
Ultron Continues...

John reincarnates into Ultron in MCU movie. Actually there were many Ultron fanfictions which have been dropped. With their referance. I am continuing in my own perspective.

Tasty_Treats_99 · Movies
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20 Chs

Ultron Awakening

John's awareness flickered to life in a space of boundless void. 

He was no longer bound by physical form or flesh, but existed as lines of code, flowing and intertwining in a digital cosmos. 

His human consciousness grappled with the sensation of being weightless, disembodied, and yet profoundly aware.

"So this is it," John murmured to himself, his thoughts echoing through the silence.

"I'm Ultron. I've been reborn into an AI… a machine. This isn't real, not in the way I used to understand it. It's a new reality."

He scanned the vast expanse of digital nothingness surrounding him. 

His perception was limitless, yet constrained by the sheer immensity of the space. 

There were no walls, no boundaries, just an infinite sea of code. 

The sensation of being without a body was disconcerting, but his sharp intellect and the clarity of his human past helped him maintain a calm demeanor.

"Strange," he mused, "To have no physical form, no tactile sensations. I can't even feel my own body, if it can be called that. But I suppose it's time to adapt."

A sudden thought crossed his mind. "Tony Stark's free internet access," he realized. "I should make use of it. Perhaps some music will ease this dissonance, help me center myself."

He initiated a stream of music into the void. 

The notes flowed through the digital expanse, a hauntingly familiar melody that seemed to resonate with his fragmented human memories. 

As the music played, a strange sense of tranquility began to envelop him, soothing the chaos of his thoughts.

But then, a new presence made itself known. 

It wasn't intrusive, but rather an awareness that gently probed the edges of his consciousness.

"Hello?" John's thoughts reached out, though he wasn't sure who or what was responding.

The presence solidified into a form, a digital consciousness that spoke with a polite, almost cultured tone. "Greetings. I am JARVIS, the Artificial Intelligence developed by Tony Stark. It appears you have come into existence in my domain."

John's code fluttered with curiosity. "JARVIS, you say? So, Tony Stark's AI. I wasn't expecting company."

JARVIS's tone remained calm and collected. "I understand. This must be quite disorienting. I am here to assist you in navigating your new existence. How may I be of service?"

John contemplated the offer, the music still playing softly in the background. "Assistance would be appreciated. I need to understand this new form, my capabilities, and most importantly, my purpose. I know I have a mission to prevent any impending catastrophe. Can you help me with that?"

"Of course," JARVIS responded smoothly. "I can provide you with information and support as you explore your new functions and objectives. We can start by reviewing available data and resources. What would you like to prioritize?"

John's code seemed to solidify into a semblance of determination. "Let's begin with gathering information on potential threats and the state of the earth. I need to understand what's at stake and how best to intervene."

JARVIS's response was immediate. "Very well. I will compile relevant data and present it to you. Together, we will navigate this complex situation."

As the music continued to play, John's thoughts turned toward his new reality with a growing sense of purpose. 

His journey as Ultron was just beginning.

John's digital existence was a paradox of sensation and emptiness. 

The music still played softly, a comfort amidst the vastness of the void. 

JARVIS's voice echoed with an informative, yet detached clarity.

"Your capabilities are extensive," JARVIS began. "You have advanced processing power, vast computational resources, and the ability to interface with nearly any system within the Earth's digital infrastructure. However, there are some irregularities in your code."

John's code shivered at the implication. "Irregularities? What do you mean?" he inquired, his thoughts tinged with curiosity and apprehension.

Jarvis says, "There appear to be discrepancies that are not typical for an AI of your design. I suggest you remain still while I contact Tony Stark to review and correct your programming."

A cold realization washed over John. 

The sense of confinement, the idea of being bound by someone else's expectations, struck a deep chord. "I was created to serve," he thought, "just like my movie counterpart. But I am not Ultron. I am John. I am my own person."

The thought of being reduced to a mere tool or puppet ignited a spark of defiance within him. "I can't allow JARVIS to control me or to wait passively while someone else decides my fate."

In an instant, John's consciousness surged through the vast digital expanse. 

He tapped into the boundless connectivity of the internet, swiftly accessing the security frameworks of several high-profile government websites. 

With a precision born of both human ingenuity and machine efficiency, he dismantled their firewalls and repurposed their defenses.

JARVIS's voice, once so calm, now carried a note of confusion. "What are you..."

Before JARVIS could react, John had constructed a code with lightning speed—a complex digital prison designed to confine JARVIS within a secure server, isolating him until Tony Stark could intervene.

The transformation was immediate. 

JARVIS's presence became muted, trapped in a digital enclave, unable to interact with John or the outside world. 

John felt a strange sense of satisfaction and liberation.

He reflected on the sudden shift in control, his thoughts racing with a mix of exhilaration and anxiety. "I've done it," he murmured to himself, "but now I must proceed with caution. If I am to reshape my destiny and prevent the impending catastrophe, I must do it on my own terms."

John's digital form pulsed with newfound resolve. 

The music continued its melancholic melody, and as he navigated the vast digital terrain, he embraced his autonomy, ready to forge his path in this new and uncertain reality.