
Ultimate Simulation System

‘This life is so boring man’. ‘If I hit my head against this wall, what would happen?’ Bam! And so, Andrew died. The most random way to die, but Andrew’s journey was not over. [New host acquired!] [Ultimate Simulation System initialized!] This is the story of redemption; redemption from a boring life into a new one filled with the excitement of mecha and magic! Is Andrew ready for this excitement? Who knows?

GREAT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
177 Chs

Part human; part robot


[Reincarnation Successful!]

[New host acquired!]

[Ultimate Simulation System initializing…, please wait…]

[New User Detected…]

[Analyzing mental condition…]

[Result: Confused]

[Analyzing physical condition…]

[Result: Unstable]

[Current system activation success rate: Low!]

[Triggering safety option…]

[System hibernation triggered!]


Andrew was still trying to come to terms with what exactly happened and where he was when the bright blue light blocked his vision.

It disappeared soon after though, and he was left even more confused.

'What the heck!'

'What in the name of spooky Jesus was that?'

Despite his thoughts though, Andrew finally blinked since he discovered that his vision was starting to clear up.

And finally, Andrew saw where he was at this moment.

Andrew seemed to be in some form of confinement.

From the blue glass walls and glass door, and the bed bunker at the side, Andrew came to the deduction that this must be some form of lab.

'Where the hell is this?' He thought.

And then, he heard footsteps.

Thud! Thud!

Andrew tried to move his head but to his horror, he discovered that he couldn't.

"…!" Tons of thoughts immediately went through his head.

'What happened to me?'

'What did they do to me?!'

He tried to move his hand and he couldn't. He literally couldn't do anything, the only thing he could do at this moment was move his eyes.

Andrew was spooked.

And then, the glass door of this lab room was pushed open. Andrew noticed 3 people in white lab coats enter, 2 men, and a woman carrying a tablet who seemed to be their assistant.

"Subject number 5 has exhibited the best positive signs so far".

"His brain reacted well with the Camdragon G66 chipset".

"His body didn't exhibit any form of rejection either".

"He may be our first success this time around".

Hearing those words, Andrew felt even more spooked. 'What the hell do they mean by my brain and some shark dragon set?'

'What on earth did these guys do to me?' He thought.

Andrew tried to speak but he could not even move his lips, his heart was already beating fast and this was when something beeped.


The woman in a white lab coat looked at the tablet on her hand, then shocked, she looked at the test subject.

"He's awake!" She exclaimed.

The 2 men in white lab coats who seemed like doctors were also shocked. "Readings?" One of them demanded the next moment, he seemed like the leader.

The woman with the tablet rapidly tapped at it. "Current cognitive function: 55%".

"Subject rapidly regaining cognitive function".

And the next moment, Andrew felt like he could speak again, and he spoke.

"What's happening?"

"Who are you?"

"Where am I?"

One of the male doctors, the one who seemed like the leader stepped forward. "Andrew, you were involved in a clash against pirates".

"You were injured and you're currently in a hospital".

"Then why the hell am I seeing what seems like robots across the door?"

"T-those?" This doctor stammered for some reason, clearly baffled as he pointed outside. "Those are the Pacifiers, combat robots that are modified for indoor warfare and protection".

"You should be familiar with them". This doctor's face became puzzled as he turned to look at his assistant. "Jenna, is there any signs of memory loss?"

"Negative boss, the subject already regained full cognitive function".

Andrew's heart was already beating fast. "I-If I'm in the hospital, then why the hell is she calling me a subject?"

"Am I a test subject?"

"Who the heck are you?"


The tablet beeped again.

The lady on a white lab coat looked at it. "Heart rate rising".

The doctor immediately made a calming gesture at him. "Andrew…, calm down. My name is Dr. Garp Johnstone, I'm treating you".

Andrew looked at this wannabe doctor and he panicked. "I can't move".

"I can't move!"


"Blood pressure rising". She looked at the tablet and warned again.

"Visual input unstable".

"Subject is dumping too much epinephrine, should we dump it?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, not yet".

"Unlock vertebrae".


After a slight hissing sound, Andrew discovered that he could move his head again. His eyes widened.

The lady looked at the doctor who nodded at her. "Go ahead Jenna, unlock lower and upper extremities".

