
Chapter 8: Going Home

  "I don't know much about Ling either, both of us are students at Karland University. We are in history program. We came to Belleville because we find an internship at the Belleville Museum."

  Rachel interrupted George and asked him excitedly, "Do you know a girl called Annie, she is my sister, Annie Bell! She's also a student at Karland University, she is in the science program!"

  "Sorry, I don't know her." George answered after thinking a moment.

"Ling's katana, which was displayed in the museum. Originally we thought that it would not be able to use, after hundreds of years.

However,I do not know why, the day we encountered the Goblin, the katana suddenly lit up blue, Ling took out it and she find that it was still sharp.

Then she used the katana, killed the goblins who attacked us." George continued.

  "After that we looked at the other weapons in the museum and found that only this katana could be used, the other weapons were all rusted."

  "What's the special of that katana?" Jason asked.

"It is from a Japanese legend. At first I thought it was a legend, I did not think it really existed in the world. Japanese called it Spider Cut." Ling replied to Jason,

"Do you have any other questions?"

  Seeing Ling out, Jason did not continue to ask George about Ling's background.

  "Let's go, George you'd better stay here and protect the others." Ling said.

  "Let me go with you Ling, although I am only level 5, I already have two skills, I can fight and help you!"

  "I know, but they need your protection more. Especially Mr. Smith. Don't worry George, I'll be fine and come back alive."

  After saying that, Ling led the three out of the warehouse.

  "Ling, I'd love to help you kill the Goblin Mage, but can you go to my house to find my parents first? I'm really, really worried about them." Charlie said to Ling.

  "Where is your house?"

  "It's not far ahead, go south, then past Markham Street and it's on the left." Charlie said, pointing south.

  "South? Okay, but let me remind you first, I've been there before and there are no more living people."

  "No more living people?"

  Hearing Ling's words, Charlie instantly lost control of his emotions. Rachel came forward to comfort him

  "Don't worry Charlie, your parents must be okay. They must have escaped, let's go to your house and take a look."

  They arrived at Charlie's house, the door was closed, but the window was open with a big hole, and there were no creatures around.

  "Mom and Dad, I hope you're okay." Charlie prayed.

  Charlie went over to open the door and found it unlocked. Charlie immediately pushed the door, went inside. There was no one in the house.

  "Mom, Dad, are you there? It's Charlie! I'm back."

  No one answered him. They checked the room, and there was dry blood in the living room. In addition to that, the cutting knife in kitchen was also gone.

  "It looks like your parents have left." Ling said. "At least they left here alive."

  "Charlie come on, look at here. Here's a note your parents left for you." Jason shouted.

  Charlie ran to Jason, the note was written with only one sentence, the handwriting was very scribbled, can see that the person writing it was in hurry.

  "Charlie, we attacked by monsters, I take your mum to the hospital."

  Charlie read the note, then he ran out of the house, running in the direction of the hospital.

  "Charlie, wait! Wait Charlie!" Jason shouted as they chased after him.

  Ling flashed to the front of Charlie and punched him in the stomach.

  "Calm down, if you're going to the hospital, we need a good plan before we go there."

  Jason and Rachel came up from behind. Charlie got up from the ground and said to Ling, "I don't have time for listening your plan, and I don't need a plan, my parents are at the hospital, my mother must be injured. I'm going to protect them."

  "Goblin Mage is also in that hospital, if you rushed there like this, before you find your parents, you are already dead."

  Rachel and Jason also caught up, "Charlie, we go together, you wait for us." The two said as they ran.

  "Now our destination is the same-Hospital. I went to there earlier, there was a Goblin Mage inside and a bunch of Goblin Warriors and Archers. Now I don't know what the situation is inside. Let's get near the hospital first, and then I'll make a plan, see how to kill the Goblin Mage." Ling said to the three.

The four walked in the direction of the hospital, encountering some zombies on the way. They killed zombies easily, but no props or skills were dropped.

