
Chapter 2

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Madara and satoru walked for a while with nothing eventful happening except encountering some monsters that were scared away by Madara's aura. No magical aura, just his presence was enough to pressure them.

Currently they're crossing a little lake, Satoru sank into the water for a second until he shot out of it like a bullet, while Madara is simply water-walking.

Madara then suddenly stopped walking and looked in front of him with some interest, which the slime didn't notice since he literally has no eyes.

satoru then bumps into some kind of wall and bounces back a few meters.

~Satoru POV~

It's been nice talking to someone again after such a long time, Even though Madara doesn't seem to be very talkative. I wonder how he looks like, he sounded like those ancient samurai.

Anyway, it seems I'm going to die today, 'great sage how painful is it to suffocate to death?'.

[Answer. A slime's body does not need oxygen.]

'I am indeed not feeling any pain..' (A/N: Idiot), suddenly i thought of a genius strategy, swallowing large amounts of water and propelling myself by spitting out a water jet.

(A/N: ...ok, i take it back)

I do it and it works, if not for the fact that i'm a little bit too fast?


[Acquired skill- hydraulic propulsion.]

'i almost peed myself..'

"Can you hear me little one?"

"!??" "this isn't Madara!!"

~Madara POV~

well, interesting, is this a summoned creature? It might be just a little bit weaker than the Hachibi(eight tails), hmm... a dragon? and it seems to be conscious, should i take it?

hm? did he just bounce? it seems like some kind of barrier is caging the dragon, nothing too strong, but this energy is foreign yet familiar..

I should probably examine it closely.

~General POV~

just as Madara intended to get closer to Veldora and satoru(now rimuru), Rimuru expands his slimy body and swallows the dragon and his cage in one go.

"..." "what did you do?" asks Madara in a very calm tone as he was just curious if it was Fuinjutsu which he doubts since he himself is a master of Fuinjutsu.

How do you expect someone to plan combining every tailed beast without any sealing jutsu knowledge?

"Eh? Madara? I completely forgot about you" answers Rimuru as he realises something, 'did I just ignore my first companion?'.

"aaaah!! I'm so sorry I didn't include you, I'll make it up to you" he panics as he thinks about how to apologize, suddenly he had an idea, "hmm.. from now on your name is Madara tempest" he says with a chunk of his body pointed forward like a finger. which looks funny.

"..." Madara just looks at him.

[Error, unable to name a creature higher than you.]

"...what?"exclaims Rimuru unable to understand what his skill means, 'What does that mean?' inquires Rimuru from his skill.

[The organism master is attempting to name is multiple times stronger than the master, you do not posses enough mana to name him, additionally the individual already has a name which is deeply engraved into his soul. End of report]

'so that's why i felt something change inside of me earlier, it consumes mana, now what? uugh that was so embarrassing just now' contemplates the slime.

while Rimuru was having his inner monologue, Madara was starting to get annoyed with the slime, his confusion was rising by every second, and he didn't like it, he was used to understanding everything he wanted to, he didn't like the fact that he was in a place he knew nothing about, and what intrigues him the most is the motives of the entity or entities that sent him here, he has lived long enough to know that there's nothing free in this world, not to mention a new life.

And now this slime that's before does some things he doesn't understand, it even made question if it really was a human before, it even refuses to answer him even though he asked nicely, all of this annoyed him so he does what he's best at, what he does all the time.


his eyes turn dark-red with three black tomoe rotating in a barely seen wheel, it looks like the devil's eyes, he looks directly into the slime, even though he has no eyes, it suffices if he 'looks' Madara's way to be caught in his genjutsu.

in an instant his eyes turn back to the abyssal-black color that makes you look at them for hours. He now knows some things he was curious about, but he still has no clue who or what sent him here and why, but what intrigues him the most is the memory he saw of Rimuru's original world, more specifically it's history, it has a bloody history of wars on a much bigger scale than from his own, the rise and fall of kingdoms and empires, and all of that without chakra or any other form of energy, they even created more potent weapons, that just strengthened his belief that conflict will always exist no matter what.

On the surface it was a peaceful world in the modern era, but Madara could find a lot of loopholes, as he himself is a war specialist, people living in misery while others lived like kings, no one is truly free, everyone is controlled in a way or another, and when something is happening, they distract people in various ways, from making them question their sexuality to making them doubt their religion, and from making them argue about the meaningless things to making it harder for them to survive.

all of this made him determined to make an end to all of this, if there exist three worlds(naruto, rimuru's original and this one) then there is bound to be others, and if they don't end these conflicts he'll do it himself.

But his current objective is finding the one who sent him here and ending this world's conflicts, and first and formost to BECOME STRONGER.

Next chapter