
Ultimate World System

The rights to HTTYD and all other works belong to their respective owners/creators. I own nothing except the characters I create. This is my first time writing a story so please be nice to me. This story is about a 25 year old that was transmigrated to the world of how to train your dragon as hiccup's twin brother. He goes on quests, he gets the girls, and he makes lasting bonds.

unknown_wrighter · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 23: First legacy weapon




"I think I'll head to RWBY."

Astrid pauses and asks, "Why?"

"Because it's labeled as an easy world. It will allow us to better our weapon knowledge, proficiency, and it will allow us to learn how to blend into the worlds we will be entering into."

I think to my self, 'Plus, if I'm lucky, it'll let me get some more women along the way.'

After a while of back and forth about when and where to insert ourselves, we move onto the first weapon I should get.

Astrid shouts, "Get the chain!!!"

In frustration, I retort with, "I'm getting the blades!!"

Astrid yells annoyed, "The chain could be used for capturing an enemy, attacking, and defense. It is the best all rounded weapon you could ask for!"

With a tired sigh, I respond, "The blades are the exact same except that it has a blade at the end. Im getting the blades!"

We pause for a moment and I say, "How about this. I get the blades first. Then, once I'm used to using them, I'll get the chains. Sound good to you?"

She pauses for a moment and nods her head, saying, "Sounds good to me. Let's go get those chaos blades or whatever they're called!"

She quickly changes and grabs my hand to pull me out of her house. I roll my eyes and let her drag me to wherever she likes. A few minutes of walking later and we arrive at the safe haven.

She takes a step away from me and asks, "So how do these challenges work?"

I smile at her and say, "Watch."

I take a few steps in front of me and say aloud, "System. Open the legacy challenge for Kratos."

[Opening legacy portal.]

As the message appears, an icy blue portal with a blood red omega symbol appears in front of us.

I give Astrid a cocky smile and ask the system, "System. Can Astrid follow me into the legacy challenge?"


I give her a hug before saying, "I'll only be gone for a second."

She pulls me into a short kiss before turning me and pushing me into the portal. As I pass through, I feel the temperature drastically drop and I begin to fall toward what looks like a fighting arena bandit outpost. While trying not to scream my lungs out, I hear the quest notification appear.

[Legacy weapon quest: Kratos]

Quest details:

-Defeat opponent: 0/1


-Blades of chaos

-Leviathan axe

Extra reward conditions:

-Kill the opponent with Draupnir spear


-Draupnir spear

-Blood refinement pill(high) x2

Looking back at the area below I see Kratos walk into the fighting arena with Freyja from the left and from the right I see Heimdal riding a tiger with large horns. As Heimdal is about to attack Kratos, I streamline my body and dive into the arena. I angle my body toward the tiger thing and right before it can attack, I slam my foot into its face sending it flying with Heimdal into the wall.

I roll to my feet and turn to face Kratos with a shit eating grin, saying, "Well, who do we have here? If it isn't my second favorite spartan!"

Freyja looks at me with utter shock and Kratos begins to walk toward me while taking something off of his finger. When he reaches me I stick my hand out to him for a traditional spartan handshake. He shakes my hand and hands me Draupnir.

He says,"It is good to see you child. I have no time to speak so I will give you this weapon to fight. Use lethal force only if necessary. Meet us at the entrance of the outpost when you have finished here."

I nod while putting the ring on my finger and turning toward the purple eyed baby. As it auto sizes to my finger, I feel a string of information on how to use the weapon. I push my will into the ring and have it multiply itself. The copy transforms into a two and a half meters long golden spear with a red cloth tied just below the blade.

As I am admiring the spear I hear the cry baby yell out, "You piece of shit! You killed my mount! Do you know how long it took to get that thing!?"

I stare at him with a straight face for a moment and, in my best ginger bread man voice, I say, "Do you know the muffin man?"

He looks at me in confusion and asks,"The muffin man?"

I grin and, once again in my best ginger bread man voice, I yell,"The muffin man!"

Once I finish saying the famous line, I launch a spear at his left foot. He, ofcourse, dodges and goes to give a sly remark. Before he can utter a word, I summon another spear and slam the bottom of it into the ground. The spear tip that was imbedded into the ground implodes and sends a shockwave of golden energy outward. The shockwave slams into Heimdal and stuns him. While he is stunned, I take the chance to launch the spear in my hand at his foot again, but this time it lands and he screams out in pain.

He stares at me in shock and says, "You hit me!"

As he yells at me I can visibly see the world begin to slow down and be engulfed in a purple hue.

"Slow down!"

In a blinding rage, he rushes toward me. What he doesn't realize, however, is that I'm not affected by his time stop ability.

I decided to toy with him and make his movements even sloppier. I wait till the very last moment to dodge and while he wizzes past, I bring the blade of my spear to his cheek and, using his momentum, slice through his cheek to the bone. He turns toward me and with even more rage rushes toward me. Seeing as he used the same attack again, I decided to follow suit and also do the same thing again while laughing condescendingly. Another gash was placed on his opposite cheek and he screams. He stomps his feet in anger resembling a child having a temper tantrum. This goes on for a long while before I decide to end his life. He once again rushes me and, letting his momentum do the work for me, I point my spear tip at his face. He goes to say something, but before he can even get a word out my spear pierces through his forehead and his body falls face first onto the ground. I walk toward the newly dead body and turn it over. Admiring my handiwork for a moment, I decide to take his eyes as a trophy. I bend down and dig my fingers into his eye sockets. When my fingers are secure, I give them a steady gentle tug. After a few seconds of pulling, I feel the final muscle holding the eye snap and out comes my prize. Before they can begin to degrade, I put the pair of eyes in my inventory. I also decide to grab his sword and Gjallarhorn to give to Kratos. When I begin to step away, the system gives me a notification.