

It's has been a week since I visited my mum grave, That day when I came back home I found dad sitted on the couch but something was a miss because since mum died he don't sits here anymore he likes staying in his room or in his work shop making flower vases,

Dad are you okay???yes fabi just a slight fever that's all. Mhhh dad are you sure because you don't look well to me,,, yes baby am oky am still your strong old man

Oky dad before you start praising yourself let me go and freshen up so I can make us dinner. No need fabi av already made it earlier you just have to heat up then you can eat, what about you? I asked he said he's oky he already had earlier and took his medication. I didn't find anything odd about it because he does that sometimes. So I run to my room freshened up and wore something comfy went to the kitchen and heated my fried chicken rice. When I was done I went to dad to ask about my transport fee for tomorrow morning while going to college but when I found made me rooted to my feet.

My dad was coughing blood but when he sensed my presence he acted like it's nothing at all,, 'Dad are you oky why did you cough blood, is it painful do want to go to hospital I couldn't stop my question because I was so afraid of him being sick because his immune is not that strong. Baby am oky only a dry cough if I rest enough tomorrow il will be as good as new.

Then let's take you to bed dad come I helped him to his room and we talked for a while about me studies until he feel asleep, though he's sleeping his face couldn't hide his pain and I knew he was not near to being oky.

I said to myself that tomorrow il skip classes and take him to see a doctor his health matters to me the most more than my dream actually he's the reason am still strong and fighting to become a lawyer to make him proud to fulfil his dreams about me, I didn't know when I drifted to sleep on my dads couch.

When I woke up the following morning I was in my room I knew dad brought me here since it just two of us here, I woke up and rushed to his room only to find its empty, Dad Dad where are you my old man I called out to him, am here fabi in the kitchen come breakfast is ready you shouldn't be late in your lectures, no dad today am free I had to lie so he would let me take him to see the doctor but he didn't even let me tell him my plans,,, no fabi you are going to college am oky and IL visit the doctor myself so don't worry about it oky now take breakfast and prepare to go here is your transport fee, but dad I should,,,, he didn't let me finish no fabi you are going to college and that's it

IL call you when I reach the hospital and tell you what the doctor says which am pretty sure is nothing I can't handle oky. Fine dad il do as you say but I'd you need me promise me that you will call me, oky il will call you happy now he asked yess very happy dad and I hope its nothing to worry about I wanted to be with me for a very long time oky, Dont worry baby this old man will not leave you alone until you became the most famous lawyer in our country.

Guys do you think Mr Luis heath is serious or its just a simple dry cough???? Let's wait for what the doctor will say

Please remember to comment anything il be glad to know what my readers think