U.V Journey the story of Ivan the Villain ............ "You'll never know where you'll land up in this painful yet beauty of a world"-Ivan
Summer breeze and white skys the day seemingly peaceful for a city
A building broke causing chaos to the people around it
Warning Stations: Alert Alert Villain sighted advising all citizens to stay away from sector 449 and any citizens in the area to immediately evacuate or take shelter in UN-P-B's
Alert Alert Villain sighted advising all citizens to stay away from sector 449 and any citizens in the area to immediately evacuate or take shelter in UN-P-B's
Villain???: Hmm a 9 story building with 15 inches of thickness hmm.....too easy
A hero appears
Villain???: Who are you?
Hero???: My name is law writer no 5 hero of the city division of heroes and I am here to stop your-
Before being able to complete his words Mr. Law was at the other side of sector 449 and into Sector 448.
Villain???: Well that was just too .... Dam... awfully easy.
Villain in a state of confusion starts scratching his head and thinks
Villain???:(I thought city class heroes are stronger than sector class but it just feels the same) Any way
The Villain looks back to see 4 more heroes
Hero4: You punched Mr. Law you have to be put down
Hero3: Look's like this ain't gona be easy.
Hero 2: Had to bring me out from watching K drama
Hero1: I want to go home
Villain stands there sees them for a few second's then proceeds to go pick up his bag a coco cola, take a can of coco cola and proceeds to drink it
Hero4: Oy you mock me Grand fall the no 4 hero of the city divisional heroes
Hero3: Grand fall how is he mocking you?
Grand fall: Well he's paying no attention to me or my words
As they were talking hero no 2 was emitting a Killing intent
Hero1: Oy Leonine why do you look like your gona kill someone
Leonine looks at hero no 1 and says in a very calm manner
Leonine: Well you know when you have a day off from duty and then you're well relaxing for the day then you immediately get a call that says there is a villain in the sector 449 you have to fight off the threat which makes me want to say COULD YOU NOT FREKING DISTURD ME FOR A SINGLE DAY.
Smashing the ground causing a mild shock wave that could be felt throughout the city
Hero3: Dam girl that scary
Leonine: oh shut up Mr. Meek
Grand fall: Jeez guys calm down let's first deal with the villain right Bored face
Bored face: Do whatever you want I don't care.
Closing his eyes as if he was about to sleep
As they about to introduce themselves
Villain: Hold the introductions, I am pretty sure of your names and rank just by looking at you guys.
Drinking his 10th can of coco cola
Villain: Ok let me see what you guys got
Looking around giving a random dude his bag saying
Villain: Hold my bag of coco cola
He then proceeds' to close the distance between him and Grand fall in one second and throws Grand fall up to the sky and he lands at the city sea water
Villain: I hope he had a grand fall
Not really meaning to say that
Mr. Meek: You bastered
Mr. Meek, Leonine and Bored face who were shocked proceeded to use their powers
Mr. Meek: Air pressure punch
Leonine: Flaming destitute
Bored face: Half liner time space punch
All of them hitting their intended shot but only to the opposite effect that their powers back fired as the villain had shrugged it off
Bored face: Time lag
Stoping the powers before it reached them
Villain: Well your evolution is focused on time tap control allowing you to use time powers freely
Bored: Like I care
Punching the villain with great force but with no effect
Villain: I gona pass on hitting you
The Villain then proceeds' to use the power
Villain: Time lag
Trapping both Mr. Meek and Leonine in time
Bored face: How?
Villain: Just
Bored face: How? How?
Villain: Just How? How? How? How? Ho---
The Villain then proceeds to punch Bored face to the mountains and says
Villain: Too annoying
He looks around and sees the man he gave his bag to
Villain: Thanks, I'll taking it
Random guy: What's inside the bag?
Villain: Didn't I tell you to hold my coco cola bag
The random guy looking awkwardly confused
Random guy: Then why did you destroy the bank building and hurt many people
Villain: I did it to attract the heroes and I did not hurt anyone accept the heroes
Random guy looks around and sees everyone was alright
Random guy: But how? And why?
Villain looks at him with a bored face and says
Villain: Look I don't any grudges with the people so when I destroyed the building I moved at in about some few milli seconds and brought them to safety.
The Random guy was shocked to hear these words, but pleasantly sighs
Random guy: Any way, why did you even become a Villain then?
Villain: I have some grudges with the heroes and the government so don't mind me
Villain takes his bag and then takes two bottles of coco cola and throws one at the random guy
Random guy: what's this for?
Villain: It's just a way saying thank you for looking after my bag
Random guy: Oh
He opens the can and drinks it with the Villain. After they finished drinking, the random guy asked
Random guy: So what are you gona do with Mr. Meek and Leo san, you know that they can still hear us right
Villain: Aaaa.....
Random guy: You were gona forget them weren't you
Villain: Yea kinda
Random guy: At least you should let them go by now, they must be also hungry you know
Villain: Oh, yea right
Villain uses time stabilizer then both Mr. Meek and Leonine returned to normal then they proceed to use their powers
Mr. Meek: Dam, I have to use this atomic molecular slash
Leonine: Let me see how strong you are Fist of the eternal flames
The Villain the proceeds to shrug Mr. Meeks slash with his hand and take a direct hit from Leonine then say's
Villain: Are you two hungry?
Mr. Meek: What!?
Leonine: What!?
Shocked to hear these words Mr. Meek said
Mr. Meek: Screw you
Then proceeds to try to punch the Villain but the Villain punches him first sending him flying landing on top of Grand fall
Villain: Well....I wonder why did I punch him
Random guy: You don't know why you even punched him
Villain: Beats me
Leonine: Aren't you gona punch me right now?
Villain: Sorry I made a promise to an old friend not to hit girls
Random guy: To think you are a gentleman
Villain: What's the surprise in that?
Leonine: Well the fact that you are a Villain and that a Villain usually shows no mercy is what he's saying here.
Villain: Who said a Villain can't have codes?
Both Leonine and The Random guy thinking "well that is actually true"
Villain: Any ways who's hungry?
Leonine: Are you seriously asking me?
Random guy: Who else would it be?
Leonine thinks and thinks until she came with the conclusion "well I do need a break" and says
Leonine: Fine
As they were about to leave
Villain: Before we go and eat what's your name?
Pointing his finger at the Random guy
Random guy: My name is Ezur Endo, and what's your name?
Villain: My name is Ivan K and I am the ultimate Villain
Starting from this day The world would have a new history
Ivan K: Endo would you join my gang
Which would change the world forever?
Chapter 1 The Beginning of an era