
ultimate technology system (dropped) read verstion 2

please read versrtion 2 https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-scientist-in-a-magical-world_18132378505390605

ArinzeArimah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

1st battle

Alonso is staring at the overgrown gorilla, the gorilla seems to have noticed something, it suddenly stops and starts to sniff its surroundings.

Alonso immediately realised that, the gorilla is using his sense of smell to track him. Before Alonso could change his position the gorilla looks up and spots Alonso, the gorilla starts profusely banging its chest repeatedly trying to intimidate Alonso.

Alonso is not frightened rather he welcomes the ape's provocation, the ape quickly digs two of its arms into the ground; the ground starts to shake causing the earth to split apart just like an earthquake. Suddenly the earth on the ground begins to rise, Alonso did not take his eyes of the ape, he makes sure to examine the ape's movements carefully.

The ape is controlling the earth, just by observing the ape's actions Alonso came to the conclusion that the ape must be using magic to control the earth. Alonso found this confusing, for some reason he did not expect the ape to use magic, he imagined magic to function like he had seen on TV. He expected a chant or phase to be spoken when casting magic.

Suddenly there is a boulder the size of a small bus hovering in the air, the ape makes a hand gesture and the boulder flies towards Alonso. Alonso has a serious expression on his face, he goes into a deep thought, "time to check out what this body is capable off" as the massive boulder is getting closer and closer to Alonso, he jumps out of the way avoiding the boulder, the boulder hits the tree Alonso was on and smashes to pieces while also breaking part of the tree.

As Alonso lands on the ground he sees numerous boulders flying towards him, he calmly smiles and jumps away dodging all of the boulders

The ape understands that this little oni is too fast for him so it decides to switch tactics and go for hand to hand combat.

The ape rushes forward towards Alonso getting ready to crush him, Alonso is standing still smiling full of confidence "hmm agility is good, way above my expectations, hmm I wonder how agile I would be if I had my augmentations, let me test my strength", Alonso thinks to himself while stroking his chin. At this point the ape is in striking distance, the ape puts two its arms together making a hammer fist and swings down at Alonso.

Alonso calmly smiles and uses a technique from his previous life called light steps, this is a martial arts technique used for quick movements.

If anyone who is untrained and inexperienced was to see this technique they would think that the user of the technique has just disappeared and this is exactly what the ape thought. The ape looses track of Alonso and begins to look around for Alonso wondering what is happening, the ape is moving its head left and right looking around for Alonso, it is very confused wondering, "where did the little oni go?"

Before the ape could use its sense of smell to find where Alonso is the ape spots a little oni boy dashing towards it, clenching his right fist, the little oni boy jumps and swings his right hand delivering a right hook, landing a devastating punch on the ape's jaw. The massive ape weighing approximately 400kg and towering at 12 feet tall is sent flying with a single punch from Alonso.

Alonso is very shocked he could not believe how strong he was, his strength far surpasses his previous self and his previous self had augmented strength, It seems you should not underestimate the strength of an oni; Alonso ponderes what rank the onis fall under in the world, "could they be a superior race?" "are all races in this world this powerful?"

The ape cries out loud in pain while rolling on the ground rubbing its cheeks with one of its many hands.

Alonso was not done with his experiment yet, he wanted to know if the powers he had while he was alive on earth crossed over with him.

So Alonso closes his eyes and focuses trying to conjure the ice powers his previous self had but nothing is happening but Alonso's surprise he felt something deep down inside his body, some kind of energy.

The energy felt foreign but at the same time it felt familiar, it felt like something that Alonso had known for his entire life but it also felt like something Alonso had never felt before.

Alonso deduces that this strange energy must be the fuel to cast magic, "I believe there are many names for this strange energy mana, chi, ki, chakra, aura, this must be the energy those mysterious spiritual priests claimed existed, if I remember it right, they said it was the source of life itself". "Hmm well I'll be"! "They were speaking the truth after all". "I wonder how they knew of this energy, clearly magic did not exist on earth or is there something I am missing here?" Alonso ponders to himself.

Alonso focuses his mind and recalls the feeling of using his ice powers into his body, it is a feeling Alonso is very familiar with. To Alonso it is just like riding a bicycle. He has used his ice powers so much to the point that it became muscle memory.

Suddenly the mana in Alonso's body starts to react responding to Alonso's consciousness, it's like the mana could hear his thoughts.

The mana in Alonso's body starts to turn to ice; at the same time as the mana is turning to ice. Alonso is fusing the ice into his cells.

Alonso does not know how magic works and he did not care, he is currently running an experiment. He is performing the imperium gene manipulation on himself fusing the ice into his very own DNA.

Something unexpected is happening, because Alonso is using ice that was originally mana, the mana turned ice is made from mana therefore even though mana and ice are two completely different substances, the ice is made from mana so Alonso is not just fusing his cells with ice he is also fusing his cells with mana as well.

The results are beyond Alonso's expectations, he just unexpectedly turned his entire body into a machine that produces an unlimited amount of mana and Alonso did not even know this, how could he know this when he has no knowledge of magic, furthermore the mana Alonso's body produces is not normal, the mana is very cold it feels just like ice.

If someone was to do the normal imperium gene operation, the person would just get a random superpower. It is impossible to pick what superpower the person would get, it is also impossible to add ice and other elements into the person's DNA. Even in Alonso's very advance technological civilization, the inhabitants of Alonso's old world or even Alonso himself could not do such a thing.

It seems like mana is a very versatile and mysterious energy, it is an energy that is almost incomprehensible. Alonso could tell that this energy is alive and he felt like it even had its own mind. Somehow the mana made the ice to perfectly fuse with Alonso's cells like it was an organic particle but it did not feel and act like one.

Alonso wondered what would have happened if the experiment failed, he would most likely be frozen to death. He also knew there was a possibility of his cells rejecting the ice just like how the body of people who have organ transplant sometimes reject the organ that was implanted inside them. He remembered the spiritual priest's words that mana was life itself so he came to the conclusion that if mana was life itself then his body should not reject it. After all, if mana is life then anything that is alive is mana. So Alonso being alive means that all his cells down to the smallest details already contained mana in it just that in this world mana manifests in a different forms.

Although everything in the world contains mana, it did not exist in a pure physical and energised form in Alonso's old world. For some reason the world Alonso is on right now has an abundance of mana so much that the mana itself exists as it own unique form of life.

So Alonso came to the conclusion that because everything alive such as his cells were made from mana, his body will naturally be to compatible this energised form of mana, after all they are the same thing but in different forms. This was the theory Alonso came up with and he was lucky he was right.

Alonso's cells are fused with ice but around each and every cell in Alonso's body, there is a force field of mana around Alonso's cells protecting Alonso's body. This is the reason Alonso was not frozen to death somehow the mana is containing all the cold that Alonso's cells is generating.

Alonso would later learn that this is not how you use magic. No sane magician would ever use mana while it is still in their body, a magician will first channel mana out of their body then cast magic if they tried to do what Alonso just did, they would have died. Turning mana into ice while the mana is still in your body will freeze the person instantly. Alonso did not just randomly freeze his body, he froze the very cells in his body. This was done on a subatomic level causing his molecules to bond with mana and ice.