
Wait, Senior, what do you say your name is?!

[T/N: Again, I had some free time, so here it is.]

"Who... Damn, who is it!"

Zeus, who has already peeped into the river of destiny but is unable to find any clue, is only getting angrier!

Therefore, the sky is showing his increasing fury, and gradually, the silver-white bolts of lightning patrolling the sky are increasing in number!

And bright thunder and lightning are showing the interweaving waves of destruction!

Because thunder is his symbol, the sky is his reflection, and he is the King of Gods!


Initially, various Gods didn't take Zeus' anger seriously and thought of it as his periodic convulsions.

However now, Athena, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, and even Hera couldn't help but look up at the sky while frowning!

At least Gods weren't directly affected by Zeus' anger, but many people have already fallen to the ground on their knees while showing an extremely panicked expression and praising the God-King Zeus to calm down his anger!

'Sure enough... I have stabbed the big basket.'

At the same time, Hecate thought like this while also looking at the thundering sky.

Then, looking at Jason who has passed out in her arms, her expression became very helpless.

Now she is wishing that rather than satisfying her momentary curiosity, she would have not peeped into Jason's future!

'And now... it has already become extremely troublesome!'

While thinking like this, she looked at Jason in her arms with a very hesitant look in her eyes.

As a goddess who has never cared about rights and authority, Hecate's first thought was to hand over Jason.

Every God is aware of the fact that in order to resist fate, Zeus has directly swallowed his first wife, the one who is responsible for bringing him to his current glory with her wisdom, the previous Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess Metis!

Therefore, Hecate was naturally hesitant at first.

It is just that the answer, in fact, has already been determined.

When she subconsciously took action, even at the cost of being backlashed, to hide that predicted future paths for Jason, she has already decided the answer in her heart.

'... Yeah, even if I take him now, traces of me hiding it might be found and with Zeus being himself, I would also be held responsible.'

Under the thundering sky, Hecate thought for a long time.

But finally picked up Jason, turned around, and went to the underworld.


But now on Mount Olympus.

Wearing a silver robe, with a slender but mountain-like figure standing above the sky, Zeus has ended his burst of anger.

And gradually calmed down.

However, occasional lightning bolts are still appearing on him, signifying the gloomy expression on his face.


"Yes." Hermes appeared beside Zeus, and his face naturally lost past playfulness.

"Go and find the three Goddesses of Fate, I want to know exactly what will happen!"


After Hermes left, the sky gradually began returning back to its calm state.


At this time, Hecate had brought Jason back to her temple in the underworld.

After putting Jason on the bed, she frowned as she looked at Jason who had passed out.

She has dared to bring Jason back to the underworld, so naturally, it was impossible for her to be unsure of her actions.

After all, no one will believe that there will ever be a human who can destroy Olympus... As a matter of fact, even now, she isn't able to believe it!

Therefore, in the following time, Zeus will only be thoroughly investigating the gods.

Especially Hades, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, and other Gods with strong battle capabilities!

Furthermore, although she has seen the manifestation of the three most probable paths in Jason's body, in the eyes of other Gods, Jason's future is, in fact, still the one belonging to the original Jason.

Hecate can see these paths only because she is the Goddess of Paths, she in herself represents chances and possibilities, and can see it no matter how improbable they might seem; moreover, her divine authority was used on a mortal, at least a mortal for now.

And, although the three widest paths she saw are appearing to be the most probable ones, there is still a less probable thin diverging path that, in fact, represents the possible future in which Jason will still marry Medea as his wife and finally die on his own ship.

Let alone this, in Hecate's view, even if there was just one thin path where a mortal is opposing Gods, it would have been surprising enough for her!

"Humans...how on can they even achieve something like this?"

Hecate frowned while thinking, but after a long time, she got up and left the room.

Because Hecate feels that she needs to find some peace and think about it.

Moreover, she also needs to recuperate the injury as soon as possible in order to avoid being discovered.


After a long time,

'Ah, my head hurts...'

Jason slowly began sitting up while holding his head.

"Are you ok?"

And while getting up, Jason heard the sweet voice of an unknown girl standing next to him.

At the same time, she stretched out her hand and carefully helped him sit up.


Jason, while saying this, subconsciously turned his head and saw that unknown girl who is younger than him.

She is quite good-looking, wearing a close-fitting lavender dress, with long blue-purple hair tied into a lively-looking ponytail behind her, and she is looking very cute especially because she is smiling.

Just looking at her, Jason couldn't help but have a good impression of her.

After all, no one will hate a cute and pure person.

Obviously, this young girl is Medea, who has come here to take care of Jason at Hecate's order!

"Teacher Hecate has said that if you wake up, you shouldn't move around, she will soon come over."

And after helping Jason sit up, Medea turned around and quickly activated a spell while standing beside him to pass on the news that Jason has woken up.

Then, soon after Jason nodded to her, he found that Medea is staring at him with a smile that is clearly saying that she is very happy and excited.

Seeing this, Jason couldn't help but also smile in return.

"If I have guessed correctly, you should be my senior."

Jason obviously remembers that Hecate and Chiron, both have said that there are two more students studying under Hecate, and they are witches.

"Well, yes Jason, I'm your senior!" When Medea heard Jason directly call her senior, she couldn't help smiling even more happily and kept nodding her head.

Seeing this appearance, Jason couldn't help reaching out and patting her head.

'So cute... much cuter than Atalanta.'

At the same time, such a thought popped into Jason's heart.

"Senior, you know me?... By the way, I don't know what your name is...?"

"Teacher Hecate often mentions you to me; moreover, you are quite amazing, I have heard that you brought Goddess Persephone into the underworld... and, you are not allowed to touch my head, I am your senior!"

After saying that, Medea stood on tiptoe to pat away Jason's hand that is still touching her head.

"As for my name, I am the princess of Colchis, and my name is Medea."

"Well, Medea, right? Then Medea... Wait a minute, what did you say your name is?"

Jason who was just smiling, suddenly couldn't maintain his smile anymore.

Then he opened his eyes wide and looked at Medea, who has just spoken her name, in front of him.

"Huh?" It seemed to her that Jason's reaction is a little strange, so Medea couldn't help but tilted her head slightly and mentioned her name again: "I have said that my name is Medea."

And at this moment, the door was pushed open, and Hecate walked in.

Therefore she happened to see the change of expression on Jason's face.

Therefore, she saw Jason's expression while looking at Medea's gradually evolving from doubt to sluggishness, then finally to panic...

And looking at Jason, who is looking at Medea in horror, Hecate, who was still a little irritable at first, is now in a much better mood now!

Do you know, in Greek Mythology, after Persephone's abduction by Hades and it was decided that she would spend part of the year in Underworld and part on Land, it was Hecate who decided to be Persephone's companion and guide her to and from the underworld each year.

GlaiveIriscreators' thoughts
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