
The Fall of Anangpur Part IV

It was the dead of night as one of two German U-boats lurked beneath the surface within the Arabian Sea. In advance of the Sixth Fleet, Commander Arendt Tapphart had been ordered to annihilate what few ships the Anangpur Navy had protected their territorial waters.

The Commander lit up a cigarette as he stood within the helm of the Type I U-boat, which was essentially an improvement over the Type XXI design from Berengar's past life. The Sonar beeped continuously as it displayed several vessels in the distance. Judging from the size of these ships, they were no mere merchant vessels. 

After taking a large drag from his cigarette and exhaling a plume of smoke, Commander Tapphart gave the order to begin the assault. 

"Launch the Torpedos!"

The German sailors nodded their heads and saluted their commander before doing as they were ordered. With the pull of a lever, the torpedos were launched towards the unsuspected wooden sailing ships.