
White-haired Sisters

A/N: shorter chapter due to conclude everything with the Greengrass Family.


"What do you think?" asked Kenneth. The Greengrass family had left, he asked them to hold off registering Astoria as an Animagus and to wait for an answer from the person who cured her, if the answer was positive, then they could make up something and register them both together.

She asked, "about what?" He was doing the dishes while Nagini clean up the table. Chores was something they did together from time to time even though it would be incredible easy to do it with magic, the couple found that doing them manually from time to time bonded them. She placed the last of the plates into the sink and picked up a dry cloth to wipe the already washed ones.

"I'm not saying I'll be successful but if I was able to help Daphne, should I?" he asked.

She thought for a bit and asked, "Why don't you want to help her? I mean, everything with Astoria ended well, we even made some good friends."

"I mean, wouldn't it draw too much attention? What if someone made the connection between Astoria visiting this place before getting cured and you who use to be a Maledictus as well?" he asked.

"You are being paranoid, Jase. We run a spatial item store, not a clinic for curses. Besides, you forget how large and influential the Greengrass family is, they could have found help anywhere from the world. Besides, Astoria will draw attention, adding Daphne won't matter too much," she said.


"No buts," she thought for a bit more and said, "Let's take the worst-case scenario; they will find out it was you who cured them, so what? At worst, you will be famous for being an excellent curse breaker. Let's say, they were so smart and so obsessed with you that they dug deep into our past, figured out me being in Albania, where we could have met and you, out of all the wizards there, was an experimental subject of Voldemort. See how ridiculous that sounds? Even if they did find out, can't we just leave the country? With our spatial ability, getting away would be easy and the dark lord only has influence in magical Britain. Most of Europe don't know who he is, even if they did, most of them do not care."

Kenneth realised she had a point; it was a mad assumption to make just from link between him and the Maledictus curse. But Nagini still did not know his identity as a Bones family child, he worried for his aunt and cousin.

Seeing that he was still thinking about it, Nagini hugged him from behind and said in a comforting tone, "the world doesn't revolve around you dear. Stop being paranoid."

He wanted to snap back at her by saying, "If you were also reincarnated with the memories of your previous life, you would think the universe actually does revolve around you!" But he remembers all his married friends in his previous life always say, "Just don't start an argument with your wife. Even if you win, you lose." Kenneth felt a bit weird, the woman had just slapped his ego, drove away his paranoia and comforted him all at the same time.

Kenneth turned around and pinched her cheek, "Ow!" she exclaimed. "Thank you," he said.

Later that evening, Kenneth was in his study upstairs, the study went through a massive transformation. Nagini released her morning star symbol and combined with Kenneth's magical reserves, they created spatial runes that expanded the study into a 50 square meter room. There were rows and rows of book shelfs filled with all the book from the Greengrass family and the books Kenneth had collected from all over Diagon and Knockturn alley. The room was lit brightly with hovering orbs of light Kenneth had created using the dwarven rune.

Kenneth was experimenting with Daphne's blood, he found that it was indeed feasible for him to turn Daphne into an inheritor of mythical bloodline. His white flame completely awakened the dormant curse in her blood, and the rest of the process was identical to what Astoria's went through.

He also took the remaining blood from Astoria and Daphne isolated the curse, he wanted to study more into it later on. He wondered if he would be able to turn more witches and wizards into inheriting the mythical bloodlines.

"Nagini is right, I can't just hide and be frightened at the thought of losing the rest of my family. I need to learn how to take risks, as they say, a good offence is the best defence. Since I decided to become an Auror, I risk exposure anyway," Kenneth convinced himself before sending a letter to the Greengrass family.

A week later, Charlotte and Daphne walked into the shop, Daphne had a little skip in her steps. The little girl was incredibly happy at the idea of turning into a wolf. After greeting each other Charlette said, "I did not expect the answer from that person to come so quick."

"That person was excited at the idea of awakening a dormant curse. Oscar and Astoria did not come?" asked Kenneth.

"Oscar is in a meeting at the ministry, and Astoria begged to come, but you know, we decided to keep her hidden until Daphne's situation was taken cared for. We are planning to tell the ministry and the daily prophet that we found a specialist from overseas to take care of the curse, which manifested in both our daughters, and that person likes to stay anonymous," said Charlette.

"Sounds good to me, thanks Charlette," said Kenneth.

"We are the ones that is thankful, Jason," replied Charlette with a smile.

Kenneth looked at the 7-year-old Daphne and asked, "well, are you ready?" The little girl smiled and gave a confident nod.


Few days later, Kenneth and Nagini was eating breakfast, Nagini was reading the Daily Prophet. She said, "Looks like things aren't bad for us, the Greengrass couple did a good job. Here listen."

She started to read;

[Maledictus Curse Manifested in both Greengrass daughters, The White-Haired Sisters. By Rita Skeeter.

There was a huge surprise at the ministry in the last two days. Two sisters, one 6 years old and the other 7 years old, had registered as wolf Animagi. The two little girls were Astoria and Daphne of most noble house of Greengrass. When, Oscar and Charlette Greengrass was asked why they would perform such difficult magic on their daughters, they said that their daughters had manifested the Maledictus curse at the same time. They desperately searched for cures and found an acentric witch who specialised in blood curses and had begged for her help. "The cure's side effect is that our daughter's hair turned snow white and that they gained the ability to turn into a wolf. We have no complaints though; they look like darling little angels. Other than us having to keep an eye on two little wolf cubs that keeps running around the house, we are glad we are able to rid the curse," said Charlette Greengrass.]

"There is a lot more questioning on the person who cured the curse, but they wrapped it up nicely," said Nagini.

Kenneth nodded, he was happy to have helped them, he even gained an entire library of all sorts of magical books. He realised that the collection of books was not just from Britain, there was even spells, rituals, necromancy magic, body modification and dark magic from places like Africa, Asia, middle east and middle America.

There was 7 months left till the next enrolment for the Auror training programme and he was going to make the most of it. His priority was curses, jinxes and charms, and body modification magic. He was the to see if he could increase his physical strength and reaction time, even though his current body was already two times as strong as a normal human being.

Why is it, we are so focused on the negative than the positive, we overlook all the good around us, simply because we don't get hurt by it and focus on the negativity.

Thanks for reading!


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