1 Chapter 1

"Hi my name is Madelyn A.. Brooks" Madelyn says.

" And my name is Sebastian W. Brooks" Sebastian says.

"This is the story of how we became the kick starts to the new generation of heroes that one day would become the mighty defenders of the ultraverse. This is how we became the heroes named Magnolia and Paradox" Madelyn says.

"It all started the night me and madelyn were summoned to an alternate dimension and granted the powers of those that came before us. Who were also ancient heroes of old legends that no one ever thought was true, but those same legends is what made us into what we are today." Sebastian explains.

"Take a leap into our world and find out the mysteries that it holds. I promise you won't be disppointed" Madelyn says.

~Madelyn's POV~

They say that there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Well I'm here to tell you that my parents have raised me and my brother to always be humble and grateful for any and everything we receive through out our lives. I appreciate everything around me from my friends to my family and I would never trade it for anything. I'm your everyday average teenage girl just trying to find myself in life. I go to school like every other normal girl does and deal with everyday problems like everyone else does. Nothing more and nothing less, so everything in my life is pretty much average. Growing as a kid my parents used to tell me things like:

" Oh Maddie sweetie there's something about you that warms people's hearts"

Well I've yet to see or hear from anyone that I have that type of effect on them. In my opinion there's nothing great about me or amazing that would blow your mind. Honestly there's nothing special about me. My dad is famous for being a chemist and my mom is like one of the best neuroscience specialists in the city. The only person beside my parents that I've seen to have an effect on is my brother Sebastian. Even though he can be a brat sometimes I've always been told that me and him are closer than we want to believe. He has always been there to protect me and stir me in the right direction, so I plan to do the same for him.

Everything started off as a normal day in oracle city with me waking up out of bed to the bright sunlight shining in through my window glistening over my face. I wake up stretching as I yawned softly hopping out of bed making my way to the bed room to brush my teeth and wash my face. I looked into the mirror rubbing my eyes as I ran my fingers through my hair annoyed knowing that I had to brush it and braid it. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste turning the sink water on.

Once I got done brushing my teeth I proceed to wash my face and brush my hair before taking a comb and separating one side of my hair from the other. I opened the cabinet below me grabbing a rubber band tying one end of my hair braiding it and doing the same to the other end. After I was finished with my hair I turned the shower on letting the water get hot making the bathroom nice and steamy. I take my clothes off putting them aside as I enter the shower.

~Sebastian POV~

I wake up groaning as I tossed and turn feeling the sunlight beam in through my window making my eyes hurt a little. Hearing the sound of the shower running I sprung knowing what that meant, but was hoping I wasn't too late. I rush out my room down the hallway to my sister madelyn's room only to see she wasn't in bed. I groan gritting my teeth as I walked across the hallway to the bathroom knocking on the door.

" What!?" She said from inside the bathroom.

" Why didn't you wake me up before you get in the shower?!"

" Because you would've tried to fight me for the bathroom and we don't have time for that" She replied.

I sigh kicking my foot across the floor as I decided to go downstairs to see what mom and dad were doing. Once I got down stairs I saw dad in the living room fixing his tie and suit watching the OC7 news channel, while mom was in the kitchen making breakfast trying to rush so she could leave to get to work on time. I walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple off the counter.

"Ok Sebastian sweetie there are pancakes on the counter and eggs in the skillet. I also made you and your sisters lunch for today. I have to go,but mommy loves you ok" Mom said walking over kissing me on the forehead before walking to the living room kissing dad goodbye as well.

" Alright mom. Have a good day at work"

I grabbed a plate from the cabinet fixing some breakfast as I walked over to the table, sitting down and beginning to eat. After a while my dad came into the kitchen as well making himself a plate as well sitting across from me.

" So let me guess… Madelyn is in the shower?" he asked grinning.

" Yep"

"You two are always going at in the morning about who gets to go first. It's almost hilarious actually" he said chuckling.

"She be taking forever though Dad"

"Well soon you have to understand that your sister is a girl. They spend a lot more time in the bathroom fixing themselves up unlike us guys. They have a lot more components they have to keep up with like their: hair, skin, makeup, eyelashes, and so much more" He explained.

