
ultimate hunter

Not accepted by the Holy Light, nor favored by the arcane, only this chaotic, evil and powerful evil energy allows me to survive in this crisis-ridden Azeroth! Before Illidan, I was the first demon hunter!

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Although the team that came to greet them was huge, the only ones who actually enjoyed dinner with the Academy team were Captain Murphy, Priest Minara, and Ivan: after all, the village meeting hall could only accommodate so many people.

As the two leaders of the village, Priest Minara and Captain Murphy naturally had to attend this banquet, and the reason why Ivan was invited was that he was the first person to see the purple light of Moon Shadow Valley!

Of course, there is a deeper reason: Captain Murphy hopes that the team that comes to help the village can also solve the problem of Ivan's inability to sense the Holy Light.

The meeting hall was originally a place where the villagers of Chenxi Village discussed village affairs, but now it has been transformed into a temporary banquet hall.

It's called renovation, but it actually means moving away the original tables and chairs and replacing them with the large rectangular wooden tables used for gatherings in the village.

Alvin changed into casual clothes and accompanied the twin sisters and four other team members next to Captain Murphy.

Captain Murphy smiled and said: "Although Chenxi Village is rich in products, it is still just a small village in the countryside. If it is a place where hospitality is not good later, I hope you adults will not take it to heart."

Ivan accompanied him to the door of the meeting hall, but he saw two female Ereda villagers standing at the door wearing uniform clothes. There was a red carpet on the ground: they were clearly from Serio's family!

Ivan immediately looked at Murphy, but Murphy smiled proudly: When they were chatting before, Murphy asked Ivan how to entertain the guests from the academy, and Ivan naturally told some of the procedures for entertaining guests at the Blue Star Hotel. I introduced it to Murphy, but I didn't expect that Murphy actually did what Ivan asked!

The program was still the same as before, but the people were replaced by Eredar people with horns on their heads and hooves on their feet. Listening to the Eredar version of welcome, Ivan felt very awkward when he came in, but there was nothing he could do about it. . Who told him to talk too much?

Naturally, the chef for this dinner was Cook, the chef of the defense team. Of course, he prepared special dishes in the village as well as dishes that Ivan thought Cook had successfully created in recent times.

Roasted wide-mouthed loach, candied moss, sweet potato bread, spicy lamb chops, vegetable salad with moonlight petals, and the morning liqueur that Cook collected in the wine cellar... Although the Arcane Academy has the most abundant storage of Argus Knowledge, it seems that Archimonde did not provide excellent chefs to teachers and students: a large table of dishes was wiped out by a few people in a short time!

The corners of Olaise's mouth were slightly red. She had eaten too many spicy lamb chops! Salolas, on the other hand, prefers candied moss: the sweet and delicious taste makes her pick up her fork to enjoy it.

Watching them enjoy the food, Captain Murphy was also very happy: Only when you are full can you work, right?

After drinking and eating, everyone began to discuss business. First, Captain Murphy introduced the situation: "Evan saw a purple light flashing over the Moon Shadow Valley a few nights ago. The next night, Priest Minara and I We also saw it at the observatory, and in the next few days, we can see the purple light flashing there every night!"

After taking a sip of sweet wine, Captain Murphy continued: "According to my observations, the purple light will suddenly emit a burst of strong light every once in a while. The intervals vary, and it appears to be very irregular."

Ms. Saloras slowly wiped a gem ring on her hand and recalled: "When Naaru died in Moon Shadow Valley, there was no Arcane Academy at that time. The leader of the mage of the entire Argus planet was a man named The master of Thazir, he is one of the greatest arcanists Argus has ever seen!"

"It can be said that his arcane magic laid a solid foundation for Argus's current prosperity, and the death of that Naaru was due to an unexpected spell fluctuation."

"At that time, Sazir hoped to design a magic machine that could collect the arcane energy on the planet, hoping to keep the city where the Eredar people live alive forever. However, there was a problem with the instrument during the experiment, which led to the loss of the magic network energy. There was a riot, and the energy node of the riot happened to be the sanctuary where Naaru lived."

Oreses continued what Saloras said: "The entire Argus can see the surge of blue arcane energy. Many eredar wizards who were meditating died that day!"

"When Lord Kil'jaeden's Sanctuary Guards arrived at the node where the Demon Network broke out, the place had been torn into ruins, and they only found three fragments emitting golden light in the ruins. That was the Naaru. the remains of."

"This fragment is full of holy light energy, which can greatly improve the efficiency of meditation, so for a long time the Eredar people regarded it as the Naaru's last favor to them!"

"But over a period of time, the energy of the Holy Light contained in these three fragments became less and less. Slowly, the golden Holy Light disappeared and was replaced by purple light."

Lord Velen thought this was an ominous omen, so he ordered that the eredar should not be allowed to touch the fragment again, but he did not know how to deal with it. It was not until later, after Thazir died, that the new ruling group remembered it. , so the fragment was transferred to Moon Shadow Valley and imprisonment signs were placed around it.

Later, as you can see, there seemed to be a problem with the imprisonment beacon, causing the fragment to begin to emit that purple light again.

Everyone in the room was quietly digesting the news thrown out by the two sisters. Captain Murphy first said: "This is the end of the matter, so how should we deal with the Naaru fragments in Moon Shadow Valley?"

Oreses said: "We had some discussions before we came here, and finally decided to reinforce the confinement beacons around Moon Shadow Valley, and, at the same time, place three more restraint beacons and six more restraint beacons where the fragments are. Working together, we can definitely suppress the power of the fragments!"

Captain Murphy and Priest Minara both nodded in agreement, but Ivan was a little worried about this: he clearly saw the purple-black tentacles extending out of the cave, and the fragments could already harm nearby creatures!

However, he spoke softly, and Ivan could only hide his worries in his heart, and at the same time, he also hoped that the strength of the six academy staff would be enough to resist the purple tentacle!

Seeing that Captain Murphy and Priest Minara had no objections to the proposed method, Aurese clapped her hands and said, "In that case, we decided to leave for Moon Shadow Valley tomorrow morning. After solving the problem, we quickly returned to the academy. This year, My time for spell research is a bit tight!"

Seeing that everyone was about to go back to his residence, Captain Murphy coughed a few times, pulled Alvin next to him and smiled: "Actually, ladies and gentlemen, in addition to the problem of Moon Shadow Valley, we also have a personal problem to ask for help... Mo Fei pulled Ivan in front of him: Ivan cannot sense the existence of the Holy Light during meditation. I wonder if you adults have any solution?"

Saloras first asked Alvin: "How many days have you tried to meditate?"

Alvin quickly replied: "A little more than four days, ma'am."

Oreses said strangely: "It only takes an average Eredar person half a day to communicate with the Holy Light. Maybe it's because you are an outsider."

Alvin bent over: 'I don't know if there is any way these two ladies can help me, Alvin would be extremely grateful! "

Captain Murphy also added: "Yes! Ivan is full of praise from every villager in the village! I also want to thank you two ladies on behalf of the village!"