
Ultimate Throne

In the grand tapestry of existence, mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the transience of life. Fish succumb to the whims of hunger, their fate a mere trifle in the grand scheme. Humans, on the other hand, surrender to the allure of wealth, a fleeting dream that vanishes like smoke on the wind. Yet, in this world, the currency of trust proves far more perilous. To entrust one’s fate to the wrong individual is to invite despair, to drown in a sea of regret. Trusting a devil will only leave one imprisoned by the chains of pain. When I say “devil,” I don’t mean it in a spiritual sense, but rather a human with the characteristics of a devil. A person capable of lying to himself until his mind believes it to be the truth. Someone who views the world with disdain and wouldn’t care if it disappeared in the next second. On the planet Ablauf, where the extraordinary has become mundane, abilities both grand and trivial are woven into the fabric of existence. like turning into an insect, to the all powerful like reversing time, mind control, and turning illusion into reality. Tito Roux Z, a broken soul from Earth with the ability to turn into flames, lands on this planet with no goals in mind. However, from the second day onward, when he heard about the “Ultimate Throne” granting the rights to be Sovereign of Ablauf from Encender Tohil, a fellow inmate at the time, other thoughts began to form in his dark mind.

Platofox · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
123 Chs

Kontrolu [End]

As flames engulfed Ivy's body, Tito felt his own form merging once more.

Stepping onto the ground, he fixed his gaze on empty space.

Kontrolu mistook his actions, as if Tito was staring at him, "Do you regret it?! You are the one who killed her after all?! You knew he was a girl right?! How dare she try to act as a man?! Hahahaha!! She deserved what she got!!"

Tito clenched his fist, until blood started dripping to the ground. He coldly states, "She did nothing wrong."

It was a fact. Ivy's luck seemed to have run dry, much like his own in childhood. He was certain she faced the same condemning stares that he did.

There were times when people would put him through physical torment simply for their own amusement. When he sought refuge at the hospital, they shooed him away, afraid he would disturb the peace of the patients.

On frigid nights, he would lay upon the icy ground with nothing but the sky above. On scorching days, he would endure days without a single sip of water.

He was convinced Ivy had endured similar hardships.

As Tito's anger flared, Kontrolu burst into laughter, "Hahahaha! Why would she be here if she didn't deserve it?!! Perhaps she crossed paths with the son of a notorious criminal, or maybe she wiped out her entire family?!! Someone like that had no right to leave this world with a smile on her face!!"


With a wider grin, Kontrolu gestured wildly, "You had no idea, did you?!! Allow me to—!!"

Tito's icy response cut him short, "They got what was coming to them."

He didn't know a thing about Ivy's origins. Even so, the family that abandoned her deserved what he got.

Even when his clone killed his family, Tito didn't feel bothered in the slightest. They were like people he would see on the street by then.

The reason he didn't mess up their lives was that he didn't want to hurt his little sister. She only disliked him because she was taught to be like that. 

When she was a kid, she really liked him. However, after being locked up in her room because she took pity on him, she never looked him in the eye.

"Hmm..." Kontrolu raised a brow.

He didn't expect Tito to side with such a vixen. Nevertheless, this was for the better. The more regret he felt, the easier it would be to take him out.

He smiles and stands up, "You are just the same as her. A criminal who should rot in this place. However, it is the end for you."

Tito's legs slowly turned into fire.

His golden eyes glared at Kontrolu with nothing but malignancy. 

"I will kill you."


Tito jumped into the air and launched a spinning side kick towards his opponent. 

"Flaming Kick: Ushiro Ura Mawashi Geri!"

Seeing the spiral flames coming towards him, Kontrolu kept on smiling. 

"Come here!" 

In a flash, his giant pendent and voodoo dolls materialized to shield him. But Tito's fiery kick obliterated them effortlessly.


Kontrolu managed to evade the kick, but it ended up demolishing the surrounding stands. Despite this, he found himself bald as a result.

He started sweating as he realized the gravity of the situation, 'This is bad.'

He is not the type of person suited for close-range attacks.

Never once did he train his body. His fighting style is based on controlling his dolls and his opponents.

All he needs to do is just touch someone, and voilà.

However, he had now met his match for his abilities. Tito would burn him to a crisp the moment he tries to even touch him.

His eyes quickly wandered to the other battle.

