
Ultimate World System

The rights to HTTYD and all other works belong to their respective owners/creators. I own nothing except the characters I create. This is my first time writing a story so please be nice to me. This story is about a 25 year old that was transmigrated to the world of how to train your dragon as hiccup's twin brother. He goes on quests, he gets the girls, and he makes lasting bonds.

unknown_wrighter · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 24: Eyes of time




[Legacy weapon quest: Kratos]

Quest details:

-Defeat opponent: 1/1


-Blades of chaos

-Leviathan axe

Extra Reward:

-Draupnir spear

-Blood refinement pill(high) x2

-Hidden rewards:

-Hofuð (The sword of Heimdall. While it is not the source of Heimdall's power, the blade too allows it's wielder to utilize his realm shift abilities, freezing the world around them for a few seconds the same way Heimdall can.)

-Gjallarhorn[Temporary] (While the purpose of this legendary horn is to be blown by his bearer at the start of Ragnarök, Heimdall does not hesitate to use it from time to time as a bat, mostly for fun while he toys with his enemies.)

-Heimdall's Eyes


-Enhanced Senses (Allows the user to hear and see things in different Realms further than anyone else down to the smallest detail.)

-Bifröst Manipulation (User can utilize Bifröst energies to attack enemies with projectiles, make prosthetics in case of injury, and coat himself in protective armor to nullify attacks.

-Future sight (Allows the user to see into the future unhindered.)

-Chronokinesis (Allows the user to slow down or stop time to enhance his movements even further.)

I think in complete shock, 'All I wanted was a trophy for my first kill. I never thought that I would get such incredible items.'

After looking through the list of items, I hear a group of Viking looking men rush through the arena. As they pass I hear Kratos barking orders.

Kratos shouts in a commanding tone, "To me!"

Not waiting to ask questions, I rush to his side and begin to rush out of the camp with a multitude of different people. The first to catch my eye is Frayr. A handsome young man in what appears to be his early 20s with brown skin, brown eyes, and long brown hair tied back at one end with some beads. He is wearing green and brown Vanir armor worn from constant fighting. He appears to have burn scars on his arms, matching with his sister.

We begin to rush past numerous raised scouting platforms, destroying them as we pass. Encountering numerous quadrupedal beasts on the way, we cut, bash and slash, through the hoard of enemies. While running, we pass by Brigir who slams into an enemy. Brigir seems to be a middle-aged man who towers over the other members. His greying beard is twisted and braided into two tails and has white strips above and below his eyes. He wears simple cloth armor and brandishes the trademark oversized Traveler sword, but for unknown reasons his is damaged at the tip.

After a few minutes of running, we reach the river and Kratos lays Frayr on the ground.

He looks around for a boat, asking, "Where is the boat?"

Hearing his question, Frayr hands Kratos a handkerchief and says, "Throw it in the river."

Freya, drawing her bow, impatiently yells, "Hurry now! That won't hold them for long!"

Facing towards land, I summon a spear and throw it toward the incoming forces. The spear launches out of my hand, piercing one enemy through the head and, continuing its momentum, piercing another through the throat. The spear thuds into a near by tree and I slam the butt of my spear into the ground, imploding the spear head in the tree and toppling it on top of a few other enemy fighters.

As I ready another spear, I hear Atreus exclaim in shock, "Woah!"

Mimir, in astonishment, says, "Of course, Skiðblaðnir! Freyr's boat."

I quickly turn to see said boat unfolding itself into a glowing viking ship. Skiðblaðnir is a magical boat that is owned by Freyr. It was given the ability to fly and even fold itself when not in use by the Vanir and is said to be the greatest of all ships that is indigenously created, only dwarfed by Naglfar, the ship of nails.

Seeing that the ship was leaving, I sprint along the river bank and jump on as it floats down the river. Getting my bearings, I face Kratos and hold out my hand for a handshake. He shakes it and moves to kneel beside Freyr. Kneeling on his other side, I pull out a low healing potion and hand it to Freyr.

I tell him in a commanding tone, "Drink. It will help with the pain."

He looks at Kratos with a questioning look, only to receive a nod in return.

He says with a nervous smile, "Well. Down the hatch."

As soon as he takes the first hesitant gulp, he is enveloped in a dim, ethereal green glow. After feeling the effects of the healing potion, he begins to take larger gulps. When he finishes the bottle, he hands it back to me and sighs in relief. Kratos stands once again and walks toward the front of the boat to watch for any other enemies. When he gets to the front, the boat suddenly begins to pick up speed. Looking forward, I can see the end of the river lead into a drop.

Nervously, Atreus says, "Okay...This is bad."

In a commanding tone, Kratos yells out, "Hang on!"

After yelling his command, Kratos grabs onto Atreus and braces for the impending fall. After finding that they were flying instead of falling, they look toward the laughing Freyr.

With a humorous tone, Freyr jokes, "You should have seen your faces. Hehe. Relax."

Atreus, in an astonished tone, exclaims, "It' flying! We're Flying!"

He looks to Freya, only to find a questioning look being thrown back at him.

In an embarrassed tone, he says, "I knew it would do that."

I give a small chuckle at his nervousness and look into the distance. While watching the clouds pass by, I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and spot strange creatures with wings circling us.

Before I can give a warning, Hildisvíni yells out, "We have guests!"

Standing at the ready, I begin launching spear after spear at our assailants as they retaliate by shooting lightning bolt after lightning bolt at us. As I am about to throw another spear, I hear Brigir begin to chant.

"Deyr fe... deyja fraendr... deyr sjalfr it sama..."

Quickly turning around, I point my spear at him.

I yell at him in icelandic, "Vertu kyrr ūar sem ūú ert, elliæri, gamli mađur! Þú fórnar þér ekki!"

Brigir pauses his war chant and looks at me with a surprised expression written across his face.

"The only one that will be jumping off of this boat will be me and me alone!"

Before anyone else can try and stop me, I hand Kratos Draupnir back and leap off the side of the boat.

'System. Bring up my stats.'


Name: fenrisulfir horrendous haddok

Age: 15 years old (mentally 40)

Bloodline: human(90%) Dragon(10%)

Legendary spirits: unknown(Locked)

Legacy weapons: none (In progress: 1)














'System. What percent do I need to get my blood purity at to get wings?'

[Answer. You will need to get it to 30%]

'Alright. Use a Blood refinement pill(high).'