
Strange Blue Land

`Eh…. I feel something between my fingers, wait, why am I so tired... and why does my head hurt so much... it feels like it's about to explode...`


Shon breaths out loudly and lifts his hand to touch his forehead while his eyes squeeze because of the strong sunlight.

`Wait, sunlight?

Is it really sunlight? Well, it is warm but I can barely see... And wait what is that blueish thing on my palm? And why do I feel so wet all over all of a sudden?`

Shon quickly lifts his back while holding himself with his hands to look around because of his surprise.

"Grass, wet grass everywhere, how did I get here? I don't remember anything..." he mutters quietly trying to get the blueish grass off of his palms.

`Wait, is my sight damaged? Why is the grass blue? I don't remember hearing about blue grass on Earth... and it looks all unkempt... how did I get here?`

~ Duuuuum... duuuuum... duuuuum…

`What is that sound? It sounds like footsteps but it's too loud and slow…

Where does it come from?`

The sound comes from all around him but it's particularly stronger on his front right. He looks in that direction trying to figure out what is it that makes that sound.

`too many plants... I can't see… I'll try to get up and walk in that direction... although... I shouldn't get too close, I have no idea about where I am and whether the origin of the sound is dangerous...`

He quickly got up on his feet, tried to lower himself a little to not stand out so much and walked slowly towards the sound..

~ Duuuuum… duuuum… duuuuuummmm~

`oh… there's a clearing just a little further ahead, I should be able to see a little from there`

He keeps walking straight.

"wow, what is this place?" he mutters quietly, unable to keep his amazement to himself.

He continues to walk while looking at a window between the bluish leaves of the trees.

"It's amazing, like an untouched gem.. it looks like no humans were here before.."

The big creature probably stopped walking because he didn't hear those stepping sounds anymore. All around was quiet, too quiet. He couldn't even hear birds.

He kept walking steadily while observing the view. He was so absorbed he almost misstepped and fell.

`I better look where I'm going or I might get injured and die before finding civilization... if there is any here...`

He walked a few more steps and saw what seemed to be an edge to the terrain he was standing on about 15m away from him.

~ shuu

Shon barely heard something on his left.

The blue shrubbery was moving slightly.

Something green was coming out from the bushes. There were 2 red beady eyes on the green thing. protruding from its head was something like a white horn that looked really hard and its end was really sharp reminding Shon of a bayonetta. There seemed to be rusted spots on it, its length was about 10 cm.

`ohh it looks a bit like a rabbit.. but wait, why is it looking so dangerous and ominous... the green fur looks soft and fluffy but those red eyes... they just spell trouble...`

Shon suddenly focused on the head of the creature.

`Oh… that horn... it looks like it can stab pretty painfully... and something makes me want to think that the rust on the horn is not really rust... I've read in a novel before that dried blood might look like rust… what kind of world is this for creatures as small as this to evolve to such a frightful thing... wait, that's not important now, is this thing friendly or not? I should put my arms up so as to be ready for a sudden attack.`

But before he could do that the rabbit already leaped.

~ stab.

The green rabbit thing didn't manage to stab Shon deeply as Shon caught it just as it's horn slightly stabbed him on the left side of his stomach.

"Huh?" he muttered while seeing something change on the left side of his view.

[Level: 1

hp: 35/ 40

mp: 0/0

status effect on user: bleed]

He pushed the rabbit away from his stomach while still not letting it go. A small amount of blood poured out on his crimson shirt. A little bit of blood was still dripping continuously.

"What is this? It's like I have a HUD or something... did I enter a game…? I read novels of situations like this before but to think It would happen to me...well it doesn't matter right now" the rabbit was gnashing its teeth looking murderous while Shon kept talking to himself loudly. the creature's protruding fangs that weren't visible before looked like they can cut meat pretty easily.

"Wait, how did I catch this thing? I wasn't this fast before... "

`and why am I not afraid? Well I wasn't one that cared about dying even before though... but seeing blood does make me faint and dizzy…`

`oh no, I do feel a little dizzy now…`

shon's hands started to get weaker but he still didn't let the rabbit thing go.

[ Level: 1

hp: 33/ 40

mp: 0/0

status effect on user: bleed, dizziness]

`let's ignore my bleeding for a second, I should probably kill it... if I let it go it might attack me again or call its friends. I've read of such situations quite a lot.. but how should I kill it? should I bash it's head on the ground? no… that sounds ineffective… I don't think I can twist its neck either because his muscles there are too strong for me. I can't move its head…`

`I should find a stone, yeah that might be the best right now… `

Shon looked around and found a stone that looked heavy but still grabable. He held it in a way that won't hurt his fingers while using it.

`I'm sorry rabbit, you shouldn't have found trouble with me… I need to eat you to survive too… I'll hope you won't kill me even after you are dead…`

The rabbit still didn't look fearful even though it saw it might die soon. Almost as if it was berserk and didn't have a survival instinct.

Shon stuck it to the ground in a way that it couldn't use its limbs to push itself away while it struggled.

Shon closed his left eye but kept the right one half-open to guide the hand that holds the stone to the head of the creature and away from his other hand.

He started moving his hand.

~ whoosh... the hand flew on its trajectory

Shon closed his eyes entirely.

~ bam

~ splash

Red blood spurted and some of it landed on shon.

[ Killed lv2 Horned Arvo. Exp gained: 10 ]

[ Congratulations on leveling up to level 2.

Ap + 1 ]

Hello there guys, It's my first work and there's a bit of inspiration from other such novels but i didn't really read one that would be really similar to the ideas of future chapters myself but i might be wrong.

i hope you'll enjoy :).

Btw, I named Tzara after the hebrew word for 'trouble'

and Arvo after the word for rabbit 'Arnav', not really creative with names haha.

I would really love feedback guys. thank you for reading if you scrolled down all the way down here :).

leosnver1creators' thoughts
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