
First Blood

"So what do you think about this facility, the food, the clothes...?", a boy asked.

"The gore, the pain, the inhumane treatment, our fates as lab rats, the hell we pass through every day, the feeling that at any moment I will be slaughtered or killed. That is what I like in this facility."

"It is a daily reminder to grow stronger, a countdown that can't be beaten by surviving alone, but by trampling on my enemies for a total victory. Besides we only wear yellow overalls here."

This conversation was been held between two boys, both seventeen years old. They were cellmates, the one who initiated the conversation was known as Cole and the other's name was Gabe. They were orphans kidnapped from different locations and held against their will in a facility located in the middle of nowhere. 

The same could be said for about 5% of the population in the facility, with the remaining percentage being arrested criminals, death row inmates, and even many who volunteered. In this place called THE FACILITY, the inmates were called "specimens".

A common thing among all the specimens was that they were human. No vampires, no elves, no dwarves, no beast men. They were all genetically pure human beings.

"You know, we've been here for three years now, and in all this time the scientists, wardens, and attendants have all been witches and elves", Cole stated.

"Yeah, not just that, the elves are dark elves, the black sticky dirt on the good elven race's name", Gabe said.

"Scorn, you and I know that's not how things really are", Cole said.

"I know I know, I'm just mimicking how self-righteous pricks talk, hehe, they say elves become dark because of the thousands of lives they take for their diabolical goals, but I think it is just a change in their genetic makeup due to tapping into unusual and unknown energy sources", Gabe said.

"True, but not totally true, if it was really a mutation because of exposure, why is it that all dark elves have the same characteristics, I would say all elves have the dark elven gene and it's recessive, only popping up under certain conditions", Cole said.

"Well, we aren't intellectuals but it was easy to deduce such, meaning the people at the top are in the midst of their normal schemes", Gabe quipped.


This talk between Gabe and Cole went on and on. It has been so since the year they were brought into the facility. The facility had an abundance of learning materials and so the routine of these two friends was to sleep, wake, train, eat, study, talk on topics ranging from science to politics to history, and finally be tested and experimented on, every bloody day.

"Gabe promise me, we won't spend another year in this place, we have to get out of matter what, no matter what, at any cost, no matter what...", said Cole, already falling into a state of muttering.

"We will, Cole, I promise".


A week passed as normal, with hundreds dying and hundreds taking their place.

Once every month there was a contest of sorts. To call it a contest was just painting it white for it was a brutal fight for survival, a battle royale held in a pit filled with demon beasts. It was held among specimens that had stayed in the facility for at least a year. 

Specimens were given vials containing a transparent serum. Once taken, specimens were able to display superhuman traits and traits of other races for about forty to eighty minutes.

There was once a time when no one wanted to fight, the wardens not wanting their fun to be spoiled threw the specimens into a pit filled with demon beasts. Points were awarded based on kills and these points if enough, could provide a semblance of a comfortable life in the facility.

Demon beasts (all tiers) = 1 point

Specimen = 20 points

"Get ready Cole, things have been set in motion, we're gonna bust out of this joint today. I've mapped out where the control room is and I have calculated the time shifts and movement patterns of the wardens", Gabe said.

"I hear you brother, I'm more than ready, the real question is are you ready? As for me I've perfected the formulas and a big commotion in sync with your calculations is about to happen", Cole said.

A voice was then heard from the public address system.

"All specimens are to move to the pit now"

"All specimens required to fight are to move now"

"Failure to comply equals a slow and painful death"

"All specimens are to move to the pit now"

"All specimens required to fight are to move now"

"Failure to comply equals a slow and painful death"

Within a couple of minutes, everything was set.

"Let the fun begin"

Gabe and Cole were no strangers to the pit having stayed in the facility for four years, surviving the pit for three years straight. One could call them veterans, pit veterans.

Without any ceremony, the battle began and demon beasts were released.


A specimen was slammed on the ground leaving her in a very pitiful state, one would think she was a goner. She then pressed the button of a device on her wrist. This device was what held the vial and activating it would inject the contents of the vial, the serum, into you, an efficient injection.

Her injuries healed up almost instantly causing her immense pain.

"Arrrgghh!!!" She screamed getting ready for round two. With her feet transformed into talons she was ready to engage the demon beast in a fight again when...

Slice!, Her neck was cut. "First blood".

It was Cole who made a move on her, their plan was already set in motion and for it to work, thousands had to die by his and Gabe's hands.

Like clockwork they began laying waste to specimens, paying no attention to the demon beasts nearby, using amazing footwork and agility to weave through the battlefield.

Of course, there were other stars present but the two boys were the cream of the crop. How else were they able to have access to books and other learning materials, how else were they able to get points which granted them that privilege? They were the smartest and the strongest.

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