
Uchiha Obito in One Piece (Paused)

An ordinary person and Obito Uchiha fought for rebirth and one of them got everything that the other had. What will the new person eventually do in the world of secrets, treasures, beautiful girls, and pirates? English is not my first language, I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Enjoy reading =) Harem. Slow update.

A_Vylet · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Zunesha and Zou

Coming closer to the unknown island, I discovered what it was. The giant legs of the elephant went far up into the dark sky. Realizing where I was instant, I did not waste time and pulled on the hood of a black cloak, jumping forward to the elephant's foot. Having applied the chakra and ran up, I calmly ran to the very top, and upon arrival, after 4 minutes, I immediately noticed tall trees in the dark forest. Assessing the situation and the destroyed gate nearby, I discovered something interesting. There was an unpleasant smell of some kind of poison in the air.

Hiding in the shadows, as soon as I saw that the moon began to come out from behind the clouds, I ran towards the nearest destroyed building and climbed onto a high tower.

Immediately my attention was drawn to the battlefield, men in suits patrolling among the piles of bodies. In their hands were different weapons from firearms, knives, to cannons.

Taking a closer look with the Sharingan, I noticed a couple of energy sources and saw two in suits beating a lying humanoid creature and shouting something at him.

Sitting up and looking forward, I rested my chin.

In principle, if I did not change the plot, then one day the Straw Hats will arrive here and save them. However, by rescuing them from a cruel pirate who attacked their nation, I can earn a reputation for myself and I can calmly take a couple of recipes from them for a future business. According to Betty's stories, the Zou had special recipes for alcohol and few people in the world know about them. And those who know do not tell, those its price is very high.

Pointing my finger forward, I concentrated a light beam that shot forward and cut the darkness with bright light. Everyone began to look around for the enemy. And no one noticed one fallen pirate. The sword fell from his hands and hit the rubble of the bench of the house loudly.

Everyone immediately turned around and saw a black liquid flowing out of the pirate's head.


"We've been attacked!!!" roared dozens of voices.

Everyone immediately began to seek cover and hide behind rocks.

Grinning at the bright dots in the darkness with my Sharingan, I pointed my finger in the other direction.

One after another, the beams burst out and tore apart walls and stones, reaching their targets with incredible armor-piercing power. Knowing that I was on an elephant, I decided to shoot so that the bullets would disappear over the horizon and the elephant would not attack me after that. After all, I had the power to one shoot a poor creature.

After counting eleven corpses, I lowered my hand. Without getting up, sitting lazily, I could not go into the clouds of poison, at the height that I was, it did not reach me, but as soon as I go down and breathe...

Even I don't know what will happen to my resistance to poisons.

Looking deep into the city, I saw only destroyed houses and lying corpses. Unlike the Anime in my memory, the city was much bigger when I looked at it. The whole atmosphere of the fallen kingdom put a little pressure on my shoulders, and I could imagine how it would have flourished further. If only Jack the Pirate hadn't attacked them.

Jack the Drought is an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates as one of Kaidou's three closest confidants.

He was one of the most vicious pirates in the world as far as I could see, but that's what I thought of all pirates. The same slaver I killed on Fishman Island. Such people do not change, yes, they are able to follow the ambitions of a strong person and try to change themselves, but time will pass and they will begin to return their old habits. Manipulating... no. Commanding the Akatsuki, I knew from experience that people don't change.

Jack attacked the Zou, but was forced to leave the island. I remember reading in the newspaper in Baltigo, the base of the Revolutionaries, that Doflamingos would be transported by Admirals. So that is why he went to save him as in the original story.

Looking at how few pirates there are on the island, I decided to clean them all up and arrange a spectacle. If you're going to earn a reputation, then as bloody as possible to make all my enemies fear.

After sealing the seals and standing up, I ignored the tickling of my body as eight tree clones slowly separated from me and stood around. As if by an invisible command, they instantly disappeared, rushing into the depths of the city.

One by one, the screams resounded in the darkness and, whistling, I watched as the clones, ignoring the poison, manually killed the pirates, tossing them like kittens from side to side. Having cleared one part of the city, the clones began to drag the corpses of the pirates up the mountain towards me.

