
Ultimate Villain System: Rise of the Villain

Arthur, a second-generation rich kid, had a life filled with privilege. However, tragedy struck when his parents passed away, leaving him to take over the family company. Unfortunately, his life took a turn for the worse. His so-called friends exploited him, his girlfriend betrayed him by stealing company secrets, and his best friend framed him for various crimes. Eventually, his company went bankrupt. "I won't give you a single cent. You're just a beggar now." "You want to borrow money? Grovel at my feet, and I might consider it." "You poor beggar, how dare you set foot in my house!" His friends were nothing more than wolves disguised as humans. No one offered him help, his relatives mocked him, and debt collectors harassed him relentlessly. In his darkest moment, Arthur contemplated suicide by jumping from a building. However, as he was about to leap, a ringing sound echoed. [Ding!] [The Ultimate Villain System is activated] [Engage in evil deeds, don't be a goody-two-shoes, and rise in this world] [Note: Being a villain doesn't mean committing crimes. Evils and criminals are different.] [A villain is someone who ensures their enemies never experience happiness and torments them every day. They are the ones who rule the world.] [Be a villain who becomes a role model for others... Don't be a despicable criminal who only knows how to commit murder, rape, robbery, and the like.] [As a villain, you are now given three choices for your current situation] [1. Jump from the building. Reward: Death] [2. Don't jump from the building and return home. Reward: Debt collectors knocking at your door] [3. Don't jump, call your debt collectors, and curse their entire family lineage. Reward: All your debts will be written off, and ownership of Hearty Lake Villa] "You know what? You're nothing but a despicable person. Go ahead and die!" "You want money? Seems like the doghouse is empty. Be my dog from now on." "How dare you curse me? I'll just end your life!" Embracing his newfound villainous identity, Arthur rose to fame and fortune. Those who once wronged him suffered immensely, while those who aided him experienced prosperity and joy.

EvilisMyNature · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

gathering information

Arthur's martial arts prowess was evident, but it didn't come as a surprise to him since he had expected the reward.

Ana was taken aback, but she didn't question him. She understood her role and would follow his orders without hesitation.

"Yes, boss!" They all bowed in unison.

"For now, remain outside this building. If she requires assistance, enter immediately."


They all departed, leaving Arthur to his plans.

"Are the moles in place?"

"Yes. We have three new employees acting as our moles, and I've recruited some individuals motivated by money."

"Excellent." Arthur's actions weren't driven by the difficulty of dealing with George directly. He could easily send him to jail, end his life, or dismantle his company. But that wouldn't satisfy him.

No, Arthur had grander plans in mind. He intended to destroy George slowly and meticulously.

"You'll be in charge here. Monitor her activities closely and ensure her safety."

"Yes, boss." Ana understood that Arthur's actions stemmed from his promise to protect Elsa, not from any personal attachment or affection.

"I'll be heading to the Tengda branch of Future Electronics."

"Yes, boss."

With that, Arthur left the building, leaving Ana to her duties as she glanced at the television screen.


Elsa entered the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor.

She arrived at the HR office, where she was greeted by Sarah, a woman in her thirties who held the position of HR manager.

"Hello. Welcome to our company. I'm Sarah, the HR manager. I presented your profile directly to the CEO, and he was thrilled to have you join our sales department."

"Huh?" Elsa was taken aback. "So, I... got the job?"

"Yes. The CEO is a kind-hearted person. When he learned of your financial struggles and need for employment, he decided to hire you directly."

"Really? I'm so happy. I would love to thank him," Elsa expressed her gratitude.

"If you'd like, the boss will leave the office at 6 pm. You can accompany him then."

"But isn't my working hours from 7 am to 8 pm?"

"You don't need to work today. Just familiarize yourself with the company and assist the boss. If you want to advance in rank, you need to please the boss."

Elsa's smile widened with joy. She truly looked like someone who wanted the job and was thrilled to have obtained it.

Sarah smiled, thinking to herself, 'I believe she will be a good addition.'

Meanwhile, Ana rolled her eyes at Sarah's words.

"Kind? He's so kind that he indulges in debauchery with girls all night. If he truly were kind, he would perform good deeds. Hiring highly qualified employees based solely on their appearances isn't a virtuous act," she muttered, sighing.

"If it were up to me, I'd just eliminate him directly. But my boss wants to play with him," she sighed, knowing her role in the plan.


Arthur sat in the cab, speaking with a middle-aged man on the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Arthur. This is David."

