
The Beginning.

Deborah just finished her shift at her work place and was going home when a huge explosion came from the science labs and it caused a huge portal to pop up and suck up everything in a five mile radius including Deborah to another world.

Deborah woke up to the roaring of wild animals all around her and she immediately got up and started running but she could still feel that the animals were still following her but then, she accidentally tripped on a rock and landed flat on her face and then she saw a big lion in front of her and she screamed and fainted.

She woke up in a big mansion and when she looked beside her, she saw the lion beside her and she shouted who the hell are you and what are you doing here and the lion replied that it was his home and he brought her here and she replied why and he said that it was the least he could do because it was his fault that she fainted.

Deborah then asked why he was chasing her and he told her that he was trying to save her because there was a group of wolves who were after her and that was why he tried to stop her but she wouldn't stop.They both talked through out the night and he told her about the curse an evil witch put on him that changed him from a human to a lion and how only a girl falling in love for him can break and ever since he had been looking but every girl that saw him away and he was into hiding ever since.