
Chapter 6: The girl in red

Charlie couldn't hold on at this point either. Primary Berserk had run out of time, and the Stone Skin only had 1 time to use.

  Suddenly, a few more arrows were shot at the dogs. Then, a red figure flashed behind the Dog King and stabbed into the dog king's heart, the dog king became black smoke, died.

  Other dogs saw that their King was dead, they all ran away in different directions. The girl in red took out the bow behind her back and shot at the surrounding dogs one after another, only a few of them escaped.

  "Thank you. Thank you for saving us." Charlie thanked the girl.

  Jason stood up and took the axe to the girl and said

  "Who are you and why did you attract the dogs to attack us!"

  Seeing Jason holding the axe to her, the girl pulled up her katana, a Japanese sword, from her waist and flash to Jason's front, cut the axe into two pieces.

  "Don't point your weapon at me, just gave you a warning!"

  Charlie and Rachel came to Jason's side and looked at the girl warily.

The red-clothed girl did not pay attention to the three, just picked up the soul crystals and the two props dropped by the dog king,

"I'll take the dog king's props. Others I'll give you as gifts." After saying that, the red-clothed girl was about to leave.

  "Wait a minute, who are you and why did you do that? First attract the dogs to attack us, and then save us?" Jason asked.

  The girl in red turned around, looked at Jason and said, "Your Primary Scouting is useless to me. Don't worry. My name is Ling, I didn't mean to attract the dogs to attack you. I wanted to distract the dogs so that I can sneak up on the dog king. I did not notice you were nearby."

  "You're so strong, you still need to sneak attack the dog king, huh?" Charlie asked.

  Ling looked at Charlie and replied

  "The number of mutant dogs is too many, it's too slow to kill them one by one." After saying that she turned around and was about to leave.

  "Wait a minute!" Rachel said.

  Ling turned around again

  "What else is going on?"

  Rachel hesitated for a moment and said

  "Wouldn't it be too dangerous for you to being alone? Even though you're so strong, you need help from others, right? We"

  Before Rachel could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Ling

  "I don't need teammates, and even if I did, you guys are too weak, only level 3. I really don't understand how you guys could survive until now."

  Ling finished her words and left the place. The three picked up the props on the ground, a few mutant dog skins, teeth, and an Inferior Soul Bottle. Jason took the Inferior Soul Bottle and then they continued walking towards Charlie's house.

  "That Ling is really strong, I didn't even see how she killed the dog king, and her katana looks awesome! I really wish she could be our teammate." Charlie sighed as he walked.

  "We should not trust her easily. We know nothing about her. We still need to rely on ourselves." Jason said.

  "But I don't think she's dangerous, if she really is, she doesn't need to save us." Rachel did not support Jason's point of view this time.

  Jason retorted, "Then she should come out to help us right now, instead of waiting until we were dying? She was using us to consume the dogs.

  She felt that if we died and the dogs regrouped, it would be harder for her to kill the dog king, for sure."

  "You're right, I was waiting for the opportunity to sneak up on the Dog King." Ling came out of the corner and spoke to Jason.

  Seeing she walked out, Rachel and Charlie excitedly shouted

  "So you didn't leave."

  "You're back, Ling!"

  Only Jason asked coldly

  "Why are you back again?"

  "I thought about it for a while, and I could accept your cooperation. You guys are still weak, but at least you have some useful skills."

  Ling talked to Charlie and Rachel, directly ignoring Jason.

  "Your Primary Berserk and Stone Skin , your Primary Vine are useful."

  "Let's go Rachel, Charlie, do not listen to her." Jason said angrily as Ling ignore himself.

  "Let's hear her plan." Charlie spoke up.

"Aren't you in a hurry to see your parents? Charlie." Jason said.

  "You can go, I don't need you for my plan, a person who is just level 3 and can only use 'Primary Scouting' is totally useless."

The more Jason heard, the angrier he became. However without a weapon in his hand, even if he had one, Jason knew he couldn't possibly beat Ling.

His own "Primary Scouting" could only scout targets at most 5 levels higher than himself. Ling was obviously too much higher than his level.

