
Switching the story Line

Hello there and thank you for reading my story. I would like to inform you that I will not be writing with the same type of story. Well, same but not because , let's face it- that writing was half-assed and it makes me want to puke when I read my own writing and then compare it when I write my essays that go into the top ten... Yeah, I'm really disappointed with myself for letting it go and getting that bad. So I'm going to make it better than the trash I wrote ten chapters for. Without further ado, I give you, CHARLOTTE!!!

~~~~Prolodgy~~~~~ (LMAO have a robot voice read this for you, it's to cruel)

The cold Autumn wind blew into the still nature causing everything in it's path to move. The brown, orange, yellow, and red leaves leaned back as if they yearned to go with the wind at the promise of adventure. Then the wind died down, and everything became still once more. On the ground, two young girls were chasing fallen leaves and running with the wind. Their giggles and laughter would make anyone smile if they saw them, wishing they were children again without a care in the world.

"Come on Charlotte! Run, the leaves are getting away" the young girl with Copper red hair said in her British accent. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with joy as she chased the fallen leaves with glee.

"Oh no Autumn! It's one of the noble fallen leaves! And It has brought an army!" Charlotte called to her red haired friend and giggled catching up to her. Charlotte and Autumn were running when Autumns grey hat flew off and further down the path.

"Ah! No wind no! bring me back my hat."

"Looks like the wind has chosen it's side. We are foes from now on wind." Charlotte said, while she took up a knights pose before giggling once more. Charlotte's brown hair blew in the wind as she and her friend, Autumn, chased the hat that was stolen by the wind. As they were chasing it, something fell down and hit Charlotte on the head.

"Ouch! What was that?" Charlotte rubbed her head and looked around for whatever had hit her. Autumn cought her hat the same time and ran to Charlotte.

"What are you looking for?"

"Something hit me on my head."

"Haha, like chicken little." Autumn glanced behind Charlotte and picked up a book that had a tattered cover. "Was it this? I can't really read what it says. Can you tell?" She passed the book over to Charlotte who then read the cover,

"Ultimate Book Of Creation... Sounds cool, lets read it when we get back." Charlotte and Autumn headed to Charlotte's home giggling, running, and just having fun like kids should do. They rushed into Charlotte's room and jumped on her bed.

"Open it, open it! I want to see whats inside." Charlotte opened the book, but what was inside confused them. "It's blank? I thought it was a book." They flipped through the empty pages in confusion when the front started to glow.

"Wow~", they said in union as the book flipped back to the first page by it's self. As the children they were that have yet to see the dark side of humanity, they didn't think of the dangers the book would bring. If they knew what would happen in the future, they wouldn't have picked up the book and brought it home. time can not be changed though, no matter how hard they might wish, it will never happen.

I think this is better suited than before. I mean... Alright v.s. yikes. Thank you to any of those who read it.

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