's already a few minutes passed 9 before my phone dies, I panic " Let me take you" he offers 

But I can't take him on that offer. 

   "It's fine, I stay really close thank you " I say leaving him quickly despite his protests. I can't risk Dylan figuring out what I did tonight

  I hail a cab quickly and get in, seeing green eyes watching me leave.

I never got his name. 


  "Dylan!" I yell as I enter the house hoping he didn't go out looking for me "finally! Nella why did you take so long? I was just about to go get you" he says, hugging my wet body.

    "Sorry we had a really busy night babe " I say 

 " Why are your clothes wet? It's definitely not raining? 


"I… showered right before coming and I was in a rush to see you so I didn't dry up properly" I say 

  " But I don't think that should make your clothes this wet. I mean they're drenched Nella" he says examining my clothes.

 " Yeah I was In a hurry so they fell in the water while i was taking a shower " I say avoiding his gaze 

  "How was the show "he suddenly says, changing the subject which I was grateful for.

" umm it was a great show I really had fun kind of stressful but really fun too I saw a lot of celebrities " I say walking to the kitchen to take a glass of water "wanna tell me all about it? " he asks coming behind me and holding my waist.

  "Yes! Tomorrow, I'm really tired tonight" I say, dropping the empty glass in the sink before giving him a little peck "Good night Dylan!" I don't wait for him to respond before I go into my room and lock the door. That was close. I take a bath, brush my teeth and go to bed feeling tired, successful and a pang of guilt I couldn't shake off before falling asleep.


I wake up to the sound of a knock on my door, I get up and open the door seeing Dylan in his casual clothes, remembering it's a Sunday I realise his on his way to church

  "Good morning darling "He says, giving me a kiss. I suddenly remember green eyes opening my eyes to Dylan's brown ones. I quickly say feeling guilty all over again. "Good morning" I say, averting my eyes from his.

 " I assume you're not coming with me to church?" He says

 " Yeah I'm still sleepy and I think I have a headache" that wasn't an excuse I actually did have a headache 

"You'll be fine, just rest and take care of yourself ok?" He says kissing my head. so sweet

 "Thank you" suddenly remembering my bag. I didn't want to just skip that part of my night. Dylan got me that bag cause he really liked it he might ask me about it 

" I left my bag somewhere last night. I don't remember where though" I suddenly say. I shouldn't have brought it up.

 "Really? Did it have anything important in it?" 

 "Not really just a journal it isn't really important just felt like i should let you know" I say 

  "Yeah I also lost my phone last night ,  I went to see Anthony and it fell somewhere I just didn't notice " he says 

" while I was out ? I mean at the fashion show ?" I say.

  " Yeah but it's fine, I'll get you a new bag the same design cause I really liked it on you " he says 

  " Thank you Dylan" I say waving at him as he leaves 

 "Love you! Stay safe!" He says closing the front door. And I go back to bed after feeding Gregory.

It's afternoon already and I'm cooking when I hear the sound of a notification from my phone.

I Disconnect it from its charger and open the text from an unknown number , but when I see it's Dylan I realise It's probably a number of his I don't have.

     Nella, it's Dylan. 

    I just found your bag 

    We need to talk.

I read the text again getting nervous  "wait what?" I say out loudly scaring Gregory.

Dylan found my bag.

My bag was at grooves .

Dylan knows I was at grooves!