" I guess..It still shouldn't take that look. Especially at the fact Madelyn doesn't even have to worry about half that stuff"

" That's true. Leave your sister alone. If you know she takes along time in the bathroom, then you have to get up and get what you need to get done before she wakes up" he replies as I nodded.

Once I got done eating I went back upstairs when I saw Madelyn walking out of the bathroom to her room.

"It's about time"

"Oh hush. You take just as long mister" she replied as I stuck my tongue out at her going in the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

~Madelyn POV~

I got back in my room sitting on my bed drying myself off as I finished doing my hair. After I was done with that I got up making my way to my closet looking for an outfit to put on. I tapped my finger on my chin as I grabbed a pink shirt with a black and white polka dot skirt and white look socks with black and white shoes. Once I was dressed I went downstairs tip toeing over to dad who was sitting at the kitchen table eating hugging him from behind.

" Hey daddy"

"Hi sweetie. You ready for your first day of school?" He asked.

"Yes I am. I can't wait to see Maggie again. It feels like I haven't seen her in so long"

"Yeah well baby you're a sophomore now. You got your first year out of the way and things should be easier this time around" he says.

" I know that. Stay focus and finish strong as always"

"That's my girl" he says smiling hugging me kissing me on the forehead.

I walked over to the counter making me a plate to eat as I sat back at the table. I started to eat my food as me and my dad over heard the news reports say that there was going to be a thunderstorm later on in the day.

" You hear that sweetie? That means afterschool you and your brother make your way straight home okay?" he says looking over at me.

" Yes dad I know. Aren't you supposed to be heading to work?"

"No I still got twenty minutes before leaving at my usual time" he responds.

Once I finished eating I went upstairs and got my bookbag banging on the bathroom door telling Sebastian to hurry up before we were late for school. I walk downstairs letting dad know I was going to go sit on the porch until Sebastian was ready to go. I walk out the front door closing it behind me as I looked out at the neighborhood seeing people walking their dogs and kids running and playing. I made my way down to the last step of the house sitting down, while I was gazing out at the clear sky. As I waited for Sebastian to come from inside the house I picked a flower from in front of the yard starting to pick the petals off of it. After about five minutes I heard the door open and Sebastian came down the stairs handing me a bag he got from our mom.

"Let me guess mom made us lunch again?"

"You know she did. This time she made us meatball subs" he replied smirking.

As we were about to leave our dad came out of the house with his suit on and asked if we wanted a ride to school. Before answering my brother grabbed my hand running off to the bus stop.

" No thanks dad last time you took us you were late for work. Don't worry we'll be fine!" Sebastian shouted as we made it to the bus stop right when the bus was pulling up.

" Sebatian why didn't you want to take us to school?"

" Because dad is always going out of his way to help us and do more than he has to. Plus its our first day back in school. We're sophomores now we don't need to be dropped off" Sebastian responds getting on the bus making his way to an open sit as I sat next to him.

" Well you're right about that"

Once we got off the bus we walked the rest of the way to school seeing all the other returning students make their way inside the building.

" Oh man! I really don't feel like having to get back into the program of doing school work" he says.

" You haven't even stepped foot into the building yet and your worried about school work"

"Because I have a sixth sense when I feel that some form of work is going to be bestowed upon me," he responds.

" Oh really?"

"Yep besides this is Clarkson Vile Academy we're talking about. When do we not get homework?" He asked.

" Over breaks"


After chatting for a bit me and my brother make our way inside the building going straight to the office to get our new locker numbers and class schedule. As we walked through the hallway we saw students going to their lockers while others were walking around the floor levels to find their classes. As I walk inside the office I walked up to the counter telling the lady at the front desk my name and my brothers as she politely pulled up our information printing out our schedule for me.

"Thank you Ms.?"

" Stokes. You can call me Ms. Stokes. I'm new here" she respond.

"Alright then Ms. Stokes. Have a great rest of your day"

"You too dear" she says smiling waving bye to me.

After getting our schedule I walked out the office handing Sebastian his as he looked at it for a moment before starting to pout and groan. I asked what was wrong as he showed me his schedule.

