

"Senior, how can I strengthen my soul will?"

Huang Fu asked as he approached daoist titan. Only after a few hours that he calmed down from the sight of his heart devils.

"To do that, you need to first release your inner soul."

"Inner soul? What's that?" Huang Fu asked in confusion. Although he's already at nascent soul, he never bothered the small details needed for cultivation since he has the system with him.

Daoist Titan sighed and said, "Everyone has their own inner souls by the time they reached nascent soul realm." He then pointed at Huang Fu's head, "Try focusing your spiritual qi to your head."

Huang Fu immediately followed Daoist Titan's instructions. "It's there!" Huang Fu exclaimed when he saw a miniature version of himself that's inside his head.

Daoist Titan then said, "Now place some qi into it to wake it up, after that, release it from your body."

Just as Daoist Titan said, the miniature version of Huang Fu opened his eyes as soon as it touched his spiritual qi.

"Senior, it worked!" Huang Fu excitedly said. He tried moving his inner soul and found out that he can control it like his own body. He released it from his body and waited for Daoist Titan's next instructions.

Daoist Titan flicked his wrist and summoned a small book. He handed it over to Huang Fu and said, "Use this, it's a cultivation manual for strengthening soul will."

Huang Fu placed it inside his spatial ring and bowed to Daoist Titan, "Thank you Senior!"

"Now that I gave you that, karma is now formed between us, not helping me in the future will make it harder for you to continue cultivating to higher realms." Daoist Titan waved his hand and sent Huang Fu away from the forest before the latter can even respond.

After being sent away, Huang Fu only stared at the forest in shock before helplessly shaking his head while cursing Daoist Titan in his mind.

He then headed towards the city as he said to the system. "System, is there any cultivation manuals that's stronger than the one senior titan gave me?"



Impenetrable Soul Will.

After buying it, Huang Fu immediately raised it to only nascent soul lvl 2 since his remaining points can only get it to that point. He then checked his status.


Huang Fu





Cultivation State:

Enduring Breath (Qi path)

Nascent soul lvl 4 0/500000

Impenetrable Self (body fortifying path)

Nascent soul lvl 4 0/500000

Impenetrable Soul will (soul will path)

Nascent soul lvl 2 0/300000


Space Dao- The Enlightened stage 4.2%


Space explosion lvl 5 0/1000000

Flying lvl 11 0/13000

Space Isolation lvl 5 0/1000000

Seeing through space lvl 5 0/1000000

Shapeshifting lvl 1 max

Doppelganger lvl 1 max

Occupation:Puppeteer 3rd Grade

System Points:


'I'll walk my way back to the city and earn some system points along the way.'

Nodding in satisfaction, he entered the forest that's in front of him.


"Leader Zedong! We got a new target going inside the forest!"

A roughly dressed man said to the person that's being fed by chained humans having animal features.

"It's him."

The man took out a glass ball that shows the figure of Huang Fu entering the forest.



In response to those words, the ground in a hundred meters range transformed into ice and shattered. The tortoise on top of it fell down, the youths floating above showed joyous expressions but instantly turned serious as the giant tortoise flew back up, thus shaking the ground.

One of the girl floating above turned to the person in front and said, "Senior brother Zedong, it seems that my power is not strong enough, we need to rely on you."

Zedong, who's in front nodded and raised his hand, with indifferent cold eyes, he muttered under his breath, "Meteor."

The air trembled in response and the temperature increased as a rock the size of a tree fell down to the tortoise with unbelievable speed.


The previously safe ground that wasn't shattered from before was destroyed and every obstacle a kilometer around the meteor burned down into ashes.

"Amazing, senior brother Zedong!"

"Of course he is! He mastered two daos!"

"Senior brother Zedong is truly a genius!"

Seeing this magnificent sight, the youths around Zedong praised him.

"Let's go back above." Zedong said indifferently, not responding to praises around him. He flicked his sleeves and summoned a small silver talisman, he placed a bit of his qi into it, instantly creating a crack in space the size of a person.

Just as Zedong was about to go in, he turned around and scanned the area.

"What's wrong senior brother Zedong?"

One of the youths asked.

Zedong smiled and said, "It's nothing, you guys go back first."

Next chapter