
The phone call

*conversation that goes on during the call*

Voice one: Hello mom

Voice two: My daughter how are you? How are things going on there? I hope there's no problem... cause you've never called me around this time

Voice 1: Mom...

Voice 2: Yessss my dear...

Voice 1: How would I say what I have to tell you if you keep on asking questions without giving me a chance to speak?*giggles*

Well I'm fine and you? And also there's nothing wrong actually I just want to ask you somethi....

Voice 2: I'm also fine but go straight to the point I'm beginning to get worried...

Voice 1: Well mom....

You know I'm in a mixed senior highschool and I'm a very beautiful girl..... You told that though and you also told me to tell you everything... Well during the games we had last month and the thing is that I befriended two people a boy and a girl..... I've gotten close to them and I'm in love with both of them I dont know what to do

And also there are some seniors who always pamper me because they said they like me... I don't know what do😔

Voice 2: Hmmmmm my daughter I know how hard this would be for you but remember all I have taught you.....

Voice 1: Okay mom...

Thank you, good bye...

Love you

Voice 2: Love you too my child

Well let me introduce myself

My name is Tyra Sena Aku Tay.

And the person I just spoke to is my mom.....

She's the only parent I have left

We are four in the family I'm her only daughter and pride

And I'm sure you heard me say I'm in a mixed senior highschool....

I'm actually a Student of Ghana National College and I'm.....