Jason didn't say anything and didn't leave, he just quietly watched Ling.

  "I need you guys to help me draw away a group of Goblins, just like when I fought the dogs before. You guys don't need to worry about other things, I just need to first choose 2 props and you guys can take everything else." Ling went on to say.

  "Goblin Slaves? Good, we've encountered them before. They're not very strong, what's the exact number of them?" Charlie asked.

  "Not Slaves, but Goblin Warriors and Archers. They are higher level than the Goblin Slaves, but I will help you with the Archers. You can just help me to draw away the warriors. By the way, give me the mutant dog teeth you collected earlier, I want to use them for making arrows."

  Rachel gave all the mutant dog teeth from her backpack to Ling. Ling threw a Inferior Soul Bottle to Rachel and said

  "Won't take your stuffs for nothing, there are some soul crystals in here, you can absorb them and update to level 5 earlier. So that utilized your skills better. You are still too weak." Ling pointed to the three and said.

  "No, no, no, most of the mutant dogs were killed by you, these teeth are belongs to you. It's better for you to absorb soul crystals." Rachel said.

  Ling shook her head and said

  "I can not absorb the gray soul crystals any more, and this is the reason I asked you for help."

  Rachel, Jason and Charlie, each absorbed 9 soul crystals and raised to level 4. Seeing them finish absorbing soul crystals, Ling then said

  "Your levels are still low, just add skill points first. Maybe we can kill some monsters acquire more soul crystals. Let's go, get everything ready before we kill that Goblin Mage."

  "Wait a minute." Jason suddenly said, "We still have a lot of questions to ask you, we need to know you clearly before we can go."

  "You can ask. If I can answer, I will tell you."

  "How do you know our skills, and why you can not absorb gray soul crystals? You," Jason was interrupted by Ling before he could finish his sentence.

  "You've got a lot of questions. You're not the only one who know Scouting, I can too. But my skill is 'Intermediate Scouting', which allows me to see more information about the target.

  You can't see my information because my level is much higher than yours. I'm level 14 F+ now, absorbing more gray soul crystals, I can't up to level 15. I need higher level soul crystals to do so.

  Each 5 level can raise one rank. You are still level 4 F-."

  Hearing that Ling was already at level 14, the three people were very surprised. In such a short time, Ling had up to level 14. How many zombies and goblins did she kill?

  Ling then said to Charlie, "Are you going to find your parents? Then come with me to a place first, if you are lucky, you might find your parents there."

  Ling walked ahead and the three followed behind her, Charlie asked

  "Ling, how come you are so powerful that you came to the Dog King and killed him in one second?"

  "This is my skill, you guys better not ask." Ling led the three to a hidden warehouse. She looked around, there was no enemy, and knocked on the door

  "Ice Latte, it's Ling. I'm back, it's safe outside. George, open the door."

  A boy with blond hair, looks around 20 years old, opened the door and Ling entered the warehouse with Jason, Rachel, and Charlie.

  "Ling, you saved three more people? They're lucky to meet you." George said.

  "Nothing dangerous has happened since I left?" Ling asked.

  "No, it's safe here. A group of Goblins passed by earlier, but they didn't find us."

  They entered the warehouse, where more than 60 people had gathered inside. There were older, children, women, and a few men on guard duty. Jason used Primary Scouting to observe, most of the people were level 1, a few men in charge of guarding were level 2, and only George was level 5.

  Seeing Ling returned, everyone rushed to Ling and asked

  "Ling, how's it going out there, are there still many monsters?"

  "Yes, it's not safe yet. It's better for everyone to hide in the warehouse for now." Ling then said to Charlie, "See if there are any of your parents here, or anyone who knows your parents."

  "What about you two? Are you looking for your parents too?" Ling asked Rachel and Jason.

  "Neither of our parents are in Belleville." Rachel answered. Speaking of her parents, Rachel was depressed.

  "Charlie, is that you Charlie? You're alive, oh my God, great!" An old woman's voice came from the crowd.

  Charlie looked in the direction of the voice, an old woman with white hair, it is Charlie's neighbor, Kaya.