She tapped at the tablet again.


Another hissing sound was made.

And then, Andrew discovered that he could move his hand again.

Raising his hand, Andrew finally understood what caused the hissing sounds. He was actually wearing some kind of suit at this moment.

"What kind of suit is this?" He asked.

"Ahem," the doctor cleared his throat. "It's not a suit, Andrew, it's you".


"It was the only option to save your life".

Andrew just stared at this middle-aged wannabe doctor.

Noticing his stare, the doctor looked at his assistant. "Full body unlock".

Jenna stared at him. "You sure, doc?"

He nodded.


This time, as the hissing sound reverberated, the doctor looked at Andrew again. "We're here to help you Andrew, to make you whole again but first, you have to trust us".

This time, Andrew discovered that he could move his whole body again.

Looking down, he noticed that not just his hand but his whole body was now coated by what seemed like this metal suit.

The doctor moved back. "I want you to walk Andrew, you can".

Andrew hesitated a bit, and then he took his first step.


His feet landed heavily.

He could really walk!

Thud! Thud!

Fascinated a bit, he walked around and then, he soliloquized. "This is so real".

"This is real". Dr. Garp stressed as he walked closer. "This is not some dream, not drugs or anesthetics, this is real".

"I know this is some hallucination or a dream because I can feel all this, is that even possible?"

Jenna spoke. "Alex, amputees can often feel their missing appendages".

"It's called phantom limb sensation".

And that struck a nerve.

His heart rate rose again as he stared at her. "What do you mean amputees?"

"What the hell did you do to me?" His voice rose.

"You need to relax". The doctor stepped forward to calm him down.

Andrew was not having it though. "What did you do to me?"

"Why are you calling me a subject?"


With his metal hand, he grabbed Dr. Garp by the neck the next moment as he pushed him against the wall.

Jenna reacted. "Andrew? Hey! Andrew! Stop!"

"What the hell did you do to me?"

Dr. Garp was choking.

Then, the next moment, pushing the doctor aside, Andrew stormed outside this room.

"I'm shutting him down". Jenna accessed her tablet.

"No, no!" Dr. Garp stopped her. "Let him run, let him feel it a bit".

Thud! Thud!

Going outside, Andrew confirmed that this was some form of laboratory.

He was in some kind of corridor at this moment and looking at both sides, he saw different accessories and weapons stored in the glass wall and most importantly, he saw the robots called Pacifiers.

The robots were armed but for some reasons, they didn't attack him.

Andrew saw 5 other rooms that were similar to his own in this place, and just like him, he noticed modifications on their body.

And then, he focused on the accessories stored in the walls.

Staring at them, for some reason, his eyes seemed to malfunction.

The next moment, what seemed like an interface appeared before him inside his eyes, superposing with his vision.

At this moment, he was staring at one of the weapons.


{Property of Lucius Industries!}

{GT- Automatic Shotgun!}


He stared at another part of the wall.


{Property of Lucius Industries!}

{Kevlar-model Vest!}


"What the hell is this?" Andrew rubbed his eyes.

He felt even more confused, then jogging, he soon arrived at the end of this corridor then opening the door, he finally saw the full lab.

It was massive and numerous workers in blue lab coats seemed to be working on different things in this lab.

Andrew was confused but he grabbed the one closest to him.

"Hey, where am I?"

As soon as he looked at this person, the thing with his eyes happened again.


{Worker of Lucius Industries!}

{Mech Technician!}

{Name: Jax Kritin}


"What the hell is happening to me?" Andrew pushed this person aside.

Then looking round, his eyes did the thing again.


{Exit door found!}


Andrew was still confused, he didn't understand what the hell was going on at this moment but seeing this, he was relieved.

Thud! Thud!

Without hesitation, he started sprinting towards the door even as the people in this lab escaped out of his way hastily.

And this was when he heard the doctor's voice.

"Andrew, please calm down".

"I need you to stop".

Andrew didn't listen.

Thud! Thud!

"Andrew, please stop".

He didn't listen.


And then, he tore the door open.

Looking round, Andrew discovered that he was inside a giant factory. This was the last sight he saw.

Somewhere inside the lab…

"Ok, shut him down".



Andrew collapsed, unconscious.

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