" Oh you have world history first. Then you got algebra II. Then biology. Lunch and P.E. and last composition II."

" Ugh. I'm gonna be tortured to death everyday" he says groaning.

" I have life science, oc history, algebra II, lunch, composition III, and P.E."

Sebastian folded his arm gritting his teeth as I giggled feeling someone call my name. Once I turned around I saw my best friend maggie walking up from down the hallway waving at me. I smiled at her as I pulled her into a big hug rocking her back and forth in my arms.

"Whoa! You missed me that badly huh?" she said as I nodded.

" It felt like I haven't seen you in years"

" I know I've felt the same way, but it's a new year with new adventures to come right?"

"Yep sure does. Right Sebastian?" I say looking around not seeing him anywhere.

"Huh? Where did he go?" I asked.

"I don't know, he was just here when I first walked up" she said looking around as the hallways slowly started to clear out.

Not knowing where he went me and Maggie made our way to our first class.

~Sebastian POV~

Class was starting soon so I made my way to my first period leaving maggie and my sister to talk since I never liked being around whenever they got together. I don't know why, but it was something about them when they were together it made me feel like I had two sisters instead of one. As I walked into my first period I went to seat furthest from the front, but not so far back I couldn't listen or pay attention at least when I wanted to. Once I sat down I looked across the room out the window noticing there was something flying through the air. I put my books and stuff down as I saw a girl in a cape soar through a bunch of trees into a burning building at the speed of light itself rescuing everyone that was inside the building putting out the flames.

"Mr. Brooks! Can you please have a seat class has started" Teacher says.

"Oh yeah sure. ``I'm sorry"

Going back to my seat I took out my notebook and grabbed a pen waiting for the instructor to start, so I could take notes. Moments into the introduction slowly started to feel myself grow sleepy and not too long after I was knocked out on my desk.

~After class~

The bell goes off as I sprung up looking around seeing everyone close their notebooks and leave. Before I could realize that I had just slept through the entire period the teacher walks over handing me a note that read:

"If you make it a habit of falling asleep in my class. I will be writing you down for detention"

I sigh to myself as I got up walking out into the hallway where I bumped into some guy on the floor who was an upperclassman.

"Hey nerd watch where you're going!" he says turning around shoveling.

"Hey man chill! My bad it was an accident"

I picked up my books and papers as my sister walks over asking if I was okay and glaring at the guy that had shoved me as everyone in the hallway was staring at us. Before anything could be said madelyn came pushing through the people who had slowly started to crowd around us.

"Hey! Don't push my brother like that again" Maddie says walking up behind the guy shoving his shoulder as she stood next to me.

"And what are you going to do about it little lady?" he said chuckling.

It was then a girl came from out of the crowd grabbing the guy by the arm telling him to stop.

"Hey, Hey that's enough Troy" she says pulling him from behind.

"Maddie it's okay. I'm fine" I say putting a hand on my sister's shoulder.

The guy named Troy snarled jacking his arm from the girl walking off.

"I'm so sorry about that Troy didn't mean it. I'm Emily" Emily says.

"I'm Sebastian and this is my sister Madelyn" I say shaking her hand smiling.

"Nice to meet you both. Um you know there's going to be a party going on later today at oracle city park around the fountain. You guys should think about going. Everyone is going to be there" Emily suggest.

" Really? Sounds like fun. I'm down to go. What about you Madelyn?"

"I guess I'll go. I only to keep an eye on you" she responds as I chuckled.

"Great see you guys later" Emily says walking off to her next class.

"What was that all about?" Madelyn ask.

"I'm not sure, but at least we get to have some fun later on today on our first day back. What can be better than that?"

"I guess you're right. Come on let's go before we're late for our next class" Madelyn says as I nod walking with her down the hallway.

~Time Skip to After School~

Me and Madelyn made our way to our lockers getting our bookbags getting ready to head back home. Once we got what we needed madelyn voiced that she was waiting on maggie. We sat outside the school on the steps waiting as I was chucking rocks in the air tossing them out at bushes and trees.

" Sebastian you should be careful. If you hit someone car you know you won't be able to get it fix" Maddie says.

