
First day

????? " nice to meet you my name is mayumi nara "

shaking max hands .

max suddenly asked " Do you know shikamaru nara by any chance "

mayumi " Yes he is my cousin . "

after that max again take a long good towards her bench partner . she had brown hair brown eyes . Then it struck him , she looked like chizuru ichinose from rent a girlfriend anime . More like a kid version of her .

max ' atleast academy life isn't going to be boring with a beautiful girl sitting next to you . That also being member of nara clan trait being high intellect and lazy personality . simmilar to mine . '

while he was thinking he just kept staring at her unknowingly with nodding time to time .

mayumi " I guess you are dumb . whatever you are fantasizing in your mind is being shown on your face "

said with a little red blush on her cheeks .

she also thought ' although being fantasized about by a handsome/ pretty boy isn't a bad thing '

max then realised he kept staring at her face like pervert . he tried pushing his luck and breaking eye contact whispered in low voice .

max " I hope fantasies come true "

mayumi who heard that " such a drag . just let me sleep here peacefully . "

and she goes back to sleep . with her cheeks blushing red .

after that Iruka told them about their course work and every month evaluation . After that first class was dismissed .while in class max noticed ino gazing towards him time to time .

classes ended all students rushed outside . He saw kurenai standing there and started walking towards her . when he came near her kurenai hugged him and said " How was your first day . did you made any friends . "

Listening to which he looked towards mayumi who standing with her parents waving towards him as if saying bye bye .

Kurenai " Oh you made a friend more like a girlfriend . hohoho "

max just dropped his head feeling shy .

and soon he left school and reached his appartment .

He ate lunch made kurenai together with her .

after few minutes he was left alone .

max thought like speaking with himself .

max " so till 4 years academy will end and I will become genin . I have to do my netero training . let's move out "

few minutes later

he soon reached his training place . and started throwing punches with prayer of gratitude in between each punch . He took 4 hours throwing 1000 punches . After that he left towards village and towards ichiraku ramen shop to celebrate first day . however , as he reached towards village gate 5 masked man appeared kidnapped him .

max has already gotten notification of ninjas with Intent to kidnap not harm him and already located Kakashi was in his parameters. so he just have to make some noises and he will be saved . while not have having to show any of his abilities .

so following his plan he made noise . however kidnapping ninjas made him drink a potion to put him in a semi concious state . But soon a girl came into his vision fighting the ninjas .

while our max was just in drunk like state yelling . " punch his face " " kick his balls "

" burn his clothes " then he told kidnapping ninja " watch out your back a clone is kicking you"

To which kidnapping ninjas look backward and found noone how ever the girl just kicked

his balls while he was distracted .

max " Gooooooooooooaaaaaaaalllll "

after that a ninja also came to help girl beat sh*t out of kidnapping ninjas . and soon those ninjas fled with one of them leaving his bag on the grounds .

soon the girl came towards him .

max drunk like state " My princess charming came . You can kiss me , I allow you . But you have to take responsibility for this . "

without able to identify girl clearly .

he was expecting a kiss . but soon a slap came .

Next chapter