
Accidentally Died while being bullied

"Ringgg..." The school bell rang signaling the end of class for the day.

" Whew, school finally ended." I sighed.

Being the scrawny and poor kid in school, life has been tough. Being taken advantage of and bullied every time was definitely not fun. Therefore, I did not dare to stick around to avoid conflict.

The moment the bell rang, I was already well prepared. While everyone was keeping their stationary and books, I quickly made my way out of class.

Luck seems to not be on my side as I accidentally bumped into the richest and ferocious bully, Adam. (Shit!!shit!!shitt!! Why him of all the people!! Pleaseeee not fk me up..please don't..) I cursed my luck inwardly.

"Very sorry, Adam. I did not know you were right in front of me. Please forgive me." I quickly bowed and escaped after seeing his ugly expression.

But to no avail, Adam grabbed me by my uniform collar and pulled me back, followed by a strong punch to my jaw, slamming me to the glass window, breaking my jaw and the window simultaneously. Blood splattered everywhere as the punch connected.

(What the f**k!??!)"Ouchhhhhhhh!!!" I held on to the wall to avoid falling off the building. (What's wrong with him!! I just bumped into him lightly and now I suffered 1000x the consequences.) Without giving me a second to spare, he landed another punch to my stomach. I crouched down, leaning against the wall while trying to maintain my consciousness.

This time around, all the students that witness were already screaming their lungs out while some went to inform the teachers. "Ahh... I just need to hold it for a little while before this bastard gets sent off." This was until I saw Adam pick up a window shard and walk towards me. "Nonnonoonnonoo, get that thing away from me!!! Helpppp!!!!!!"(Do something will you spectator!!!) I wailed in pain trying to crawl away from Adam.

"This little worthless kid DARE TO MESS UP MY SLEEVES?? ARE YOU KIDDING??" I heard him shouting.

He gradually approached me with his shard and aimed stomach. "Splargggh", I used my remaining strength to dodge the hit but instead it pierced me on the heart. "Argghhhhh!!!!! Nononono.... Wait wtf.. I can't die to this cunt... not before I lose my V-card...."

Before I lost consciousness, I saw the look on his face, shocked from accidentally stabbing my heart. I know he did not mean to kill me but to teach me a lesson but I dug my own grave...

The screams around me gradually died down along with the light entering my eyes. Coldness spread throughout my body.

I died, at the age of 18.


"Heaven? The pain that I felt suddenly disappeared. In exchange, I felt warm and comfy. I wiggled my arms and legs, tossing and turning around. I think I am in bed.. Wait .. heaven has beds?" I slowly regained my strength to open my eyes.

"Young master! Are you awake??"


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