" Yeah yeah I know. I won't hit anyones car madelyn it's fine. Besides where is Maggie she's taking an awfully long time getting her stuff from her locker"

Just as I had asked maggie came walking out the building seemingly a little frustrated. When we asked her what was wrong and if she was okay, she told us not to worry and that she was fine. Once we got back home me, Madelyn and Maggie went inside the house putting our bookbags down by the front door walking into the kitchen to make a snack.

"So maggie how were your classes today?" Madelyn asked her.

"Fine. They all are fairly straight forward and easy" She responded as Madelyn turned towards me with a glare.

"What about you mister? How many classes did you fall asleep?" she asked.

" It's so mean and rude how you initially think I just fell asleep in my class like i'm so type of dork..Besides I only fell asleep in one class. That's better than last year all my classes were boring then."

"Mhm. Well I can't argue with that, but Sebastian you really need to stop getting so bored to the point you fall asleep in class. Teachers aren't going to let that stuff slide this year you know" She replies as I nod.

With that said I promise madelyn that I would try harder at being a better student this year and on that note she took time to make us Ice cream sundaes.

"Aw you're going to do better for me Sebastian!?" she said walking over wrapping me up in a big hug.

" Ok stop before I take it back"

" You two are really a pair. Guess that's what twins are like" Maggie says giggling.

"Guess so"

~Madelyn POV~

"Hey am I the only one that has a strange feeling about this party at the fountain tonight?"

"You always have a bad feeling about anything that's fun Maddie. You got to lighten up" Sebastian says.

"It's not that. It's just that girl Emily seemed a little too nice, that's all."

"Wait you mean party as in. Oracle City Nightfall Fountain Party!? You guys got invited to that?!" Maggie says in shock.

"Yeah. A girl named Emily offered that we go" Sebastian says.

"Emily? Emily Stone?!" Maggie says getting hyped up.

"Yeah? Why what's wrong?"

"You guys don't know that her great grandparents are the founders of the OC cooperation of the city. She is like one of the best people to be friends with because she is connected to so many people" Maggie explains.

"I didn't know that. She seemed like a normal girl to me"

"That's because she doesn't like the reputation that she has of being apart of the Stone family. Even though it has its perks what people don't know is that rumor has it that her father is a bad person and he wants to take what his dad built and turn everything into his own walking playground."

"That's terrible! Why would he want to do such a thing?" Sebastian says.

"Well there has also been talk that her father doesn't like what his father did in handing his company over to the city because they haven't done what is needed to get things under control. By under control he mean keep the crime level and hero activity to a minimum." Maggie continues on explaining.

"Hero activity?"

" Heroes like Alaska girl. Ever since she emerged on the scene about a year ago crime rate has went up and oracle city has climbed to the top ten on the chart for most crime activity going on a weekly basic, but oracle city has always been that way honestly" Maggie responds.

" Wait I remember now! That's who I saw today during my first period out the window. It was Alaska girl she had saved a bunch of people from a burning building today!" Sebastian says in excitement.

" Really? Alaska girl is my favorite hero"

" There is also talk about there being a guy named 'The Red Crusader' who is in alliance with Alaska Girl, but i'm not sure how true that is" maggie says smirking.

"Never heard of him"

" That's because he isn't here in oracle city. He lives in Vita city" Maggie replies.

As the conversation went on we all realized that the party was starting soon so me and sebastian went upstairs to get dressed. Once we came back down we walked with Maggie back to her house and we asked her if she wanted to come, but she told us she had things to do. Me and Sebastian said bye to Maggie as we made our way down the street to the bus taking it to the train station and then taking the train downtown. When we got off the train, we could see from the platform above that the park was already starting to get packed. We took an elevator down to ground level as we made our way down the street into the blocked off the streets surrounding the park. There was a gate up around the entire park making sure those who came in wouldn't run around out into the busy parts of the street on the other side of the park. There were rides up and food stands everywhere with disco lights everywhere.

"Wow! People are already getting in quickly" Sebastian says.

" I mean from the way maggie described it. This is a big tradition to the city so of course it's going to be a lot of people. This doesn't feel right"

"Lighten up sis! Besides never know one day you might regret it" Sebastian says.

" Alright fine you win. Let's go!"

Next chapter