
Ulquiorra The Immortal Devil

Ulquiorra Cifer, the 4th espada, slain after the grand battle against Vasto Lorde Ichigo. The stoic Espada floats in the void after his death seemingly waiting for what would come next. Suddenly, he feels a strong pull in the void. The next thing the Espada knows would be that he is in a different world filled with people known as cultivators. Newly reborn in a child's body while retaining his powers as an Espada; watch as Ulquiorra strikes fear into the hearts of many and awe in others. This is the story of Ulquiorra the Immortal Devil. Covert art from: https://dailyanimeart.com/2014/04/25/void-heart-ulquiorra-cifer/ Artist of cover art: Xovq or Alison Johnstun Update frequency: Probably would not be able to update daily, but I'll try. Building a world especially a large one like a cultivation one is quite taxing. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE BLEACH CAST, AND IF THERE ARE SIMILARITIES TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN OTHER STORIES, THEN IT IS NOT INTENTIONAL

FarEastSage · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 33: Sect Inheritance (1)

(AN: Was binge reading some novels yesterday. ehe)

It's now the last day of the one year limit. Throughout the past months, Ulquiorra was given by Tian Cai and Feng Zhong training in order to refine this newfound realm of his. In fact, Tian Cai was able to let Ulquiorra experience the other tests he skipped as per request. For example, Ulquiorra was able to hone his skills for the tier 1 formations thanks to the test Tian Cai gave.

He was also given a chance to go for mock battles with multiple phantoms, but this time, Ulquiorra decided to make use of his qi and intents mostly. Sure, his current realm also had spirit energy mixed in, but he avoided using things like sonido or cero. He wished to hone and understand his new powers more.

As time also passed, Tian Cai showed more of his talents and skills in both alchemy. Ulquiorra was given pills that allowed for better qi absorption. It was also found out that three to four star pills still worked on Ulquiorra despite his new realm. Right now, Ulquiorra was at the fourth stage of the Void Cusp realm, and with each advancement, the void within his dantian expanded.

"You've made great progress so far, Ulquiora" Feng Zhon commented.

"True. Sadly, I can't extent the time alteration provided by the formations. It is simple too costly to do so along with the continuous breakthroughs you had." Tian Cai added.

Ulquiorra didn't reply to them. Tian Cai and Feng Zhong were used to this. There were times Ulquiorra spoke out, but most of the times he was quiet. Suddenly, Tian Cai raised his eyebrow.

"Ho? It seems that one of your colleagues was able to barely pass the first test. It's the silver haired one. Sadly, his potential and talent is simply too subpar. This is especially so compared to you." Tian Cai commented.

Ulquiorra then recalled Wang Yang. They were seperated before. It turned out that he also took the test. Ulquiorra never expected Wang Yang to complete the first test.

"He was able to defeat the fourth stage golden core phantoms. Still, the poor lad is basically near his last breath. I'll heal him, then kick him out. He should be able to fend for himself." Tian Cai said nonchalantly as he snapped his fingers and a projection appeared in front of the three.

In another part of the sect, Wang Yang was currently lying on the floor. He had numerous injuries. He even had a hole on the side of his abdomen. He used up all his pills in his storage ring. He had accumulated a lot in this past, but it was used up now. The past eleven days were hell, and this twelfth day was probably his last. He coughed out blood.

"I'm sorry Ulquiorra and Yan Fei. I'm sorry, master. It seems that I failed all of you." Wang Yang said weakly.

As he was about to close his eyes, a warm feeling surrounded him. He felt that his injuries were slowly being healed. Now, he felt as if he was back to his peak state. Wang Yang slowly got up, and as he was about to speak, a formation lit up below him. The next moment, he was now back within the interior of the sect just after they opened the door.

"Wha-" Wang Yang spoke, but felt a strong force slam into him.

Wang Yang flew out, and the doors of the sect opened leading to Wang Yang rolling on the ground outside the central sect building. Wang Yang felt aggrieved. What did he do to deserve such treatment?

Back in the library, Tian Cai clapped his hands.

"Good! That takes care of that." Tian Cai said.

Ulquiorra didn't feel anything about just happened. Feng Zhong wanted to comment about it, but just held it in. Tian Cai then spoke up.

"Now, since it's the end of the one year limit. I suppose it is time for us to proceed to the sect inheritance. I waited 'till this moment so Ulquiorra could make full use of the time alteration." Tian Cai then waved his hands.

Tian Cai and Ulquiorra were now transported out of the library. Feng Zhong was left inside, but he already expected it. Now, he was just wishing for the best.

"I hope things go well in the end...." Feng Zhong muttered.


Somewhere else within the hidden realm, there a bloody scene. Many corpses were strewn around, and from the looks of it, they were from the Serene sect. In the middle of it stood an imposing figure.

It was Ling Tian.

"Senior brother Ling Tian, it has been confirmed that everyone from the Serene Sect is now dead." A Grand Flow sect disciple said.

"Good! We came to this part of the hidden realm for this reason." Ling Tian said.

The blood from the dead disciples seemed to be flowing to one direction. It went towards a nearby altar. The altar was exuding a menacing aura. It portrayed an asura that had multiple arms and faces. The blood was being absorbed by it.

The other Grand Flow disciples felt unnerved by this. They were told by the elders to follow Ling Tian's lead with no questions asked. They weren't expecting to do such things that were akin to demonic arts. Still, they can't voice out as Ling Tian's aura was very bloodthirsty, and they were all afraid to incur his wrath. Even the other direct disciples kept silent so the rest didn't speak up.

"Soon, I'll be able to gain a portion of past power. With it, I'll be one step closer to my revenge!" Ling Tian said to himself before continuing.

"I will do whatever it takes. Even it means sacrificing countless lives. The Heavenly Dragon sect supressed me back then, but now, nothing will stop me!"

(AN: Cringe quotes I know, buy it isn't a cultivation novel without it. In any case, I did another timeskip so we don't have to go through more training chapters, and we can actually moved forward with the story. I'll check for errors later. If you guys have any questions, then direct them to the comments.Thank you!)