
Huh?! Nani the f*ck?!!!


It still that same dream. Or dreams, if i remember correctly. But very very vague, to the point that if i were to be distracted a little i will forget everything about that dream or dreams.

Everytime I woke up, i will always feel like I'm forgetting very very dear to me. Something very important. It feels like i have a feeling that i should have something that belongs to me. Yet, here i am. Nothing to remember, only vague feelings.

I should have been doing things but i can't remember what it is. Hmmm... It's very weird. I've been having this feelings for a while now. Err... For a very long time now.

I was still a high school student at that time when this dreams and vague feelings suddenly appeared? Manifested? Or remembered is the exact word? At that time i just shrug it off thinking that it's just because of stress and well, hormones. A weird dreams, can be shrug off as a normal for teens, right? I still remember that wet dreams... Hmmm...


F*ck it. Now, i forgot that dreams again. Annoying and frustating. Tsk. Whatever.

It's not like it will be important. Maybe i was just stressed or something.

Hum~ mmm~

Stretching up after a one good night sleep is good. Man, being adult is a pain. I sometimes just want to just toss every papers in my office on trash and say, "F*ck it, i don't want to work anymore" but i can't. Cause i don't have money. Great.

Time to prepare physicaly and mentaly so i can face the tortures i will have to face as an adult. Papers, numbers, letters, annoying workmates and boss, clock and yeah, papers. Etcetera etcetera.

"It's not like I'm different from those annoying assholes. As I also like to give some annoying work to others. Heh. Newbies and subordinates are nice. ★"I am the best."★ "