As a result, after an hour and a half of dragging bags of shit back and forth, I counted 47 corpses. They were all dressed in strange clothes that somehow betrayed their belonging to the Beasts Pirates.

The clones turned into pieces of wood and disintegrated when the job was done and clapping my hands I sent chakra through my feet into the wall where a small bush was growing. Fueled by chakra and controlled, he began to grow in length and thickness, piercing the mountain of corpses on the wall at high speed. Having pierced the corpses, the plant stopped growing. Picking up the rest and planting them on free sharp branches, I jumped off the wall and went down to one of the stones.

Half-turning, looking at the created image, I smiled.

It was as if a willow had grown on the wall, but instead of leaves it had corpses, and the dark blood flowing in small streams made a terrible but beautiful sight in the moonlight.

Putting my hand into my coat, I took out a snail.





"Ginrummy, shit i'm.. OOOOHH!" - the blond guy hugged the white-skinned girl tighter, who was silently experiencing the climax.

Jerking a couple more times, as if in convulsions, both began to breathe heavily, as if after a long run.

The girl finally let go of the guy and quickly covered her intimate place with panties, which, however, were her only clothes. Raising her hand, she straightened her barbie-pink colored hair and pushed the guy away when she saw that he reached out again with his hands to her chest.

"Stop it, we need to get back as soon as possible. No need to make life difficult for both of us." "Come on, give me a break, if there was a samurai on this island, then these little animals would have already handed him over long ago. You know yourself that no one lasts that long. There is only one reason why the captain stayed here for so long, and that is his desire to vent his anger for resistance."

Startled, the girl did not say anything in response, as if she was afraid to offend her captain, but silently agreed.

"So come on, we have the whole night ahead of us! Egehehehe! I'm sure as long as our people enjoy the torment of those weaklings, why shouldn't we enjoy something else too?" He hugged and kissed her.

Kissing back, the girl deftly slipped out.

"And yet, even when the captain left the city, we must still torture them for the sake of appearances, and then we will say that the samurai is not here. So let's go, they don't have that long to live anyway."

Sighing, tucking his dignity into his pants, the guy silently followed her through the forest. Along the way, both corrected their appearance to a more calm and clean one. Coming out of the dense foliage, both froze when the first thing they saw was a strange but beautiful crimson tree on the stone wall. However, after looking closely, both rounded their eyes in fear and shock, choking on their tongues. Watching how the blood flowed down the branches, forming foliage and flowed down the wall, repainting it, they suddenly realized that those who were on the branches were their crew that stayed with them in this city !!!

Gulping, both made the only right decision, it's time to RUN! But before they could voice their thoughts to each other, something else caught their attention.

"Understood, I will send the Officers and Iniyama to create an antidote as soon as possible. We have a vivre card for one of the Zou citizens on the island, and he's still alive, fortunately." came a rough voice nearby.

Lowering their heads, both looked at a strange figure sitting lazily on a large stone and holding a snail on which he spoke.

Silently looking at each other, neither of them dared to speak until the silence was broken by a snail.

"Obito? Are you here?"

In the shadow of the hood of the cloak, two crimson eyes suddenly lit up and the blond took a step back in horror, realizing who was in front of him. Reports of how the flesh-and-blood eating plants had decimated hundreds of Marines aboard the ships reappeared in his vision.

"Yes, I'm here. There were alive pirates, I'll capture them alive for interrogation. We will discuss the price later for my help." - after hanging the snail, he put it on the stone and slowly got up.

Leaning forward as if in slow motion, he began to fall face to the ground when suddenly Obito flashed and in a split second he was in front of the blond pirate. Trying to kick the target in front of him, the pirate did not have time to do anything in response, а kick in the stomach, and then punch in the jaw knocked him out. The jaw dislocated uncomfortably in flight and hung down as he flew into a tree and hit it and collapsed.

"I give up." - the girl immediately raised her hands up trembling.

Crimson eyes looked at her appraisingly. As if hesitant, two pirates are needed or only one will do for interrogation. Finally deciding something after two seconds, the shadow disappeared and Ginrummy realized that she was looking at the ground and eating it. Feeling something foreign in her neck, she lost consciousness.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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