  "It's too hard to level up? After killing so many monsters, I still haven't upgraded." Charlie complained to. "I don't know how many soul crystals I need to rise to level 14."

  "You are all at level 4, killing these lower level monsters, getting less soul crystals. So the upgrade speed is going to be slow."

  "It's just like a game, if high level kills low level then they get low experience." Rachel said.

  Ling glanced at Rachel, Rachel hurriedly said "I do not mean we are in game, now is the real world, not a game, I."

  "You're right, it is like a game." Ling continued, "Are you nervous about being with me? You afraid I'll kill you? We're about the same age, you don't need to be so nervous, do you?"

  "I'm not nervous. It's just that Ling, you are too strong, we are afraid that we can not help you much, in the battle. So," Rachel hurriedly explained.

  "You don't have to be nervous, if you are over nervous, it's not good for the battle later." Ling said.

  "If you could smile to us more often, we wouldn't be nervous." Jason said. 

  Ling ignored Jason's words and said to the three of them, "The closer we get to the hospital, the more monsters there will be. We have to be careful. There are 3 Goblin Warriors up ahead, you guys go to kill them."

  "What about you? Aren't you coming with us?" Charlie asked.

  "I'm not your babysitter, I need to keep my energy. You guys take charge of killing these low level Goblins" Ling continue to say

  "I am not going to help you. If you die here, then it will prove that you are not worthy to be my teammates." After saying that, Ling shot an arrow to the Goblin warrior. The arrow missed on purpose, but it successfully drew the Goblin Warrior's attention.

  "You, I was going to sneak up on them!" Jason finished and immediately used Primary Scouting to look at they information.

  Level 5 F Goblin Warrior

  Strength 14

  Agility 9

  Physique 10

  Intellect 6

  Mental 4

  Perception 3

Three Goblin Warriors, one entangled by Rachel's vines, the remaining two Goblin Warriors one attacked Charlie and the other one attacked Jason.

Charlie raised his long sword and slashed at the Goblin Warrior, only Jason dodged the Goblin Warrior and he said to Ling

  "I don't have a weapon! You cut off my axe, and you want me to fight it with nothing?"

  "Take it!" Ling took out a spear from somewhere and threw it to Jason.

  Jason took the spear and defended against the Goblin. The Goblin Warrior failed to kill Jason with several consecutive slashes. On the other side, Charlie had already settled the battle.

  Charlie directly use the Stone Skin, with leather armor and Stone Skin double protection, Charlie did not dodge the Goblin Warrior's attack, but directly use his own body to withstand the attack, while using the long sword stabbed at Goblin Warrior. By using this kind of fighting method, he quickly killed the Goblin warrior.

  Rachel, on the other hand, used vines to entangle the Goblin Warrior to death. It's weapon is a hammer which had no effect on the vines, and it was eventually strangled to death by the vines.

  Rachel and Charlie finished the fight and tried to help Jason, but they were stopped by Ling.

  "This is his fighting, you two are done with your fighting."

  "But Jason doesn't know any other skills except for one 'Primary Scouting'!" Rachel said anxiously.

  "I also killed a Goblin Warrior at that time I didn't have a single skill, either. He learned one skill, much better than me." Ling said.

  When the Goblin warrior saw that all its companions were killed, it directly use the skill "Primary Bloodthirst". After turning on Primary Bloodlust, both the Goblin Warrior's movement speed and attack speed became faster, and if there is not the protection of leather armor, Jason would have died.

  "It's turned on a skill, Ling! You just let us go to help him, without our help, Jason will die." Rachel said to Ling again.

  "Yeah Ling, the Goblin Warriors whom Rachel and I killed, they did not use any skills. This one is different, Jason does not know it can use skills, this is too unfair to him!" Charlie said.

  "Fair? Is there any fairness in this world? You guys killed Goblin Warriors so fast that they die before to use their skills. Jason was so slow. He gave the Goblin Warrior time to use its skill. It was his own fault. If he can't kill the Goblin Warrior by himself, once the leather armor broken down, he doesn't have any chance to live."