"David, as Ana mentioned, when will I receive it?"

"Just next week. I have already informed all the branch managers."



Arthur changed into cleaner attire, holding a broom and bucket, and entered the company.

"Hello, Mr. Ash. I'm Arthur, the new cleaner," he greeted a man. This man, in his thirties and smoking, matched the photo Ana had provided.

Arthur had been recruited as a cleaner.

"Oh, the junior, right? I'm the leader of the cleaning staff. We have a total of ten cleaners here. You'll be paired with Rosh to clean the second floor. He will give you further instructions," Mr. Ash explained.

"Thank you," Arthur replied.

"Call me 'leader,'" Mr. Ash said with a stern look.

"Yes, leader," Arthur smiled.

He made his way to the second floor through the stairs.

Soon, he spotted a man sweeping the floor.

"Hello, are you Rosh?" Arthur asked.

"Yes. You're the new recruit?" Rosh inquired.

"Yes, I'm Arthur. The leader mentioned that I would receive my tasks from you."

"Go and restock the bathroom supplies. The stock is in the storeroom on the third floor. Rina and Rene should be cleaning the bathrooms, so you'll find them there."

"Okay." Arthur climbed to the third floor, where there were few people around as most were occupied with office work.

Entering the bathroom, he found two girls cleaning and grumbling to themselves.

"Hello, ladies. I'm a new recruit here. If you have a moment, could you please tell me the way to the storeroom?" Arthur asked politely.

The two girls looked at Arthur and whispered to each other, "Handsome."

"It's Brother Arthur, I'm Rina. I'd be happy to show you the way to the storeroom," the young girl said with a smile.

"I'm Rene, Arthur. I'm younger than her, so I'll escort you. And if you're free... *wink*," she winked at him.

Arthur understood their intention.

"Both of you are very beautiful. I'd be delighted if we could spend some time together after work. But for now, please just tell me the way." Arthur smiled.

Both girls were a bit surprised but agreed, "Sure. The room at the end of the corridor is the storeroom."

"Thank you. Please continue your work." Arthur smiled at them.


They both continued working without any complaints.

"When will it be 8 o'clock?!" They both eagerly waited.

With an indifferent expression, Arthur walked towards the storeroom. He entered and searched for a moment before retrieving two cardboard boxes.

One contained soaps, and the other had toilet paper. There were a few other items as well, such as toilet cleaners.

Carrying them effortlessly, Arthur made his way to the second floor. He went to the bathroom and placed the supplies in their respective locations.

During lunchtime - 

Arthur was wiping the windows when Rosh arrived before him. "Arthur, let's go get lunch."

"Where do we have lunch?"

"There's a cafeteria on the first floor. Let me show you the way."


Arthur descended the stairs and entered the cafeteria, filled with employees engaged in their work.

After grabbing some sandwiches and a cup of coffee, he looked around for an empty table.

As he walked around, many female employees glanced at Arthur, captivated by his presence.

"Here, Brother Arthur." Rina waved her hand.

Arthur approached and sat in the vacant chair.

"Thank you, Sister Rina."

"You're welcome." Rina smiled.

"Are you only having these?" Rene commented.


"Men need to eat more. How will you stay fit if you eat so little... here, have my hot dog too." She placed a hot dog on his plate.

"Yeah, and take my cutlet bread as well..."

Arthur smiled at them and started eating.

"May I ask something, ladies?"

"Sure, you can ask us anything... even our three sizes," Rina smiled.

"Haha..." Arthur let out a dry laugh. "I just wanted to know about the company and its employees. I mean, if I accidentally offend someone, it could jeopardize my job."

"That's true," Rene moved closer. "Regular employees are usually not a problem. They focus on their work and tasks. However, they tend to look down on us. If you want to survive here, be ready to take the blame."

"Managers are the ones to avoid the most. They can be quite arrogant. Some of them don't even do their work and instead ogle female employees. I've heard that those who can't satisfy their managers are eventually let go," Rina added.

"Yeah. I've heard rumors about managers embezzling money too. The branch boss here seems to have two main responsibilities: assisting managers in embezzlement and staring at girls' ass. They're all perverts."

"Well, we're fortunate since we aren't considered beautiful and belong to a lower class."

"No, no. You two are beautiful ladies. Those who can't see your beauty are blind," Arthur complimented.

"Really?" They both naturally felt happy. Who doesn't enjoy a compliment?