Clang, Clang, Clang—! 

Encender is blocking Star's blades at an astonishing speed, hard to catch even for CCTV cameras. However, she was still getting cut by the edges of the blades. 

Not only that, but the rapier she was holding was getting blunt by the second. If she doesn't step up her game, it would break soon.

She tightly grips the rapier with both hands and swings it with fierce force.


She breaks all the blades coming towards her. Encender didn't stop there, as she used the momentum to rush at Star, who was being protected by his sphere of blades.

Her feet pushed her up into the air, and it didn't take a second for her to vertically bring back her sword.


Encender's sword touches the ground after it cut through the sphere. 

Unfortunately, Star's misfortune extended to the loss of his right hand, resulting in a significant amount of blood flowing from his forearm. 

Despite this severe injury, he remained composed and barely registered any pain due to being under Kontrolu's control.

His green eyes indifferently stare at the girl getting up from the ground. Blades quickly formed around her, ready to kill her. 


Nonetheless, Encender sliced through the blades together with part of Star's gut. His hot blood spilled over to her face, but that wasn't going to stop her. Her rapier quickly found way to his neck. 


The puppet created four blades to protect himself from imminent death, but that defense proved to be only a temporary distraction as Encender's fist landed squarely on its face.


Star's nose bridge cracked, as blood flowed down like a river. His feet found themselves staggering a few inches back.

Encender smiles, "That's it for Tito's request."

She didn't need to do it, but it was to repay him. He wasn't part of her team yet, but she decided to help him.

Encender's face turned serious once again as Star had started attacking her again. Hundreds of blades rushed over at her at lightning speed.


She made a crescent swing and broke all of them apart. Her feet cracked the ground as she propelled towards Star at rocket speed.

Swish—! Swish—!

The blades from Star didn't stop coming. Some of them even bruised her skin, but she didn't stop.

She leaned her sword to her right.

She knew that Star was being controlled. However, if she beats him up, he will come back to his senses. Unlike the voodoo dolls, he is human.

Just like any human, he will regain his senses at the moment of death.

She reached where he was and fiercely swung her sword to the left.

"Storm chaser!!"


Hearing the sound of air being cracked next to him, Star regained control over his body. However, his body still couldn't move.

He was paralyzed by fear. Death was coming at him.

All he could do was close his eyes. Even so, death came to an unexpected part of his body.

He could feel all his hair fall to the ground.

He had just suffered from alopecia at the young age of 27.

"Ah! Disgusting!" Encender commented with her hands holding her mouth and nose.

Star finally opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a heavenly sight. 

The girl before him couldn't be described by the words pretty, cute, and beautiful alone; she was a heaven-sent divine being. Her fair skin was like that of a polished diamond, her round golden eyes like twinkling stars in the night sky, and her silky long light brown hair appeared as if it was braided by the goddess of beauty herself. Not to mention her heavenly figure, reminiscent of all princesses in fairy tales.

The more Star looked at her, the more he became mesmerized by Encender. However, he couldn't help but wonder if she was looking at him with disgust. 

He followed the trail of her eyes, only to be greeted by a certain liquid dripping from in between his overall pants. 

It wasn't just a few drops, but liters of it.


It didn't take a second for him to faint from embarrassment.


Tito had just burned down Kontrolu's dolls again. He had been repeating the same process for minutes, but he doesn't seem to be getting tired.

"Darn it! Just what is he made of?!" Kontrolu complained as he rushed towards the dazed Encender.

Tito was a bad matchup for him, even his diamond pendant set was being melted in only a few seconds. His only choice was to make Encender fight with Tito.

'There is no way he would burn his sister to death', he smiled in thought.

Encender was too tired to notice him at her back.

Kontrolu couldn't help but grin as he touched her shoulder, "It's over hahahaha!"

Tito's body reverted back to normal, his eyes wide with shock. His fair skin paled until it resembled a bunny's fur. 

Seeing his adversary in this stunned state, Kontrolu grinned malevolently. This was what he had been waiting for all along.

Her order the dazed Encender, "Now little girl kill your brother in called blood!! Hahaha—!"

His evil laughter came to a sudden pause. Out of nowhere, Encender's rapier was piercing his gut.

His shaking eyes turned over to the girl and her brother. Both of them were grinning at him.

He shouted with a flustered tone, "How did you break out of my control?!"